The Time Has Come!
/2011 Is History!
What does the future hold? Romans 13:11-12 could not be clearer for such a time as this:
See then that the time has come for you to be awake from sleep: for now is your salvation nearer than when you first had faith. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light.
Wake Up, smell the divine coffee! Jesus is coming soon, sooner than we think. Its time to live for Jesus to the max and not mess with the darkness. The time has come, right now, to realize that we will wake up every day in 2012 to a spiritual battle and we need the protection of the armour of light. Look at the bright, shining, teaching in this chapter:
1. Obey the law of your land (1-5) 2. Pay your income tax, property tax, border taxes etc (6-7) 3. Get out of debt (8) 4. Love your neighbour as yourself (8-10) 5. Live for Jesus like a real Christian should - no messing around! (13-14)
This is do-able. Crazy things could happen in this coming year so we need our roots deep down into Jesus like never before. Are you on a daily bible reading plan? if not try http// really great for your smart phone. I will preach on this tomorrow, Jan 1st, at a storefront church in E.Vancouver and together we will put on the whole armour of God. Shalom.