World Prayer Assembly Report

WORLD PRAYER ASSEMBLY Sentul International Conference Centre Jakarta, Indonesia, May 14-18, 2012

The WPA was a wonderful experience in many ways and impressive by all the numbers. 9,000 plus delegates from 86 nations gathered together for 5 days had to be significant. To sit in the large auditorium surrounded by thousands worshipping Jesus was inspiring. It would be easy but tedious to do a full linear report on 5 days of meeting and seminars. There are perhaps other reports that could do justice to this large, well organised and peaceful Assembly. The Indonesians and South Koreans were remarkable hosts and the leadership had high integrity. We were encouraged to make new friends from other nations and this networking was a joy but also a necessity for the next stage of the global prayer movement.

The Stadium meeting on the Thursday night - 'Global Momentum' - with 100,000 people including 20,000 young people was impressive but the PA was difficult to hear and we were asked to leave early by 8 am to catch the bus back to the hotels. The real triumph of that evening was that in more than 370 other Indonesian cities there were large prayer meetings to coordinate with the Stadium prayers. Possibly 4 million people all across Indonesia were praying in unity!

Two profound things from the last day. Global Media Outreach with 140 evangelistic web sites reported that in the previous 4 days about 360,000 people around the world had prayed to receive Christ on their sites. The internet was given by God for evangelism! The session on the suffering in North Korea was revealing. We learnt of many initiatives into that closed country but the sad news was that about half the people in the prison camps are Christians, and hundreds die daily from starvation and abuse.

The WPA was opened by John Robb who welcomed the Holy Spirit and said 'This belongs to you'. He said the Lord was the CEO of the Assembly. The huge gathering was postured as a new paradigm in the spirit of Acts 13:1-4 where 5 men waited on God and a missions movement was launched that changed world history. There was a table in the foyer to collect written prophetic words for the listening team. There were some awesome moments when Zamar, from South Africa, were leading worship where we could have lingered longer for the Spirit to speak, but remarkably the meetings and the speakers were all on time. Acts 13 needs a different approach, they had lots of time with no agenda.

WPA had encouraged 600 YP from many countries to be in attendance, they were the 'David Generation', 'The Giant Slayers'. In one session Brian Mills made an emotional repentance to the YP asking forgiveness for how the older generation had failed and abused them. A youth then accepted his apology and forgave them. I have pondered the exact reality of the need for that act. The true 'Giant Slayers' still need to kill their own lions and bears before they are ready for Goliath, we cannot do that for them in constructed situations. It is good to walk with them as Fathers and Mothers but we should be careful not to promise them too much when we are still in leadership at 65 plus!

At the time of the WPA the world situation was, and still is, precarious. This was acknowledged in the Foreword of the Handbook where the Chairman, Dr. Bambang Widjaja, wrote, 'Firstly, there is no doubt that our current world (situation) requires a divine intervention'.  With the Middle East on the edge of war, nuclear disaster in Japan 10x worse than Chernobyl and Europe about to collapse financially, I was not aware of a session where the Assembly was called to pray and repent. The name of Israel was not mentioned to my knowledge after the flag ceremony, even though it is the second most prayed for nation after intercessors' own nations. This may have been a deliberate caution as Indonesia is a largely Muslim nation, although it is actually a republic with a presidential system.

There was no sharing of a perspective that the nations are ripe for judgment or the anticipation of the soon return of Christ. The blood guilt on the nations demands justice for: the unborn, the missing children, human trafficking and the vast shedding of innocent blood. Will the grace of God give the USA another Awakening despite the church allowing 53 million abortions since Roe v Wade in 1973? These questions were not asked. The New Wave could be quite different from what the WPA expects. Why even in Habakkuk the prophetic vision is in the context of the Lord judging his people in a strict and surprising way.

One morning I was awake by 4:30 am in my hotel room and about 4:40 am I heard an unusual noise in the background. I went onto the balcony in the dark heat before dawn and realised that the countryside was alive with the Muslim call to early prayer coming from several mosques in the area. It seemed to be a strong pervading influence.

This influence was also expressed in the local media as Muslims protested against the proposed visit of Lady Gaga to Jakarta on June 3rd. The Police finally did not allow the concert to take place although 12,000 Australians had already bought tickets. They were concerned with her immoral behaviour, exposing her body and having a bad effect on society. In the West the church has lost the authority to be a moral safeguard for society. Our walls have been broken down and our gates have been destroyed by fire (Neh 2:13). But could things turn around?

The theme of the WPA was 'A New Wave is Coming' and linked to Habakkuk 2:14: 'For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.'

The expressed understanding before the Assembly was that the WPA would be like another Pentecost, the epicenter for a global revival. During the Assembly one speaker declared a vision of a flood. It was not a physical flood or a flood of justice or retribution, but a flood of grace and love that would completely cover the Earth. There was significant expression for what started with the prayer movement in Korea in 1984 would now explode to an even greater level around the world. It was easy to feel victorious and even euphoric for the coming world revival and possible Dominion.


World Prayer Assembly Report

Sentul International Conference Centre
Jakarta, Indonesia, May 14-18, 2012

The WPA was a wonderful experience in many ways and impressive by all the numbers. 9,000 plus delegates from 86 nations gathered together for 5 days had to be significant. To sit in the large auditorium surrounded by thousands worshipping Jesus was inspiring. It would be easy but tedious to do a full linear report on 5 days of meeting and seminars. There are perhaps other reports that could do justice to this large, well organised and peaceful Assembly. The Indonesians and South Koreans were remarkable hosts and the leadership had high integrity. We were encouraged to make new friends from other nations and this networking was a joy but also a necessity for the next stage of the global prayer movement.

The Stadium meeting on the Thursday night – ‘Global Momentum’ – with 100,000 people including 20,000 young people was impressive but the PA was difficult to hear and we were asked to leave early by 8 am to catch the bus back to the hotels. The real triumph of that evening was that in more than 370 other Indonesian cities there were large prayer meetings to coordinate with the Stadium prayers. Possibly 4 million people all across Indonesia were praying in unity!

Two profound things from the last day. Global Media Outreach with 140 evangelistic web sites reported that in the previous 4 days about 360,000 people around the world had prayed to receive Christ on their sites. The internet was given by God for evangelism! The session on the suffering in North Korea was revealing. We learnt of many initiatives into that closed country but the sad news was that about half the people in the prison camps are Christians, and hundreds die daily from starvation and abuse.

The WPA was opened by John Robb who welcomed the Holy Spirit and said ‘This belongs to you’. He said the Lord was the CEO of the Assembly. The huge gathering was postured as a new paradigm in the spirit of Acts 13:1-4 where 5 men waited on God and a missions movement was launched that changed world history. There was a table in the foyer to collect written prophetic words for the listening team. There were some awesome moments when Zamar, from South Africa, were leading worship where we could have lingered longer for the Spirit to speak, but remarkably the meetings and the speakers were all on time. Acts 13 needs a different approach, they had lots of time with no agenda.

WPA had encouraged 600 YP from many countries to be in attendance, they were the ‘David Generation’, ‘The Giant Slayers’. In one session Brian Mills made an emotional repentance to the YP asking forgiveness for how the older generation had failed and abused them. A youth then accepted his apology and forgave them. I have pondered the exact reality of the need for that act. The true ‘Giant Slayers’ still need to kill their own lions and bears before they are ready for Goliath, we cannot do that for them in constructed situations. It is good to walk with them as Fathers and Mothers but we should be careful not to promise them too much when we are still in leadership at 65 plus!

At the time of the WPA the world situation was, and still is, precarious. This was acknowledged in the Foreword of the Handbook where the Chairman, Dr. Bambang Widjaja, wrote, ‘Firstly, there is no doubt that our current world (situation) requires a divine intervention’.  With the Middle East on the edge of war, nuclear disaster in Japan 10x worse than Chernobyl and Europe about to collapse financially, I was not aware of a session where the Assembly was called to pray and repent. The name of Israel was not mentioned to my knowledge after the flag ceremony, even though it is the second most prayed for nation after intercessors’ own nations. This may have been a deliberate caution as Indonesia is a largely Muslim nation, although it is actually a republic with a presidential system.

There was no sharing of a perspective that the nations are ripe for judgment or the anticipation of the soon return of Christ. The blood guilt on the nations demands justice for: the unborn, the missing children, human trafficking and the vast shedding of innocent blood. Will the grace of God give the USA another Awakening despite the church allowing 53 million abortions since Roe v Wade in 1973? These questions were not asked. The New Wave could be quite different from what the WPA expects. Why even in Habakkuk the prophetic vision is in the context of the Lord judging his people in a strict and surprising way.

One morning I was awake by 4:30 am in my hotel room and about 4:40 am I heard an unusual noise in the background. I went onto the balcony in the dark heat before dawn and realised that the countryside was alive with the Muslim call to early prayer coming from several mosques in the area. It seemed to be a strong pervading influence.

This influence was also expressed in the local media as Muslims protested against the proposed visit of Lady Gaga to Jakarta on June 3rd. The Police finally did not allow the concert to take place although 12,000 Australians had already bought tickets. They were concerned with her immoral behaviour, exposing her body and having a bad effect on society. In the West the church has lost the authority to be a moral safeguard for society. Our walls have been broken down and our gates have been destroyed by fire (Neh 2:13). But could things turn around?

The theme of the WPA was ‘A New Wave is Coming’ and linked to Habakkuk 2:14:
‘For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory
of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.’

The expressed understanding before the Assembly was that the WPA would be like another Pentecost, the epicenter for a global revival. During the Assembly one speaker declared a vision of a flood. It was not a physical flood or a flood of justice or retribution, but a flood of grace and love that would completely cover the Earth. There was significant expression for what started with the prayer movement in Korea in 1984 would now explode to an even greater level around the world. It was easy to feel victorious and even euphoric for the coming world revival and possible Dominion.


WORD FOR 2012 The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light.       Romans 13:12

GIVE THANKS! We should be so grateful for living in one of the most blessed nations on Earth. Our economy is strengthened by our rocks, trees and oil and analysts figure that Canada has a great long term future. May there be a national awakening from coast to coast to coast, may the nation praise the Creator and the Sustainer of life, may the name of Jesus be on everyone’s lips.  There are many opportunities for improvement in Canada and a good number of concerns. Here are a few prayer points:

AFGHANISTAN WOUNDED The war in Afghanistan has been very costly to thousands of Canadians. We are aware of the 158 soldiers and 1 civilian killed, but beyond that over 1850 have been seriously wounded. 615 have been injured by IED, direct fire, or friendly fire in battle. A surprising 1244 sustained non battle injuries.  Over the last 9 years 27,000 troops have served but it is estimated that 20% of returning soldiers may suffer from operational stress injury or mental health concerns. We now have only 950 troops in Kabul involved in training the Afghan security forces to take over. But they are under threat very day of the week from infiltrators and 50 NATO troops have been killed by sudden attacks inside camps. PRAY FOR: Our wounded - for healing both physically and mentally. For the many thousands of family members supporting them. For the grieving families who lost loved ones. For the local churches to reach out to them all over the nation.

HUMAN TRAFFICKING Canada is a source, transit, and destination country for human trafficking according to the US Department of State’s 2008 Trafficking in Persons Report. Several thousand people are trafficked in and through Canada every year. We praise God that our Government has committed to developing a 'National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking'. Parliament has acted unanimously to support  MP Joy Smith's recent private members bill, C-310, and on December 12th it was sent into the committee stage. The bill amplifies the definition of trafficking and also makes it a criminal offense for a Canadian to traffick in another country. MP Joy Smith from the Winnipeg area has championed this cause over several years. PRAY FOR: MP Joy Smith, for her health and strength in confronting a dreadful evil. For the Government to be diligent in preparing the promised National Action Plan. For organized crime rings to be apprehended and the slaves set free.

THE TRUTH NORTH, STRONG AND FREE? Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic could become a very intense issue in 2012 and beyond. The Arctic neighbours to Canada are USA, the Russian Federation, Denmark & Norway. Apart from security there are the huge issues of the Northwest Passage and the massive gas and oil deposits under the ocean floor.  Russia is being especially aggressive in seeking to extend their rights to considerable territory through mapping a large underwater shelf. When the ice melts sufficiently many nations would like to sail through the waters to Asia and save 5000k through the Panama Canal. Although the islands are Canadian there is big question of who owns the water between them. Canada Coast Guard has 18 icebreakers with more on order. A deep water port and an arctic warfare training centre are in the process of being built. PRAY FOR: Wisdom for our Government in planning for these issues. In 2003 Canada ratified the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and had 10 years to submit scientific data to a UN Commission. These results will ultimately decide Canada’s sovereignty. Pray that the work will be completed and submitted in good time in 2012.

The Economy

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - October 2010



Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which i have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." Jeremiah 29:7

"It's the economy, stupid" was a phrase made popular by Clinton campaign strategist James Carville which focused attention on the economy being the most important issue in the nation. The Lord through Jeremiah tells us that the people of God are intimately involved with their community and must pray for its prosperity.

Over the next few years it is going to be a challenge to maintain a strong and prosperous economy that has given many Canadians a very privileged viagra We are so much part of a global network it seems that no one government can hope to be in control even of its own economy.

Paul Krugman said in the New York Times that Canada was the 'hardware store' for the world! Our rocks and trees have been our export strength but if world consumption levels out we have a problem! In the current budget there is a planned deficit of $49.2 billion (21.2% of revenue) and our total debt is now over half a trillion dollars.

David Walker, the US Comptroller General from 1998 to 2008 was convinced that the federal spending and debt is a greater threat than terrorism! Two years ago in Red Deer at the Generations Conference, Graham Daniels advised Christians to get out of debt and put money into 'tangibles', things that have real value that could survive a deep recession.

The current Minister of Finance is Jim Flaherty. In the 2010/11 budget he seemed to use half of the planned deficit to cover important areas like:

* Personal income tax relief ($3.2 bn) * Create and protect jobs ($4.0 bn) * Infrastructure stimulus to create jobs ($7.7 bn) * Help create 'economy of tomorrow' ($2.0 bn) * Support industries & Communities ($2.2 bn) * Unemployment benefits ($1.6 bn) * New Skills & Training ($1.0 bn) * Youth related spending ($0.1 bn)

These are all important aspects and the Minister of Finance (whoever) needs much wisdom as with falling revenue you only have the unpleasant choices of increased debt, increased taxation or reducing public sector spending!

Unemployment in Canada in August at 8.1 % actually revealed a disturbing trend from west to east; BC; AB; SK; MB;   average = 6.0 % ON; QC;               average = 8.5 % NB; NS; PEI; NF/L  average = 11.2 %

One blogger said: "As a Canadian I'm astounded that consumer/household debt in this country is well over a trillion dollars, that the national debt is just over 500 billion and the province of Ontario, where I reside is 25 billion in the red! "


  • Give thanks for the privilege of living in Canada
  • Pray for our Government to have wisdom in difficult times -  Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty. May they not be influenced by unwise globalist pressures
  • That there will be an end to large deficit budgets and Canada will one day actually be debt free
  • Pray for good jobs to be created especially in Eastern Canada
  • For wise planning for extra youth employment
  1. Pray for breakthrough inventions, discoveries and processes that will energize Canada in 'Tomorrow's Economy'


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

The Time Has Come!

The Time Has Come

2011 Is History!

What does the future hold? Romans 13:11-12 could not be clearer for such a time as this:

See then that the time has come for you to be awake from sleep: for now is your salvation nearer than when you first had faith. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light.

Wake Up, smell the divine coffee! Jesus is coming soon, sooner than we think. Its time to live for Jesus to the max and not mess with the darkness. The time has come, right now, to realize that we will wake up every day in 2012 to a spiritual battle and we need the protection of the armour of light. Look at the bright, shining, teaching in this chapter:

1.   Obey the law of your land  (1-5) 2.  Pay your income tax, property tax, border taxes etc (6-7) 3.  Get out of debt (8) 4.  Love your neighbour as yourself (8-10) 5.  Live for Jesus like a real Christian should - no messing around! (13-14)

This is do-able. Crazy things could happen in this coming year so we need our roots deep down into Jesus like never before. Are you on a daily bible reading plan? if not try http//   really great for your smart phone. I will preach on this tomorrow, Jan 1st, at a storefront church in E.Vancouver and together we will put on the whole armour of God. Shalom.




1938 - Discerning The Times

A few weeks ago I was praying about the troubled world situation and I had a sense of impending perilous times, that things could get much worse in the next few years. The only way I could describe it was in terms of the build up to war in Europe in 1939. My article is therefore called '1938', where I describe some of the factors that led to war, even as life was still very pleasant for most people. They are: Pragmatic Governments; Dangerous Ideologues and Antisemites

"I believe it is peace in our time ...Go home and sleep quietly in your beds"
On September 3rd, 1939, Great Britian declared war on Germany. My Father, a young Canadian in his mid-twenties, when he heard this news was washing dishes at the Admiral Beattie hotel on King Square in Saint John, NB. That same day, together with other young men, George Carson joined the Canadian army to go to Europe, win the war and be back in six months! This horrendous war would change things forever in many nations and millions would die or be wounded. George came home in one piece after six years in Europe.

Mindful of family history I have recently become apprehensive that the world today is much more dangerous than in 1939. Then, no nation had an WMD. Today, 32 countries have weapons of mass destruction. Nine nations have between them over 5000 active nuclear warheads. Iran is straining toward being the tenth nation to go nuclear. I have been thinking about the build up of events that led into 1939 and what we could learn from them as the 'signs of the times'. Hence 1938!
In 1938 life went on. Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia, the first Superman comic was published, Joe Louis knocked out Max Schmeling in the first round in New York, Laszlo Biro patented the ballpoint pen in Britain, The Vienna Philharmonic recorded live Mahler's 9th symphony, the Mallard set the speed record for a steam train by reaching 126mph, Du Ponts new synthetic yarn was called 'nylon', and Italy beat Hungary 4-2 to win the 1938 soccer world cup! Sounds familiar?
The climate and nature did some strange and awful things: A sample:
Jan 25th: A brilliant aurora borealis described variously as 'a curtain of fire' and a 'huge blood-red beam of light' startled people across Europe and was visible as far south as Gibraltar.
Jan 27th: The Niagara Bridge at Niagara Falls, NY, collapsed due to an ice jam.
Feb 6th: Black Sunday at Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia: 300 swimmers were dragged out to sea in 3 freak waves; 80 lifesavers saved all but 5.
Mar 3rd: The Santa Ana River in California spilled over its banks during a rainy winter, killing 58 people in Orange County and caused trouble as far inland as Palm Springs
Jun 24th: A 450 ton meteorite exploded about 12 miles above the earth over Pennsylvania
Sep 21st: A giant hurricane slammed into the east coast of USA with little warning. The hurricane caused 40 ft waves to hit Long Island and sixty three thousand people were left homeless and some 700 dead.

Politically things got complicated in Europe, but Japan had already made a full invasion of China in July, 1937, and was challenging the Soviet Union in Mongolia. Hitler, the Nazi dictator, advanced his plan of uniting German speaking peoples by marching into Austria on March 12th. He then turned his attention to the Sudetenland, the German speaking part of Czechoslovakia. The only problem was that France and Britain had treaties with Czechoslovakia to defend her in the event of a German invasion. The obvious implications of this made war all too likely if a solution could not be found. The brilliant answer for France and Britain was to renege on their treaty obligations and allow Hitler to have his way. After two weeks of negotiations with Hitler, Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, could naively return from Munich on September 30th and wave a piece of paper with an agreement that England and Germany should never again go to war! Later that night, the Prime Minister leaned out of a window at 10 Downing Street and said to the crowds below:

" I believe it is peace in our time ...Go home and sleep quietly in your beds".

He could not have been more wrong! In six months time, Slovakia would declare independance and the next day Germany would annexe Bohemia and Moravia, the Czech provinces.
But other countries were not blameless. Poland and Hungary demanded slices of Czechoslovakia where their nationals resided. Britain was wheeling and dealing quite pragmatically. Sir Nevile Henderson, British Ambassador to Germany, presented a proposal to Hitler, on March 3rd, for an international consortium to rule much of Africa, in which Germany would be assigned a leading role, in exchange for a German promise never to resort to war to change her frontiers. Hitler rejected the British offer.
On April 16th, London and Rome signed an agreement that saw Britain recognise Italian control of Ethiopia in return for an Italian pledge to withdraw all its troops from Spain at the conclusion of the civil war there. No thoughts for the poor Ethiopians.
Then there were the Jews and the Gypsies. In June the Roma and Sinti peoples in Germany and Austria were beaten up and jailed. In July the Mauthausen concentration camp was built in Austria. The Evian conference was convened in France but no country in Europe was prepared to accept Jews fleeing persecution and the USA was only willing to take 23,370. The prospect for European Jewry looked very bleak.
In October the Arabs massacred 20 Jews in Tiberias. Germany expelled 12,000 Polish Jews living in Germany but the Polish Government would only accept 4000 and refused 8000, who were forced to live in 'relocation camps' on the Polish border.
November 9th was Kristallnacht in Germany - 'the night of broken glass'! 7500 Jewish businesses were destroyed, 267 Synagogues burned, 91 Jews killed and 25,000 men arrested. In December, Neuengamme Concentration Camp opened near Hamburg.

Also in December, Adolf Hitler was Time Magazine's Man of the Year!

What can we discern from all of this that is relevant to 2011?
First of all, on a day to day basis, life seems very ordinary and a lot of things happen that seem to be good or inventive - iPhone, iPad, bluetooth, etc.
Secondly, On the other hand disasters are not uncommon! Every earthquake or tidal wave does not mean the end of the world! But God could use them to get our attention (recent earthquake and hurricane on E. Coast)
Thirdly, here are three similarities with 1938 that should get our attention:

1) Governments in 1938 were acting largely in their own interests and were capable of changing alliances and betraying allies. Although Hitler wanted to conquer the Soviet Union, in 1939 Germany made a military pact with them and together they actually held a victory parade in Poland to celebrate their joint invasion! Many countries were quite prepared to declare themselves neutral. We need to be very discerning in our analysis of the news and in our prayers as the reality could be quite different from what it seems on the surface. Pray for our Canadian Government and leadership that they will be principled and not pragmatic.

2) Passionate ideologues not afraid of destruction are a very dangerous threat today. Instead of Hitler we have Ahimnahjad of Iran, Kim Jong Il of North Korea, the emerging Muslim Brotherhood and the volatile nation of Pakistan. We could also mention elements within Russia, China and even the US that could be willing to engage in a serious conflict. As 32 nations have a WMD, a third world war is a distinct possibility. In 1922 Hitler laid out his vision in a book and then proceeded to carry out that vision whatever the cost. Only Churchill seemed to understand. Pray for our Government to have godly influence especially in NATO policy.

3) Antisemitism is a strong indicator that something very bad is about to happen. Jerusalem is once again surrounded by hostile armies bent on the destruction of the State of Israel as a Jewish homeland. In Matthew 5:35, Jesus called Jerusalem the City of the great King. The book of Revelation refers to Jerusalem as the holy city, the great city and the beloved city! Hitler was another Haman (see Book of Esther) ruled by an occult spirit and ideology that opposed the purposes of God for 'all' Israel to be saved. Their failure and rejection will one day result in their fulness and acceptance and it will be glorious, and Satan hates them for it as it means his time is very short (see Romans 11). Thank God that we have a Prime Minister that is courageous to stand with Israel and rebuke anti-semitism.

So what do we do now?

'When people say, "There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them as travail comes upon a woman with child, and there will be no escape. But you are not in darkness, brethren, for that day to surprise you like a thief. For you are all sons of light and sons of the day;' 1Thess 5:1-3

We are to be sons of the light and pray in the Spirit and understand the Ways of God from the Word of God. May we grow in discernment of spirits and move in wisdom and knowledge.



Twenty More Years

Our family moved to Vancouver from England in 1989. The biggest cost factor was leaving our widowed mothers, mine being in a nursing home in Kent. At the end of June, 1991, my mother collapsed into an armchair saying ‘God help me, God bless me’! She called upon the name of the Lord in her dying moments and I have no doubt that she went to be with Jesus in glory. I flew to England to honour her passing and speak at her memorial and then spent some time in Suffolk with sympathetic friends. One evening I set out to drive across England to Stroud in the Cotswold Hills and late at night I came to the picturesque village of Bibury that has a trout stream flowed next to the main road. I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to park the car and stand on the bridge over the water. As I waited on the Lord in the still of that night my mind wandered over all the times Beth and I had enjoyed that village. Pastor John Clarke of the ancient Baptist Church had been the first one to ask me to preach at a service. A young couple had been married there and the organist played A Whiter Shade of Pale' (originally by Procol Harum)! Then a quiet voice inside of me asked ‘Do you know what date it is?’ It came like a flash – it was exactly twenty years from when Beth and I had joined a Cirencester mission, ‘Route 71’, in July 1971 to do coffee bar evangelism with teenagers, and many teens had come to Christ, some being the foundation of our first church plant in 1978. I was overwhelmed at how the Lord had taken us from being obscure youth leaders in the heart of the countryside to being the senior pastor at one of Vancouver’s oldest churches. I could never have imagined such a thing, the Lord had done it all. Then another question shocked me! ‘Would you like another twenty years?’ It took several minutes to answer this question as I knew there would be a cost factor, it would be amazing but there would be challenges, but I said ‘yes’. Well that was twenty years ago this month, and looking back it was as I thought, who would have planned it like this. We did another church plant in Metrotown and through Alpha outreach found friends all over China! We are in a house church again, exactly where we were in the seventies but I'm called to be an intercessor and the director of Intercessors For Canada. Done so many things over the years but thrilled at the end of this period to have an open door to minister in Mexico – been 5 times in the last year. Oh and one of the surprises was having multiple bypass heart surgery a couple of years ago, and the surgeon said ‘ You are alright for another twenty years!’


July 2011


Canada Unemployment by Province June 2011

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - July 2011


 CANADA UNEMPLOYMENT BY PROVINCE JUNE 2011                                                                       % change from May NFLD./LAB                    12.3 %                     +  0.4    PEI                                   12.0                           + 0.1 NS                                      8.7                            - 0.3 NB                                     9.6                            + 0.1 QUE                                  7.9                            + 0.6 ONT                                  7.7                             - 0.2               MAN                                 5.5                            + 0.2 SASK                                4.9                              - 0.1 ALTA                                5.6                             + 0.2 BC                                     7.3                              - 0.3 CANADA                          7.4                                0.0 Facts to think about and pray over: 1.  Unemployment is much higher in the Maritimes and Nfld/Lab 2.  Wages grew in the last year by only 2.0 % 3.  Inflation is an 8 year high of 3.7 %, therefore real wages dropping 4.  GDP only growing at weak 2.0 - 2.50 % 5.  Creation of part time jobs is starting to outpace full time jobs 6.  For every $100 of after tax annual income we owe $147 in debt! 7.  US unemployment is 9.2 %

New Partnership between Intercessor and Songwriter on Heavenly Worship

Book:        Worship, Warfare & Intercession Before the Throne of God By Robert Misst, Xulon Press, June 2011

CD:     Sounds of Heaven by Jill Shannon, - May 2011

I have met with Bob Misst and Jill Shannon on separate occasions this year and believe that this partnership brings something very fresh into the world of worship and intercession where Jill's CD, 'Sounds of Heaven' is based on Bob's book. In 2010, in a vision, Bob was caught up into heaven, and the Lord showed Bob the worship, warfare and intercession before the Throne of God. Bob teaches us that what he saw is similar to that in the book of Revelation but he helps us to understand how we can pattern our congregational worship according to the worship in Heaven.

In August of 2010, Jill had previously composed a remarkable CD, 'Song of the Lamb' where the opening track of that same name is nearly 17 minutes long and captures the essence of heavenly worship. When Bob heard this on 'You Tube' he knew that Jill could be the 'practical partner' to his book. He needed the readers to be able to hear these sounds not just read about them. Jill writes:

" 'Sounds of Heaven' contains six long 'soaking' songs, which have many    musical, lyrical and biblical ingredients blended and quilted together, to create a new sound. They draw us quickly and deeply into an intense worship experience, as we hear the songs of the Cherubim, the Elders, the Tribes of Earth, and the millions of Angels. I could not be 'millions of angels' of course, but I tried to give the sense of many voices singing and crying out multiple blessings in the same space and time. 'Sounds of Heaven' is full of spoken and sung Scriptures, intercessions, intimate cries and spoken whispers of love from the Bride, songs from key passages in Revelation, multiple choruses, many voices singing intersecting lines, singing in the Spirit, and even some sound effects." My opinion is that Bob's book is not for the fainthearted! It is an urgent call to the church in every nation to prepare for, and hasten, the return of Jesus Christ as King of the Nations. The book is not designed to bless and make you feel good, but to challenge and change the reader! It could make most pastors nervous as Bob rightly observes that to follow the teaching would result in a 'new overhaul' of how we do church.  In 2010 Bob experienced in a vision the worship of Heaven around the Throne of God. He heard and saw remarkable things in the Spirit that lined up with the book of Revelation.  He saw that in heaven there were seven key aspects to worship as illustrated in the book of Revelation. Bob's burden is to discover Heaven's agenda and help the churches to make it their agenda. To quote:

"When the church patterns her worship, warfare and intercession after heaven, she joins heaven in the worship that initiates the restoration and renewal of the earth."

This is serious stuff and demands a serious response from the church in the context of God currently shaking the Heavens and the Earth, and bringing chaos to the Nations prior to the soon return of Jesus Christ. There is rich teaching on worship and intercession that could change the destiny of cities and nations. I found the book fresh in insights, experiences and compelling in its urgency. Bob stretched me with his long term vision by advocating that the church should disciple people now for ruling the nations with Christ in the age to come! With this comprehensive teaching the Lord is taking us to another level. Bob has heard a new sound and together with Jill and her 'Sounds of Heaven' CD, we are inspired to hear it too!

MEXICO UPDATEPRAISE: On June 11th the Marcha De Gloria (March For Jesus) went national for the first time as tens of thousands marched and prayed in 22 of the 31 State Capitals. I was privileged to be in Puebla for the March, where 50 churches and 8000 people paraded with music, shofars and dancers to the main square, the Zocalo, in front of Mexico's second largest Cathedral.  It is reported that in Merida, Yucatan,  scores of people came to Christ through the witness of the March and a preceeding Conference.  A blind lady was healed and a man was able to leave his wheelchair behind!PRAY: Pray for Jose Guadeloupe kidnapped recently. The gang is asking for an impossible ransom of 50 million pesos about $4m. Jose is the brother of a prominent pastor in Guadalajara.PRAISE: HUGE ARREST!  Mexican federal police caught one of Mexico's most-wanted drug lords, the alleged leader of the La Familia cartel, authorities said Tuesday. Federal security spokesman Alejandro Poire said police arrested Jose de Jesus Mendez Vargas, alias El Chango, or "The Monkey," in the central state of Aguascalientes without firing a shot. "With this arrest, what remained of the structure of this criminal organization has been destroyed," Poire stated. According to the reward statement issued by the Attorney General's Office, Mendez was "responsible for the transfer and sale of cocaine, marijuana, crystal methamphetamine in various states of Mexico and the United States of America. He is the alleged mastermind of kidnappings and killings, mainly of members of other criminal organizations.  (Update from BridgeBuilders International)

PRAY: MONTERREY, Mexico - At least 20 people were killed and five injured when gunmen opened fire in a bar late Friday, July 8th. The prosperous region, home to many foreign companies, was until recently considered a safe haven as drug violence increased in parts of Mexico. But a bloody turf war between the Gulf cartel and its former hitmen the Zetas has spilled into the state in less than two years, producing daylight shootouts, grenade attacks and a climate of fear.

Previous killings, last month, bore the signs of drug gang vendettas, including the discovery of the mutilated corpses of two bodyguards of State Governor Rodrigo Medina, along with a message allegedly from the Gulf gang. Parts of Mexico, particularly near the US border, have seen a rise in suspected drug violence, with more than 37,000 deaths blamed on drug gangs since the launch of a military crackdown on organized crime at the end of 2006. (Yahoo News).

Yours in Christ for Canada, Pastor David Carson Director, Intercessors For CanadaIf you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to



© Copyright 2011 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Marcha De Gloria

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - April 2011



This is Mexico's time - pray for Mexico in this season of grace. On Easter Saturday, April 23rd, Christians from all over Mexico will come to Mexico City for the 15th consecutive 'Marcha Da Gloria' - a glorious public celebration for King Jesus. This year the organizers are expecting over half a million people to march through the heart of the city to the large central square, the Zocalo.

An urgent prayer request is for the meeting at the Zocalo, as a workers union has recently set up an illegal tent city to protest the government. Most years there is a confrontation with some authority about ending the Marcha De Gloria in this important site, it is a spiritual battle it is not with flesh and blood! In the three days preceding the March there will be about 4000 leaders attending a conference with the theme - 'Come and See', with teaching and training for other city organisers to hold a Marcha De Gloria in the 31 State Capitals on Pentecost Saturday, June 11th. The strategy is to unite the church in Mexico to have 31 simultaneous Marches, with possibly 5 million participants, in an act of worship, prayer and witness to declare Jesus Christ as Lord of Mexico.

This is part of a new grass roots unity that has sprung up in the last year as Evangelical leaders have become desperate for their nation. Last November, 500 pastors from all over Mexico gathered to establish a new national prayer network. They agreed to 40 days of prayer and fasting from January 1st and it is estimated that 10,000 churches took part. Another 50 days of prayer and fasting is called for in the period between Easter and Pentecost.

In the Fall there will be an emphasis on evangelism and leading people to Christ. The vision is for a mighty harvest for Jesus in Mexico and for the nation to be transformed into a time of peace and prosperity. The lead organizer of the March, Dr. Carlos Quiroa, has the heart of an evangelist and is dedicated to seeing 51% of Mexico turn to Christ in the next few years.

The drug gangs have tried to extort some churches with threats of violence. I heard a pastor say that he would rather die than give money to the Narcos. Earlier in the year it was reported that three teenagers, all pastor's children had been kidnapped. The good news is that two of them were released quickly and the third managed to escape to a place of safety where the police rescued him.

The above photo is of the Marcha De Gloria last year with about 450,000 people. I am planning to attend again this month and hope to have another good report of what the Lord is doing. Our prayers are most appreciated by the leaders in Mexico.

Please pray for the Marcha De Gloria:

Protection: Spiritual and physical protection over the organizers of the March, especially for Dr. Carlos Quiroa and the team and their families.

Zocalo: For the March to culminate in the very centre of Mexico City and not to be marginalized to another venue by illegal activity.

Resources: The March is expensive in money and resources. Pray that all expenses will be covered with surplus for the developing national strategy.

Revival: Pray that this developing unity in prayer and evangelism will become a mighty move of God all over the nation. May the Body of Christ rise up in the 31 State capitals on June 11th.

Yours in Christ for Canada, Pastor David Carson Director, Intercessors For CanadaIf you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to



© Copyright 2011 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Launch of National Prayer Network in Mexico

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - December 2010


Note:This coming year is a very critical one for Mexico, and in desperation Christian leaders are finding each other to declare 40 days of prayer and fasting from January 1st, 2011. We were privileged to observe and bless the birth of a new National Prayer Network. The International team was invited by John Robb, chair of the International Prayer Council, and included prayer leaders from Canada, USA, UK, & Sri Lanka, about 20 in all. We had a team meeting to prepare on Sunday, 14th, and a visit to the main square, the Zocalo, to observe the very centre of Mexico and the previous empires.
 Monday November 15th

Monday was a national holiday for the Centenary of the Revolution in 1910 which allowed many to come to the launch. The theatre style hall was packed with delegates, probably about 500, and you can imagine both the passion and the volume of the worship. John Robb gave a very good account of how prayer has changed nations at critical times and challenged us to change the history of Mexico through prayer. Psalm 113:4-6 - God is so great He actually looks down on His magnificent Universe. There was encouragement from Colombia about how the drug lords had been taken down in the nineties as the churches prayed. Rob Parker & Sara Maynard led the Canadian team in setting the stage for reconciliation and repentance among the delegates. This was God's time for Mexico and some deep work was done. A leading Mexico City pastor repented publicly on behalf of the City Churches for any offense to the provincial States. Another pastor spoke on Nehemiah and how they were to rally together at the sound of the trumpet, Nehemiah 4:20. Then there was a powerful time of sharing from all the States about their problems and the reasons for the problems. This led to a fervent time of prayer and it was what the Lord required. The evening closed out with prayers for Mexico to be a missionary sending nation to the ends of the Earth.

Tuesday 16th

Our team of about 20 people met for breakfast at 7:00 am followed by a time of prayer. There were several highlights of the prayer ministry during the day:

  1. A powerful time of reconciliation where the American team asked for forgiveness from the Mexicans gathered. This was quickly given and much prayer went up. It was wonderful how Americans on the team from border states were able to form a bridge together with Mexicans also from opposite parts of the same border. It was proclaimed that the fire of God would go from coast to coast along the border. Powerful!
  2. After lunch, the international team met with the Mexican executive team, led by Dr. Carlos Quiroa. We anointed them with oil and prayed and prophesied.
  3. It was then the turn of the Canada team to share some prayer needs with the congregation which resulted in the executive praying over us with fervency as we knelt before them on the stage.
  4. We then prepared ourselves for a precious moment when about 6:00 pm we were visited by Margarita Zavala, wife of Mexico's President, Felipe Calderon. She is a committed Christian and came not just to greet us but to request prayer. Two young adults and two children prayed over her and she was very moved. The teams from Canada and America presented her with gifts. Rob Parker, from NHOP in Ottawa, gave her a beautiful hand-made vase on behalf of Canada. The First Lady was very tender as she thanked us for ongoing prayer for her husband and their young children at this very challenging time for Mexico.

There was a united realization that this had been a very significant day of prayer for the Nation in a spirit of unity. It was a good foundation to birth the prayer network and with wisdom to see it grow. Some prophesied a tidal wave of the Holy Spirit coming, while another said it would come up from the south from the border with Guatemala! John Robb ministered on 2 Chronicles 20 and the importance of waiting on the Lord to bring the victory while the people of God worshipped and trusted Him.

Wednesday 17th 

On a bright sunny morning we arrived in the Zocalo shortly after 8:00 am to find a group of Pastors and Intercessors praying loudly in front of the Presidential Palace. Armed security guards, some in facemasks, were all around the Square, as security was high in advance of the Revolution Centenary Celebrations. A very large map of Mexico had been placed on the ground and all the states were clearly named. Representatives from the 32 States had a large copy of their State flag and emblem to take back home and return with it when called together again. For an hour there was fervent prayer for every area of Mexico with some standing in their socks on the map! So from the very centre of Mexico the new national Prayer Network was proclaimed. On December 2nd about 800 Pastors gathered to learn of the vision which includes 40 days of prayer and fasting from January 1st, 2011, and 32 Marches For Jesus in all the State Capitals on June 11th, 2011. The time for Mexico is now!

Yours in Christ for Canada, Pastor David Carson Director, Intercessors For CanadaIf you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to




© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Organized Crime

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - November 2010 Pt.1



For evil men will be cut off, But those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land. Psalm 37:9

Over 400 years of organized crime; from pirates off the Atlantic coast; outlaws, smugglers, bank robbers and horse thieves in the wild west; opium traffickers and white slave traders of the early 20th century; bootleggers during the era of prohibition; to the Italian mafia, outlaw motorcycle gangs, Chinese triads, and Colombian cocaine 'cowboys'. (From 'ICED' by Stephen Schneider)

For hundreds of years Canada has been no stranger to organized crime of all sorts. But does it matter, does it affect the ordinary Canadian in a significant way? We are much better than most countries aren’t we? Here are the facts:

BOTTOM LINE! Organized crime casts a defilement over a community or a nation and unchecked enables the oppression to grow stronger. Demonic spirits can begin to rule through rebellious people and the lives of many are ruined or destroyed. For instance, the current extent of human trafficking is a shame on Canada as many women and men are held as sex slaves.

This is a time for the church to rise up in fervent prayer and through all sorts of outreach confront the evil with the Gospel of mercy, forgiveness and transformation. Thank the Lord that the basis of the Gospel is that He saves ungodly, wicked people. There might have to be public confrontations with the power of evil as in the Acts, certainly some criminals will need deliverance in the Name of Jesus.

Pray for the organized crime groups to become Bible study groups, house churches etc Pray for gang leaders to become mighty evangelists Pray that the number of crime groups would decline year by year Pray that God would empower Law Enforcement to apprehend criminals Pray for the safety of Police officers on the front line in this war Pray for Government to continue to pass effective laws to inhibit organized crime Pray that corruption is purged from our institutions Pray for a revival that would result in the demand for drugs replaced by love of Jesus For whole communities to come under an open Heaven and see the Lord do wonders!

Organized Crime is really awful! Here are the facts in plain detail: FACTS: Here is where it hurts you: FEAR: Many citizens are living in fear of the threat of violence through extortion. TAXES: Taxes are increased to make up for revenue losses from contraband CAR: Higher auto insurance due to car theft BANKS: Higher banking charges to recover from fraud costs SAFETY: Drug related violence, grow-ops near your house etc CARDS: Credit card fraud costs Canada $ 5 billion year ($600 for a family of 4) RCMP: Law enforcement officers on the front line face violence and death

HOW MANY? 900 Organised crime groups in Canada (at least) 400 More than 400 are street gangs 3 Minimum number of people to be called a criminal organization 5 Five years is minimum sentence in prison for organized crime 380 Law enforcement agencies working together against crime

WHO? Italian Mafia Russian Mafia Asian & Latino Street Gangs Biker Gangs - Hell's Angels etc 900 groups!

WHAT CRIMES? Illicit drugs is #1 Illicit firearms Human Trafficking Prostitution Illegal gambling Contraband tobacco Vehicle related crime High-tech crime - identity theft and fraud Theft of Intellectual property rights Financial crime Money laundering Illegal migration Others

WHERE? PORTS: Vancouver, Halifax AIRPORTS: Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto BORDERS: Lower Mainland, Southern Ontario, First Nations reservations. PRAIRIES: Not just a city problem but growing demand in Prairies due to prosperity

FACT:  380 Law Enforcement Agencies in Canada working together: Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Department of Justice Department of Finance Criminal Intelligence Service of Canada (CISC) Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Communications Security Establishment FINTRAC (Canada’s financial intelligence unit) Canada Revenue Agency Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Immigration Canada Provincial and Municipal Police Forces

Pray for these Agencies and for the many people working in them - especially any family members, neighbours and friends that you know.


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Pray for Mexico

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - November 2010 Pt. 2



This is the time for the church in Mexico to rise up in prayer and evangelism and see their country transformed. The organized crime gangs are so powerful but the Lord is greater, as the powers of darkness were humiliated at the Cross. In fulness of faith leaders from 143 cities in Mexico are expected to come together at a conference centre in Mexico City on Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th. On Wednesday in the main square, the Zocalo, they will proclaim the new ‘National Prayer Network of Christian Churches of Mexico. This is also the occasion for the sixth Summit of Prayer for North America and 20 prayer leaders from several nations will be giving their prayer support to this event. Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for unity – no confusion or division, and for great wisdom and timing in dealing with issues. Many Thanks, Dave


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Background on Informed Intercession

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - September 2010 Part 1

 CANADA'S TWELVE MOST WANTED ANSWERS TO PRAYER PART ONE: Background for informed intercession - then see Part Two: September 2010 is a busy month in the heavenlies! The clash of Kingdoms is profound as Jews, Muslims and Hindus all have very special spiritual holy days and festivals. For most Christians our main celebration will be Labour Day, our last weekend to chill! For many 9/11 will have sober importance. However we should be on spiritual high alert to discern what is happening in the World today with wars and rumours of wars!

My burden is that the uniqueness of Christ be not neutralized or diminished in the World. He is the supreme Lord and Saviour, there is no other. In the cosmic battle, annual festivals, parades, fasting and worship rituals invite demonic power and strengthen opposition to the Gospel. We desperately need a new seriousness and fear of God to fall upon us, and a powerful spirit of prayer in alignment all over Canada.

As Ramadan comes to an end the Jewish new year starts! Ramadan generates power for Islam through a 40 day partial fast of a billion people in alignment. Quds Day is a day of rage both political and spiritual against Israel - the liberation of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Jewish State. Notice Sunday 5th and the night of prayer called the 'Night of Power'. What are the Christians doing?

The Jewish Feasts are of course biblical and have meaning with a New Testament application. This is a good time to focus on the Jewish people having a revelation of Jesus as their Messiah and thanking God for all the virtue of our salvation.

We rarely focus on the Hindu feasts but they are important to a billion people again moving in alignment! The birth of Krishna is very similar to the nativity where a baby is worshipped. Vishnu will come again on a white horse! The 10 day festival has the potential to release or strengthen the spirit of Shiva upon devotees. Let us put on the whole armour of God and pray in the Holy Spirit at all times (Eph 6).

And if that was not enough, the Autumn Equinox has a lot going on. September 22nd is the Chinese Moon Festival with overtones of Moon Goddess worship. For the Pagan, September 23rd (Mabon) is of great significance. On that day the mother goddess as the Dark Mother or Crone is honoured with sacrifices and rituals. From this date through Halloween, occultists believe the veil separating the earthly dimension from the demonic realm gets progressively thinner, with the thinnest night being October 31; this supposed thinning of the veil makes it easier for the demonic realm to enter the earthly dimension.

Let's pray!

ISLAM Aug 11th - Sept 9th Ramadan  40 days of partial fasting and remembrance of significant dates and events.

Friday 3rd Quds Day The word 'Quds' is Arabic for 'the holy place' and is the Arabic name for Jerusalem and the surrounding lands. A day of rage against the State of Israel/Zionism particularly strong in Iran. Note that the direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians started on the 2nd in Washington.

Sunday 5th Lailat al Kadr Observed during one of the last ten odd numbered days of the month. Muslims believe that this night which is also known as 'The Night of Power' is better than a thousand months. This is often interpreted as meaning that praying throughout this night is rewarded equally with praying for a thousand months (just over 83 years i.e. a lifetime). Many Muslims spend the entire night in prayer.

Thursday 9th Last Day of Ramadan 

JUDAISM Thursday 9th Feast of Trumpets - Rosh Hashana (lit. head of the year) Sunset on 8th, start of new year 5771. A day of rejoicing marked by the blowing of trumpets . (Leviticus 23:23-25).

Saturday 18th Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur.  Most holy day. A day of fasting and repentance. (Leviticus 23:26-32).

Thursday 23-29th Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot (lit: booths) Historically, Sukkot commemorates the forty-year period during which the children of Israel were wandering in the desert, living in temporary shelters. Agriculturally, Sukkot is a harvest festival and is sometimes referred to as The Festival of Ingathering. It is a joyful time and also known as 'The season of our rejoicing'. (Leviticus 23:39-43)

Thursday 30th Last Great Day On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. (Leviticus 23:39; John 7:37)

HINDUISM Thursday 2nd Krishna Janmaashtami A Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna, the eighth incarnation of the Hindu deity Vishnu. The ritual is to fast the previous day which is followed by a night-long vigil commemorating the birth of Krishna at midnight in the jail where his maternal uncle Kansa was keeping them captive, and his immediate removal by his father Vasudeva to a foster-home for safe-keeping. At midnight, the idol of the infant Krishna is bathed, adorned in new clothes and jewellery, placed in a cradle and worshiped. The fast is completed after Aarti, a special prayer. At day break, ladies draw patterns of little children's footprints outside the house with rice-flour paste, walking towards the house. This symbolizes the entry of the infant Krishna into his foster-home i.e. their homes.

Saturday 11th - 21st Ganesh Chaturthi  Ganesha Chaturthi is the 10 day Hindu festival of Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Shiva and Parvati, who is believed to bestow his presence on earth for all his devotees in the duration of this festival. It is the birthday of Lord Ganesha who is widely worshiped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune. Involves setting up Mantapas (pavilions), street processions and idol immersion in waters. Ganesh may be the chief of a troop of semi-divine beings that form part of the retinue of Shiva. The Hindu trinity of gods is Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva. Vishnu in his 10th and last incarnation is said to come personally to earth at the end of the age seated on a white horse. (see Rev 19:11)

OTHER Fall Equinox

Wednesday 22nd Chinese Moon Festival Thursday 23rd Mabon Pagan Festival *******

© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


Praying for the Middle East

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - September 2010 Part 2


PRAYING FOR THE MIDDLE EAST                            


The main topic for September is praying for the nations of the Middle East. As you can see from part one of the notes there is a lot going on spiritually but also politically. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have been invited to Washington to begin direct peace talks on Thursday, September 2nd ,where

President Obama will hold one-on-one talks with each of the leaders on Wednesday 1st, followed by a dinner with both of them. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the special representative of the Quartet has also been invited to attend the dinner. US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton,  will then host the first direct Israel-Palestinian negotiating session on September 2nd. These talks could have many sessions.  The leaders of Egypt and Jordan have also been invited to join in the first session of direct talks. Pray for the Hand of God to be on these leaders.


As I write, the nations of the Middle East are all on high alert for war. How much more for us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem ( Psalm 122:6) and the peace of Cairo, Tehran, Damascus, Riyadh & Amman etc. Isaiah 19 gives us prophetic hope that the Lord will do a great work and that these nations will one day worship Christ together.

'In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and Assyria will come    into Egypt, and Egypt into Assyria, and the Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be the third with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.'   Isa 19:23-25

How wonderful to be able to pray through this scripture promise and to claim life in Christ for these nations. Similarly Romans has this astounding scripture:

            Lest you be wise in your own sight, I want you to understand this mystery,   brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way all Israel will be saved ...      Rom 11:25-26

Let us pray for a worldwide harvest to come in, especially in the Middle East. We have recently heard of multitudes of Muslims turning to Christ in Africa, Egypt and Iran. Pray for a mighty move of God in the Land of Israel and with Jewish people everywhere. Read Ezekiel 34-39 and ponder if the real geopolitical issue is that God is vindicating the holiness of His great name (Ez 36:23).


Bottom line:   Nations are judged on how they treat the Jews. Even when Israel is going through its own hard times and judgments the Nations must not take advantage of them. How important for Canadians and the Government to be wise and generous in their support of the Jewish people without disrespecting their neighbours. See the book of Obadiah & Romans 11:28-29

I believe that  Canada is included in the multitudes in the Valley of Decision (Joel 3:14). We are part of the Quartet of Nations that has taken it upon themselves to resolve the Palestinian issue by dividing up the Land of Israel. Doing this without reference to the Lord invites His judgment.

'For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of  Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land ...      Joel 3:1-2

These are serious days. Pray for our Federal Government and Prime Minister to have much wisdom in how they deal with Israel and its neighbours. Currently the government claims on its web site that

'Canada and Israel have strong, multidimensional bilateral relations, marked by close political, economic, social and cultural ties. Support for Israel, especially its right to live in peace and security with its neighbours, has been at the core of Canada's Middle East policy since 1948. ...Canada and Israel marked   60 years of diplomatic relations on May 11, 2009 ...


It is interesting to note that 20,000 Canadians live in Israel and the Canadian Jewish community, which stands at around 350,000, acts as an important bridge between Canada and Israel. Pray for many to find Jesus as their Messiah.


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Godly Values in Society

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - August 2010


GODLY VALUES IN SOCIETY When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices ... By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted ... Proverbs 11:10-11 ESV

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs 14:34 ESV

When a land transgresses, it has many rulers, but with a man of understanding and knowledge, its stability will long continue. Proverbs 28:2 ESV

When good people come to power, everybody celebrates, but when bad people rule, people stay in hiding. Proverbs 28:12 GNV

Canada is a blessed and prosperous nation and the last thing I want to do is to be a complaining Christian! Thank God for the civil infrastructure here in Burnaby, BC, that could respond quickly to a large grassfire near our town house complex last week and get it under control before disaster could strike.  Thousands were on the verge of evacuation but 15 fire trucks rushed to the scene and dealt with it. Not to mention three helicopters, countless RCMP and ambulances standing by.  My concern is that even as God is shaking the World that the peace and blessing of God would continue in our nation.

As the verses above show, stability and prosperity are conditional on righteousness prevailing in society. I am grateful for the many Christians serving in Government but that does not mean that other public servants are not righteous! Thank God for the many non-Christians who have strong consciences, moral values and high principles. Not all in the community of the 'redeemed' actually walk in full integrity. Righteousness is linked to doing things God's way - the right way. Pray that righteous people will be elected to office at every level who will serve with integrity.

I have had a good look at the 'Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms' that was introduced in 1982. It is a remarkable document that protects and defines rights and freedoms that we all value in a free and democratic society. Canada is prosperous through the rule of law, and corruption, though not absent, is minimal compared with other nations. The Ten Commandments have been the fundamental basis of our common law which is a respect for people, their persons and their property. Our challenge has come with regard to equality rights which has led to the recognition and enforcement of the rights of a number of minority groups. It has been difficult for many in the church to see some historic 'sins' become law and even promoted in politics, arts and media. In a pluralistic and multicultural society perhaps this sort of trend is almost inevitable. What is not acceptable is the embracing of the culture of the world in the church. As the Lord shakes the nations He will also shake the Church:

            'For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God ... ' 1 Peter 4:17

Two current issues concern:


This is a huge issue as about 100,000 babies are aborted every year in Canada.  Pray for Roxanne's Law (C- 150). It is currently in the process of becoming law and will make it a criminal offence to pressure a woman to have an abortion against her will.

This bill will not criminalize abortion in any way. If C-510 is passed, Canada will remain the only developed nation in the world without any abortion legislation. Abortions will remain legal through all nine months of pregnancy. However, for those mothers who choose life, there will be a new protection to assist them in fulfilling their hopes and plans for both themselves and their children.   (EFC Activate Blog)    

ISSUES OF LIFE AFTER BIRTH - Children & Human Trafficking:

On June 16th, the Senate of Canada adopted at Third Reading, Bill C-268, which will amend Canada’s Criminal Code to introduce a new human trafficking offence specifically addressing child traffickers. The new law will provide a minimum sentence of five years imprisonment for anyone convicted of trafficking a minor in Canada and a minimum of six years imprisonment for cases with aggravating factors. We praise God that this will now become law. However the wider problem of organized crime and adult human trafficking is still a major challenge and needs much prayer.

Some other issues of great urgency for prayer and godly values are:

QUALITY OF LIFE ISSUES Poverty / Homelessness / Education / Health


MARRIAGE ISSUES The challenge of the divorce rate and same sex marriage 

PERSONAL PRIVACY Surveillance Society Privacy - cameras everywhere

MEDICAL RESEARCH Cloning; Stem cell research.

ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Pollution, emissions, air quality, health

WAR Afghanistan. Canadians dying and injured overseas. Afghanis also suffering greatly.


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.