World Prayer Assembly Report
World Prayer Assembly Report
Sentul International Conference Centre
Jakarta, Indonesia, May 14-18, 2012
The WPA was a wonderful experience in many ways and impressive by all the numbers. 9,000 plus delegates from 86 nations gathered together for 5 days had to be significant. To sit in the large auditorium surrounded by thousands worshipping Jesus was inspiring. It would be easy but tedious to do a full linear report on 5 days of meeting and seminars. There are perhaps other reports that could do justice to this large, well organised and peaceful Assembly. The Indonesians and South Koreans were remarkable hosts and the leadership had high integrity. We were encouraged to make new friends from other nations and this networking was a joy but also a necessity for the next stage of the global prayer movement.
The Stadium meeting on the Thursday night – ‘Global Momentum’ – with 100,000 people including 20,000 young people was impressive but the PA was difficult to hear and we were asked to leave early by 8 am to catch the bus back to the hotels. The real triumph of that evening was that in more than 370 other Indonesian cities there were large prayer meetings to coordinate with the Stadium prayers. Possibly 4 million people all across Indonesia were praying in unity!
Two profound things from the last day. Global Media Outreach with 140 evangelistic web sites reported that in the previous 4 days about 360,000 people around the world had prayed to receive Christ on their sites. The internet was given by God for evangelism! The session on the suffering in North Korea was revealing. We learnt of many initiatives into that closed country but the sad news was that about half the people in the prison camps are Christians, and hundreds die daily from starvation and abuse.
The WPA was opened by John Robb who welcomed the Holy Spirit and said ‘This belongs to you’. He said the Lord was the CEO of the Assembly. The huge gathering was postured as a new paradigm in the spirit of Acts 13:1-4 where 5 men waited on God and a missions movement was launched that changed world history. There was a table in the foyer to collect written prophetic words for the listening team. There were some awesome moments when Zamar, from South Africa, were leading worship where we could have lingered longer for the Spirit to speak, but remarkably the meetings and the speakers were all on time. Acts 13 needs a different approach, they had lots of time with no agenda.
WPA had encouraged 600 YP from many countries to be in attendance, they were the ‘David Generation’, ‘The Giant Slayers’. In one session Brian Mills made an emotional repentance to the YP asking forgiveness for how the older generation had failed and abused them. A youth then accepted his apology and forgave them. I have pondered the exact reality of the need for that act. The true ‘Giant Slayers’ still need to kill their own lions and bears before they are ready for Goliath, we cannot do that for them in constructed situations. It is good to walk with them as Fathers and Mothers but we should be careful not to promise them too much when we are still in leadership at 65 plus!
At the time of the WPA the world situation was, and still is, precarious. This was acknowledged in the Foreword of the Handbook where the Chairman, Dr. Bambang Widjaja, wrote, ‘Firstly, there is no doubt that our current world (situation) requires a divine intervention’. With the Middle East on the edge of war, nuclear disaster in Japan 10x worse than Chernobyl and Europe about to collapse financially, I was not aware of a session where the Assembly was called to pray and repent. The name of Israel was not mentioned to my knowledge after the flag ceremony, even though it is the second most prayed for nation after intercessors’ own nations. This may have been a deliberate caution as Indonesia is a largely Muslim nation, although it is actually a republic with a presidential system.
There was no sharing of a perspective that the nations are ripe for judgment or the anticipation of the soon return of Christ. The blood guilt on the nations demands justice for: the unborn, the missing children, human trafficking and the vast shedding of innocent blood. Will the grace of God give the USA another Awakening despite the church allowing 53 million abortions since Roe v Wade in 1973? These questions were not asked. The New Wave could be quite different from what the WPA expects. Why even in Habakkuk the prophetic vision is in the context of the Lord judging his people in a strict and surprising way.
One morning I was awake by 4:30 am in my hotel room and about 4:40 am I heard an unusual noise in the background. I went onto the balcony in the dark heat before dawn and realised that the countryside was alive with the Muslim call to early prayer coming from several mosques in the area. It seemed to be a strong pervading influence.
This influence was also expressed in the local media as Muslims protested against the proposed visit of Lady Gaga to Jakarta on June 3rd. The Police finally did not allow the concert to take place although 12,000 Australians had already bought tickets. They were concerned with her immoral behaviour, exposing her body and having a bad effect on society. In the West the church has lost the authority to be a moral safeguard for society. Our walls have been broken down and our gates have been destroyed by fire (Neh 2:13). But could things turn around?
The theme of the WPA was ‘A New Wave is Coming’ and linked to Habakkuk 2:14:
‘For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory
of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.’
The expressed understanding before the Assembly was that the WPA would be like another Pentecost, the epicenter for a global revival. During the Assembly one speaker declared a vision of a flood. It was not a physical flood or a flood of justice or retribution, but a flood of grace and love that would completely cover the Earth. There was significant expression for what started with the prayer movement in Korea in 1984 would now explode to an even greater level around the world. It was easy to feel victorious and even euphoric for the coming world revival and possible Dominion.
The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness
and put on the armour of light. Romans 13:12
GIVE THANKS! We should be so grateful for living in one of the most blessed nations on Earth. Our economy is strengthened by our rocks, trees and oil and analysts figure that Canada has a great long term future. May there be a national awakening from coast to coast to coast, may the nation praise the Creator and the Sustainer of life, may the name of Jesus be on everyone’s lips. There are many opportunities for improvement in Canada and a good number of concerns. Here are a few prayer points:
AFGHANISTAN WOUNDED The war in Afghanistan has been very costly to thousands of Canadians. We are aware of the 158 soldiers and 1 civilian killed, but beyond that over 1850 have been seriously wounded. 615 have been injured by IED, direct fire, or friendly fire in battle. A surprising 1244 sustained non battle injuries. Over the last 9 years 27,000 troops have served but it is estimated that 20% of returning soldiers may suffer from operational stress injury or mental health concerns. We now have only 950 troops in Kabul involved in training the Afghan security forces to take over. But they are under threat very day of the week from infiltrators and 50 NATO troops have been killed by sudden attacks inside camps. PRAY FOR: Our wounded - for healing both physically and mentally. For the many thousands of family members supporting them. For the grieving families who lost loved ones. For the local churches to reach out to them all over the nation.
HUMAN TRAFFICKING Canada is a source, transit, and destination country for human trafficking according to the US Department of State’s 2008 Trafficking in Persons Report. Several thousand people are trafficked in and through Canada every year. We praise God that our Government has committed to developing a 'National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking'. Parliament has acted unanimously to support MP Joy Smith's recent private members bill, C-310, and on December 12th it was sent into the committee stage. The bill amplifies the definition of trafficking and also makes it a criminal offense for a Canadian to traffick in another country. MP Joy Smith from the Winnipeg area has championed this cause over several years. PRAY FOR: MP Joy Smith, for her health and strength in confronting a dreadful evil. For the Government to be diligent in preparing the promised National Action Plan. For organized crime rings to be apprehended and the slaves set free.
THE TRUTH NORTH, STRONG AND FREE? Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic could become a very intense issue in 2012 and beyond. The Arctic neighbours to Canada are USA, the Russian Federation, Denmark & Norway. Apart from security there are the huge issues of the Northwest Passage and the massive gas and oil deposits under the ocean floor. Russia is being especially aggressive in seeking to extend their rights to considerable territory through mapping a large underwater shelf. When the ice melts sufficiently many nations would like to sail through the waters to Asia and save 5000k through the Panama Canal. Although the islands are Canadian there is big question of who owns the water between them. Canada Coast Guard has 18 icebreakers with more on order. A deep water port and an arctic warfare training centre are in the process of being built. PRAY FOR: Wisdom for our Government in planning for these issues. In 2003 Canada ratified the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and had 10 years to submit scientific data to a UN Commission. These results will ultimately decide Canada’s sovereignty. Pray that the work will be completed and submitted in good time in 2012.
The Economy
/Intercessors for Canada |
Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - October 2010 |
THE ECONOMY Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which i have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." Jeremiah 29:7 "It's the economy, stupid" was a phrase made popular by Clinton campaign strategist James Carville which focused attention on the economy being the most important issue in the nation. The Lord through Jeremiah tells us that the people of God are intimately involved with their community and must pray for its prosperity. Over the next few years it is going to be a challenge to maintain a strong and prosperous economy that has given many Canadians a very privileged lifestyle. We are so much part of a global network it seems that no one government can hope to be in control even of its own economy.Paul Krugman said in the New York Times that Canada was the 'hardware store' for the world! Our rocks and trees have been our export strength but if world consumption levels out we have a problem! In the current budget there is a planned deficit of $49.2 billion (21.2% of revenue) and our total debt is now over half a trillion dollars. David Walker, the US Comptroller General from 1998 to 2008 was convinced that the federal spending and debt is a greater threat than terrorism! Two years ago in Red Deer at the Generations Conference, Graham Daniels advised Christians to get out of debt and put money into 'tangibles', things that have real value that could survive a deep recession. The current Minister of Finance is Jim Flaherty. In the 2010/11 budget he seemed to use half of the planned deficit to cover important areas like: * Personal income tax relief ($3.2 bn) * Create and protect jobs ($4.0 bn) * Infrastructure stimulus to create jobs ($7.7 bn) * Help create 'economy of tomorrow' ($2.0 bn) * Support industries & Communities ($2.2 bn) * Unemployment benefits ($1.6 bn) * New Skills & Training ($1.0 bn) * Youth related spending ($0.1 bn) These are all important aspects and the Minister of Finance (whoever) needs much wisdom as with falling revenue you only have the unpleasant choices of increased debt, increased taxation or reducing public sector spending! Unemployment in Canada in August at 8.1 % actually revealed a disturbing trend from west to east; BC; AB; SK; MB; average = 6.0 % ON; QC; average = 8.5 % NB; NS; PEI; NF/L average = 11.2 % One blogger said: "As a Canadian I'm astounded that consumer/household debt in this country is well over a trillion dollars, that the national debt is just over 500 billion and the province of Ontario, where I reside is 25 billion in the red! " PRAY
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The Time Has Come!
/2011 Is History!
What does the future hold? Romans 13:11-12 could not be clearer for such a time as this:
See then that the time has come for you to be awake from sleep: for now is your salvation nearer than when you first had faith. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light.
Wake Up, smell the divine coffee! Jesus is coming soon, sooner than we think. Its time to live for Jesus to the max and not mess with the darkness. The time has come, right now, to realize that we will wake up every day in 2012 to a spiritual battle and we need the protection of the armour of light. Look at the bright, shining, teaching in this chapter:
1. Obey the law of your land (1-5) 2. Pay your income tax, property tax, border taxes etc (6-7) 3. Get out of debt (8) 4. Love your neighbour as yourself (8-10) 5. Live for Jesus like a real Christian should - no messing around! (13-14)
This is do-able. Crazy things could happen in this coming year so we need our roots deep down into Jesus like never before. Are you on a daily bible reading plan? if not try http// really great for your smart phone. I will preach on this tomorrow, Jan 1st, at a storefront church in E.Vancouver and together we will put on the whole armour of God. Shalom.