Younger Generation

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - July 2010


YOUNGER GENERATION "We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done." Psalm 78:4 NIV

In this month of July we are praying for a move of God amongst children, teenagers and young adults. The Summer months of July and August are also the months when thousands of young people find Christ through church camps and special outreaches.


PRAY for these younger generations to know the Gospel as the power of God for salvation.

PRAY for them to experience the divine call of God upon their lives for life purpose.

PRAY for a release of giftings and anointings so that they can impact their peers.

PRAY that they will embrace a Kingdom culture that will overcome the attraction of the world.


PRAY for youth events in your Province/City that you know about.

One highlight in the West is the Rock The River Tour with Franklin Graham - a series of youth evangelism festivals - August 7th in the Fraser Valley, BC; August 21 in Calgary;  August 28th in Edmonton.

last Summer's Rock The River Tour along the Mississippi  attracted over 112,000 people in 4 events.

PRAY for our cities also to be ROCKED for Jesus!


Below is BGEA Canada weekly prayer that is very helpful in praying for the younger generations.

Adapt it for events in your own community:


Pray SUNDAYS for: Christian adults to be burdened for the salvation of the next generation. Strong foundations of prayer in each tour community.


Pray MONDAYS that: God will transform thousands of lives through this year's tour. An army of Christians will be equipped to share their faith through the adult Christian Life and Witness Course and the student FM419 training


Pray TUESDAYS for: Unity among Christians as we reach and teach the next generation to live for Jesus. Committed leaders and workers, sufficient financial support, and the many venue and logistical needs.


Pray WEDNESDAYS that: The next generation will see their true value in God's eyes and hunger to know Him better. The next generation would become witnesses for Christ in their worlds 


Pray THURSDAYS for: 'Bring a Friend' outreach to encourage the next generation to pray and stand boldly for Christ each day. God to raise up prayer warriors for the Rock the River Tour West.


Pray FRIDAYS for: God to prepare Franklin Graham for the presentation of the Gospel to the young people at each event. God to speak to the hearts of the band members as they prepare for the tour.


Pray SATURDAYS for: Diligent follow-up and discipleship by local churches; protection of each new believer;

Christ-centered homes to increase; multiplied outreach after the tour. God to receive all the glory. Click here to sign up for weekly prayer updates for Fraser Valley.

Will you join us in prayer as we rock the next generation with the lifesaving Gospel of Jesus Christ?


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


First Peoples

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - June 2010 - Part 1


FIRST PEOPLES: A just resolution of outstanding issues for the First Nations, Inuit and Métis

In June there is a most important event that could hold the key to the soul of the Nation. From June 11-13th in Ottawa, thousands will gather for the National Forgiven Summit at the Civic Centre. A national coalition of First Nations, Inuit & Métis, will release forgiveness to the Government of Canada in response to the Prime Minister's apology made on June 11th, 2008. This is huge! Pray for Kenny Blacksmith who is meeting with the Prime Minister on Friday, June 11th.

Two years ago Prime Minister Harper apologized for the abuses many people experienced in residential schools in Canada. From June 11-13th, First Peoples are gathering to release forgiveness and Christians from many churches all over Canada will be standing with them.

For full info please check out their website at

The prayer blog is found under the 'blog' button and then under 'other blogs'. The most recent blog encouraged us to pray:

That there will be great rejoicing because of what the Lord has done during the Journey of Freedom declare with us that "The Lord Reigns" over the nation of Canada, the Lord reigns over the Summit and that His will be done in this momentous time for our nation. Pray that even in the face of opposition there will be no fear or dismay, knowing that the battle is the Lord's and He has already won that battle on the cross. Pray that this last leg of the Journey across the nation in the Maritimes will finish well and that all the seeds of forgiveness sown across the nation will bear fruit with many coming to the Summit to offer forgiveness. Pray for the team for strength and grace to finish well.

Pray that the plans for the Summit will all fall into place and that there will be a great covering of prayer so that the enemy will not get a foothold.

After this event we will be able to give a full report and update on other most wanted answers to prayer for the First Peoples. *******

© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


National Forgiven Summit

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - June 2010 - Part 2



After five months of travelling across Canada with the 'Journey of Freedom' the team led by Chief Kenny Blacksmith finally reached Ottawa for the 'National Forgiven Summit'. On a beautiful sunny evening thousands gathered at the Civic Centre for an historic occasion where a coalition of First Nations, Métis & Inuit would, as individuals, respond with forgiveness to the Prime Minister's apology made exactly two years before to the day. On June 11th, 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had sincerely apologized to the Aboriginal peoples and asked for their forgiveness for Canada's role in the Indian Residential Schools system. For many, now was the time to set Canada free through choosing to forgive and thereby gain their own freedom.

As we entered the atrium lobby we were welcomed by the sound of worship as Russ Rosen and a team from Vancouver played gently for attendees and to honour the Lord. The arena had been transformed with vivid lighting and smoke effects and a wide stage had the outline of both a tepee and an inukshuk with a large screen between them. Chief Kenny Blacksmith opened with a big smile saying that we had waited a long time for this moment. He urged us to expect much from our Chief Cornerstone! Chief Kenny was partnered by Pastor Alain Caron from Gatineau who translated into French.

There was a very warm welcome from the local Algonquin Nation with a reading of Psalm 24 and a prayer that the 'King of Glory may come in'. Pastors Ken Hall and Ken Roth also welcomed the Summit on behalf of the Ottawa churches. Chief Kenny could now say, 'that we are free to do whatever needs to be done'!

The nations came together to lead us in worship. An eleven piece, multi-ethnic band, that had never played together, excelled in leading us in celebration worship to the Lord. They started with, 'The Lord is gracious and compassionate ... ', His love and mercy being the basis of our being able to forgive others. Throughout the weekend the worship was vibrant and creative in song and dance. Many First Peoples dancers from across Canada combined with Polynesian Islanders (Island Breeze from Medicine Hat & Winnipeg), the Dance Barn from Langley, BC, and Alliance et Vie from Saint-Hubert, QC. The drums, energetic and passionate, gave us an experience of Psalm 150 style worship. The Inuit throat singing was very special.

There were consecutive important addresses by Chief Elijah Harper and Chief Billy Diamond on Friday evening. Chief Elijah's vision was that the First Nations would be recognized in Canada as full equal partners and for them to live abundantly in their own country. While he was willing to express forgiveness to the Government he was also clearly looking for more apologies and more respect. He noted that the Prime Minister's apology was only for the Residential Schools issue and even that had been lacking in one aspect. He shared that at the time of the apology in the House of Commons, the Speaker actually left his chair and sat on the floor of the House, thus causing the Commons to officially become a 'Committee' instead of a full Parliament. Chief Elijah said that the Government missed an opportunity to treat the First Nations Leaders present in the chamber as equals and said that there was a lot of work to be done.

Chief Billy Diamond said that this conference meant freedom! At the age of seven he was torn from his parents and became a number - 316. His later joy was to know the power of John 3:16! In the church residential schools they had misrepresented the nature and love of God. They told him to pray to a God who never answered and he had felt abandoned and rejected by both his parents and by God. He shared that full healing came out of the divine order of repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration. When he heard the Prime Minister's apology he exclaimed, 'that the last veil of secrecy over Canada has been torn' He believed that the First Nations would bring revival to Canada and exhorted them not to stay in the prison house of unforgiveness.

Towards midnight David Mainse led a group of pastors in a Declaration of Repentance, kneeling before the aboriginal leaders and asking for forgiveness on behalf of the Church of Canada. In a very moving response Elijah Harper and Billy Diamond expressed their forgiveness. The Saturday morning session opened with individual Inuit and the Métis also accepting the apology of the pastors. James Arreak said 'I choose to forgive you'! Pastor Eva Deer (Nunavik, QC) said 'Church of Canada, I forgive you, we are reconciled through Jesus Christ.' Métis Evelyn Lipke said, 'I also forgive and release you, O churches of Canada, from any judgments I have had'. A reading of psalm 126 also summed up for Evelyn what she was sensing ...'when the Lord restored our fortunes ...'.

Chief Kenny explained that the Journey of Freedom had encouraged individuals to make a choice to come together and forgive. They were not speaking on behalf of anyone except themselves. Forgiveness was not political or economic, it was spiritual and it was for each person individually to make that choice. We then came to the time of Release. Chief Kenny read aloud the lengthy 'Charter of Forgiveness and Freedom' which declared forgiveness for many offences. 24 Elders who had survived the Residential Schools then signed the Charter on behalf of the coalition. This was then witnessed by 12 young people with the hope of freedom for future generations, 'Let us break the yoke of the past, let us find wisdom and hope together'.

There was then a spectacular Grand Entry of First Peoples in full regalia with feathers, furs and drums. A most moving moment was when a dozen young children from the Flying Dust Reserve (SK) sang the National Anthem in Cree.

The Charter was then presented to the Minister for Indian and Northern Affairs, Chuck Strahl, who represented the Prime Minister. Due to international involvement Stephen Harper addressed the Summit by video affirming the Charter and expressing his support. In response Chief Kenny said 'Canada is a healed Nation, more healed today than before because of what we were able to sign this morning. Mr. Prime Minister, we forgive you!'

Chief Herman Yellow Old Woman then pronounced that Chief Kenny Blacksmith and Chuck Stahl would be given the highest expression of honour to recognize those who want to do more. In an elaborate ritual with a buffalo dance, ancient songs and impartation, they were given the right to wear an impressive headdress. 'This would make them stronger leaders'. Other gifts were given for the Prime Minister including a hand made paddle for the healing journey for Canada. Chief Noel Pootlass (Bella Coola, Nuxalk), anointed Chuck and Kenny with eagle down and the fine filaments were carried out over the congregation for peace and blessings. This was now the time to embrace and celebrate freedom. Jonathan Maracle then led us into loud celebration with his Native Mohawk Fusion Band.

Sunday continued in celebration and included an extended ceremony of appreciation, honour and highest respect for David Demian and his family. He was presented with a variety of gifts and it was declared that David's walk and influence through Watchmen for the Nations had been an indispensible factor in bringing the First Nations leaders into unity. His example of allowing the Spirit to set the agenda in the Gatherings had become the model for their present and ongoing journey.

We pray that the spiritual momentum will increase and that the Lord will continue to surprise us in wonderful ways. June 16th, saw the start of the first Truth and Reconciliation National Event, June 16 – 19 at the Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was created to talk about all of the experiences and impacts of the residential schools and to establish an historical account of the system. This is another step in restoring respect and honour to the First Peoples. *******

© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


Danger of the Guilt of the Shedding of Innocent Blood

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - April 2010


THE DANGER OF THE GUILT OF THE SHEDDING OF INNOCENT BLOOD The scandal of Canada's missing & aborted children

There is an urgent warning from scripture that a nation must be concerned about the shedding of innocent blood. Right back in Genesis 9: 5-6 the Lord says this: 

For your lifeblood I will surely require a reckoning; of every beast I will require it and of man; of every man's brother I will require the life of man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image. 

This is a really big thing for God as He takes us, His creation, very seriously. To willfully destroy a human being is to defile and pollute the land, and a nation that permits this no longer deserves the stewardship of their land. God could remove them, see Leviticus 18:27-28. O, Canada, be careful before the Lord! 

(for all of these abominations the men of the land did, who were before you, so that the land became defiled); lest the land vomit you out, when you defile it, as it vomited out the nation that was before you.  

Because of the importance of innocent blood, six Cities of Refuge were planned by Moses before entering Canaan to avoid the consequent guilt  from an accidental death (manslaughter) and the avenger of blood killing the manslayer without a trial. There is much in Deuteronomy 19 about this, see verses 7,10

Therefore I command you, You shall set apart three cities … then you shall add three other cities to these three, lest innocent blood be shed in your land which the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance, and so the guilt of bloodshed be upon you. 

Let’s be clear. Proverbs 6 says that God hates the shedding of innocent blood. Unless the guilt is dealt with a nation could be severely judged. So what about Canada, have we a problem? What about the 60,000 children who are reported missing from their homes every year in Canada or the 3,000,000 children who have been aborted since 1969?


According to the RCMP,  ‘National Missing Children Services’, about 5000 children are reported missing from their homes every month in our nation! Nine out of ten are located within a week but not necessarily returned home. Ten percent are still out there after a week and many never found: Here are some stats for 2007:

46,189                        Runaway 11,216                        Unknown (18.5%) ! 2,227                        Absent from detention home for young offender 576                        Wander confused 285                        Parental abduction 56                        Kidnap        33                        Considered an accident no body recovered 60,582                         Total

Year after year this mounts up and could result in the demise of many kids. Official records show that from 1994 to 97, 349 children were killed, an average of  1 or 2 a week.


1.         Pray that the madness will cease of all the children who are killed or go missing. 2.         Pray for the RCMP Officers in the ‘National Missing Children Services’. 3.         Pray for Barbara Snider who specializes in tracing abducted children through the ‘Missing Children Society of Canada’ 4.         Pray today for children in imminent danger that they may be saved. 5.         For the runaways to find a new life in Christ.


The numbers are staggering! Fact: in 2005 there were 96,815 abortions. 1500 of those were after 20 weeks in the womb when a baby can feel pain, about 100 abortions were 3rd trimester (25-33 plus weeks). What does God think about the million kids who go missing from the womb every ten years in Canada? Or if you would prefer: about one baby every minute of the working day. We are ripe for judgment.

They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood.  Psalm 168:37-38

Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, "Behold, we did not know this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not requite man according to his work?  Proverbs 24 


1.         Pray for the mercy of God to give us time to repent and for a change of heart toward the unborn in the nation. 2.         Pray for our lawmakers that God will give them wisdom in righteousness. 3.         Pray for the many agencies that seek to help pregnant women avoid abortion. 4.         Pray that lives will be spared this day, this minute


Our only hope is in the mercy of God for our nation. We need to repent for our own lives as well the corporate sin of  the nation. Praise God that there is forgiveness in the Cross of Christ who died for the sins of the whole world. You may find Deuteronomy 21 helpful and see Christ as the pure Heifer. In our intercession we have been led to the prophetic act of the washing of hands with running water and the breaking of bread. In a Christ centred way we receive forgiveness and remove the guilt of innocent blood for our community.

            And all the elders of that city nearest to the slain man shall wash their hands   over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley; and they shall testify, ' Our hands did not shed this blood, neither did our eyes see it shed. Forgive, O LORD, thy people Israel, whom thou hast redeemed, and set not the guilt of innocent blood in the midst of thy people Israel; but let the guilt of blood be forgiven them.' So you shall purge the guilt of innocent blood from your midst, when you do what is right in the sight of the LORD. *******

© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

The Church


As we pray for the Church in Canada this month we come humbly in repentance knowing that we all need God's mercy. I Peter 4:17 gets our attention:

'For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?' (RSV)

Or as the Message version puts it:

'It's judgment time for Christians. We're first in line. If it starts with us, think what it's going to be like for those who refuse God's Message!

Jesus said in Revelation 3:19 : "Those whom I love, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous and repent."

There are many commendable aspects of the Church all over Canada but we must be desperate for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of God. Isaiah considered this to be a priority in his day because times were critical.

'Tremble, you women who are at ease, shudder, you complacent ones; strip, and make yourselves bare, and gird sackcloth upon your loins ... until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is deemed a forest. Isaiah 32:11-15

As the euphoria of our Olympic gold medals begins to fade we find that there is something more precious than gold! We need the fear of God in our lives in the Church then the manifest presence of the Lord will return.

The template for our repentance is found below in the letters of our Lord Jesus to the Seven Churches. These are all very serious contemporary issues. Ponder the scriptures and cry out for yourself, your congregation and the nation.


Ephesus: RETURN TO FIRST LOVE 2:4 But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. 5 Remember then from what you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.

Smyrna: FAITH NOT FEAR 2:10 Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.

Pergamum: IDOLATRY, IMMORALITY, CONTROL 2:14 But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice immorality. 15 So you also have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Repent then. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth. (note: The NT Greek for Nicolaitans indicates a powerful control over people. Jesus wants control of His Church.)

Thyatira: WITCHCRAFT & DECEPTION 2:20 But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and beguiling my servants to practice immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. 21 I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her immorality. 22 Behold, I will throw her on a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her doings; 23 and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches shall know that I am he who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you as your works deserve.

Sardis: CHURCH IN A COMA 3:1 'I know your works; you have the name of being alive, and you are dead. 2 Awake, and strengthen what remains and is on the point of death, for I have not found your works perfect in the sight of my God. 3 Remember then what you received and heard; keep that, and repent.

Philadelphia: THE HOUR OF TRIAL 3:10 Because you have kept my word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial which is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell upon the earth. 11 I am coming soon; hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown. Laodicea: BE ZEALOUS AND REPENT! 3:15 "'I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! 16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. 17 For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing; not knowing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. 18 Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, that you may be rich, and white garments to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see. 19 Those whom I love, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous and repent.


Yours in Christ for Canada, Pastor David Carson Director, Intercessors For Canada

The Church

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - March 2010



As we pray for the Church in Canada this month we come humbly in repentance knowing that we all need God's mercy. I Peter 4:17 gets our attention:

'For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?' (RSV) 

Or as the Message version puts it:

'It's judgment time for Christians. We're first in line. If it starts with us, think what it's going to be like for those who refuse God's Message!

Jesus said in Revelation 3:19 : "Those whom I love, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous and repent." 

There are many commendable aspects of the Church all over Canada but we must be desperate for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of God. Isaiah considered this to be a priority in his day because times were critical.

'Tremble, you women who are at ease, shudder, you complacent ones; strip, and make yourselves bare, and gird sackcloth upon your loins ... until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness becomes a fruitful field, and the fruitful field is deemed a forest. Isaiah 32:11-15

As the euphoria of our Olympic gold medals begins to fade we find that there is something more precious than gold! We need the fear of God in our lives in the Church then the manifest presence of the Lord will return.

The template for our repentance is found below in the letters of our Lord Jesus to the Seven Churches. These are all very serious contemporary issues. Ponder the scriptures and cry out for yourself, your congregation and the nation.


Ephesus: RETURN TO FIRST LOVE 2:4 But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. 5 Remember then from what you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. 

Smyrna: FAITH NOT FEAR 2:10 Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. 

Pergamum: IDOLATRY, IMMORALITY, CONTROL 2:14 But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice immorality. 15 So you also have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16 Repent then. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth. (note: The NT Greek for Nicolaitans indicates a powerful control over people. Jesus wants control of His Church.)

Thyatira: WITCHCRAFT & DECEPTION 2:20 But I have this against you, that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and beguiling my servants to practice immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. 21 I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her immorality. 22 Behold, I will throw her on a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her doings; 23 and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches shall know that I am he who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you as your works deserve. 

Sardis: CHURCH IN A COMA 3:1 'I know your works; you have the name of being alive, and you are dead. 2 Awake, and strengthen what remains and is on the point of death, for I have not found your works perfect in the sight of my God. 3 Remember then what you received and heard; keep that, and repent. 

Philadelphia: THE HOUR OF TRIAL  3:10 Because you have kept my word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial which is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell upon the earth. 11 I am coming soon; hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown. Laodicea: BE ZEALOUS AND REPENT! 3:15 "'I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! 16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. 17 For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing; not knowing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. 18 Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, that you may be rich, and white garments to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see. 19 Those whom I love, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous and repent.


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

More Than Gold

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - March 2010 - Part 2


MORE THAN GOLD Praying for the Paralympics

On Friday, March 12th, the parallel Olympics starts and for the next 10 days people with disabilities will do remarkable things on snow and ice that will confound the strong! Paul was clear that his own bodily weakness was an opportunity for true strength  to shine through.

            ‘But (Jesus) said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  10  That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.’  2 Corinthians 12:9-10

More Than Gold is seeking to serve, pray and witness through these Games albeit at a much lower level of intensity and volunteers. Please check out our web site at:  for some really useful guidelines on extending Radical Hospitality.

There are only 2 Gold Medal events in Metro Vancouver but 60 in Whistler!

Please pray for the Chaplains – a dozen on duty in Whistler. For Rev David Wells who will be travelling between both centres and overseeing the Chaplains and the Interfaith Chapel. For conversations to open up to spiritual discussion and for the resource materials to be distributed wisely. For wisdom and sensitivity in talking to athletes who may have even previously been hurt by Christians.

For the Athletes who are believers.

For the hundreds of Christian books placed in the New Age Bookstore.

For the unstructured life style witnessing of the volunteers.

Whistler is very open to spiritual discussions, a great openness in the coffee bars.

Pray about, in your church or in your home, taking  one of the Sundays of the Games to honour those with disabilities and to increase understanding and skills of how to help others. See web site for more details.

Volunteers serving hot chocolate to thousands on Friday from 3:00pm to midnight at Stadium station. Praise God for the Salvation Army!

There may be a possibility of serving at the Gold Medal sledge Hockey event on Saturday 20th at noon.


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

More than Gold and Prayer Mobilization

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - February 2010


MORE THAN GOLD Prayer Mobilization

Metro Vancouver will soon be the focus of  a tidal wave of prayer from the nations of the world as those nations come here for the Winter Games, February 12-28 and March  12-21. Because our God is a prayer hearing and a prayer answering God I am believing that this abundance of prayer will result in breakthroughs for the Church at large and transformation in every area of society.

From the start, the Prayer Working Group of More Than Gold (MTG) saw our goal not so much as to pray for the Olympics but to pray in the purposes of God for the Olympics being in our city. We have prayed for the ongoing work of MTG and the numerous working groups developing the thrusts of witness, service and social justice issues.  Since August 2008 there have been monthly prayer walks around all the Olympic sites in the Whistler and Vancouver areas.  We have prayed for our City, our Nation and the hundreds of thousands who will arrive soon. We have prayed for peace and safety for all and especially for the athletes and their families.  We have prayed against the destructive influence of disease,  organized crime and the evil of sex-trafficking.

We have also networked with and encouraged other exciting prayer initiatives like 'The Cry' in Stanley Park and the 'One Voice' conference.  From January 1st a new nationwide prayer initiative  - 'Unite Canada 2010' - has been mobilizing prayer 24-7, with Vancouver/Whistler as a focus together with Canada's 12 most wanted answers to prayer. This initiative is supported by about 20 national prayer ministries. There is a team in Whistler that has been praying faithfully for months for God to move in that area, please remember them in prayer too.

MTG have been blessed with a pocket sized prayer guide written by Dr. Tom Blackaby. It is a daily devotion and prayer guide that covers the 27 days of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.  It is excellent and you will want your own copy, available through MTG.

The Torch Relay will come through Hope into the Lower Mainland on February 7th, on its way to the Opening Ceremony on February 12th. Many have been using this as an opportunity to pray for all the cities that are featured on a day to day basis on the VANOC web site.  'Stand on Guard' have been linking intercessors daily to pray through nationwide phone calls, why not join them while there is time.

On Keats Island, Keats Camp and Barnabas Family Ministries have joined together with the National House Of Prayer in Ottawa to provide a very strategic International Prayer Centre where intercessors can worship and pray continuously during the Olympics and keep up to date in prayer through technology and feedback from the MTG office. Registrations are welcome.

The MTG Creative And Performing Arts group (CAPA) led by Russ and Sandy Rosen will be leading worship and prayer times on many evenings during the Olympics. These will be in a variety of churches in the City.   Please feel welcome to join in and make these special times for the City.

YWAM have a team of about 150 coming from around the world who will serve at the warming station at Broadway and Commercial every day and also form small teams around the City that will offer 'Free Prayer' to passers-by.  These prayer stations are very effective and meet with a high level of acceptance from people.

Cityscape Prayer on February 17-18 are hosting 'THE BURN', 27 hours of non-stop, pure, vertical worship in the midst of the Olympics. This will be at Cariboo Christian Fellowship and will attract a lot of youth and young adults, and the young of heart!

We are glad to report that that has been good contact with the Prayer Working Group leadership in the UK for the 2012 London Olympics and  their prayers are with us.  Let us rejoice and be glad because God is for us!

Please check out these links for more information and participation: 

MTG Prayer Pages Keats Island International Prayer Centre Worship / Prayer  CAPA - Feb 14-27 VANOC Torch Relay Stand on Guard Unite Canada Burn 24/7 & YWAM


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

More Than Gold - Prayer Working Group

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer - February 2010 - Part 2


MORE THAN GOLD Prayer Working Group 2010

Metro Vancouver has been the focus of a tidal wave of prayer from the nations of the world as those nations came here for the Winter Games, February 12-28 and March 12-21. Because our God is a prayer hearing and a prayer answering God I am believing that this abundance of prayer will result in breakthroughs for the Church at large and transformation in every area of society.

From the start, the Prayer Working Group of More Than Gold (MTG) saw our goal not so much as to pray for the Olympics but to pray in the purposes of God for the Olympics being in our city. We have prayed for the ongoing work of MTG and the numerous working groups developing the theme of Radical Hospitality through witness, service and social justice issues.  Since August 2008, when the Beijing Olympics came to an end, there have been monthly prayer walks around all the Olympic sites in the Whistler and Vancouver areas.  We have prayed for our City, our Nation and the hundreds of thousands who would descend on Vancouver. We have prayed for peace and safety for all and especially for the athletes and their families.  We have prayed against the destructive influence of disease, organized crime and the evil of sex-trafficking.

We have also networked with and encouraged other exciting prayer initiatives like 'The Cry' in Stanley Park and the 'One Voice' conference.  In January and February a new nationwide prayer initiative  - 'Unite Canada 2010' - mobilized prayer 24-7, with Vancouver/Whistler as a focus together with Canada's ‘12 Most Wanted Answers to Prayer’.  About 20 national prayer ministries who met in this area in September 2009 supported this initiative. A team in Whistler prayed faithfully for months for God to move in that area and also organized a virtual prayer room.

The Southern Baptists blessed MTG with a pocket sized prayer guide written by Dr. Tom Blackaby. It was a daily devotion and prayer guide that covered the 27 days of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.  It was excellent and thousands of copies were quickly snapped up.

The Torch Relay came through Hope into the Lower Mainland on February 7th, on its way to the Opening Ceremony on February 12th. Many used this as an opportunity to pray for all the cities that were featured on a day-to-day basis on the VANOC web site.  'Stand on Guard' linked intercessors daily to pray through nationwide phone calls, and then continued to cover the Paralympics.

On Keats Island, Keats Camp and Barnabas Family Ministries joined together with MTG and the National House Of Prayer in Ottawa to provide a very strategic International Prayer Centre. Intercessors worshipped and prayed continuously during the Olympics and kept up to date in prayer through technology and feedback from the MTG office which became a ‘War Room’.

The MTG Creative And Performing Arts group (CAPA) led by Russ and Sandy Rosen organized worship and prayer times in local churches on many evenings during the Olympics.  The atmosphere of worship and prayer was also built up by 27 hours of non-stop worship at the ‘BURN Vancouver’. Organized by Cityscape Prayer, nearly 600 youth, young adults and the young of heart came during the event while local worship teams took 2-hour sessions.

YWAM had an international team of about 150 who served at the warming station at Broadway and Commercial every day and also formed small teams around the City that offered 'Free Prayer' to passers-by.  These prayer teams were very effective and met with a high level of acceptance from people, especially on the Drive!

A prayer alert was prepared for the Paralympics that went out to a few thousand people through the networks.  Many of the events were in Whistler and our prayers were with the local churches and prayer teams there.

The PWG desired to be inclusive and welcoming to a variety of prayer initiatives. We had a vision for uploading virtual prayer walks onto YouTube but regret that we were unable to achieve that. Another major regret was that the original vision for Canada Ablaze, a nationwide journey following the Torch Relay, was aborted as members of that particular working group came under pressure.  Experience showed that it would be helpful to have the MTG web site functioning about 2 years ahead of the event.

We are glad to report that that has been good contact with the MTG Prayer Working Group leadership in the UK for the 2012 London Olympics and they have invited us to join with them in prayer. Let us rejoice and be glad because God is for us!

Pastor David Carson More Than Gold - Prayer Working Group March 25th 2010


© Copyright 2010 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Listening Prayer

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - August 2008


The goal of this ministry is to equip for prayer, to inspire believers to draw near to God and for a Spirit of Prayer to come upon the church of Canada. How tempting in these days to comment and teach on many other issues rather than prayer but this has to be my priority. My spirit has been stirred recently by reading classics like 'The Holiest of All' by Andrew Murray, 'A Diary of Signs and Wonders' by Maria Woodworth-Etter, and by being in the Word of God, which is living and active, with a chronological Bible! I also read carefully a book on listening prayer, which I will comment on as it troubled me. The main portion of these notes is a description from the book of Hebrews of how we can and do approach the throne of God in worship and prayer.

This got my attention when two of our members told me they were going to a conference on 'Listening Prayer'. This sounded innocent enough but when I read the speaker's book I became concerned. ('Can you hear me?' by Brad Jersak, 2003). The use of visualization and guided imagery was vigorously defended and it was clearly taught to use one's imagination as the foundation for revelation. I have recognized that the latter principle is used by other ministries as a key for visualizing angels, going into the third heaven and even the healing of the memories. Listening Prayer is also another name for contemplative prayer, centering prayer and types of mediation. Please see the IFC web site for a more complete book review. Listening Prayer.


The remarkable truth from the book of Hebrews is that the ordinary believer can continually approach the Throne of God to offer acceptable worship (12:28), a sacrifice of praise (13:15) or to receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (4:16). We can even just draw near to God to please the Father and to seek Him (11:5-6). Is it that easy? Yes but there are some conditions:

Heb. 6:4

The believer needs to have a good foundation. Repentant, born again, received the Holy Spirit. To have believed the Good News of Jesus Christ (4:2) and entered into God's plan for our lives by ceasing from our own works (4:10)

Heb. 3:1

An awareness of the heavenly call and that God has intervened in their life to one day bring them into the glory of God (2:10) This creates the desire to seek or draw near to the living God.?

Heb. 11:6

Drawing near to God requires faith that God exists even though we can't see Him. Faith is the conviction of things not seen (11:1). Moses endured because with the eye of faith he saw Him who is invisible (11:27).

Heb. 6:18

We must seize the hope set before us. That hope (6:19) is that we can draw near to God (7:19 - better hope) This gives us an attitude of confidence in the promises of God, the word of God being living and active in us (4:12)

Heb. 2:11

We understand that we are in union with Christ. In Him we are clothed with His righteousness and perfection, not our own. In Him we have been sanctified (10:10) and by the offering on the cross we have been perfected (10:14). My sins have been forgiven and forgotten (10:17-18). I can share His holiness (12:10)! He ever lives to talk to the Father on my behalf (7:25)

Heb. 9:14

My confidence is established by one more thing - a clean conscience with no shadow of unconfessed sin. Through repentance and faith the sprinkling of the Blood of Christ purifies an evil conscience (10:22). By faith in the power of the Blood, I no longer have any consciousness of sin (10:2)

This then brings us to the new and living way into the presence of God Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:19-23

I am right with God, my conscience is clear, I understand how Christ has changed my life and my perception of what matters, and right where I am I draw near to the God who sees everything about me (4:13). I can be at rest or I can pray my heart out on issues with loud cries and even tears (5:7). I can worship, sing or shout the virtues of the names of God and my Saviour (13:15).

Twice Hebrews mentions the need for reverence, a godly fear that is cautious and certainly not careless in the presence of God. (5:7, 12:28). Jesus, as the man, was heard by the Father because of his godly fear (5:7). At the end of Hebrews we find the writer urging for such prayer as it will result in good things happening sooner (13:18-19)

To sum up, a basic and essential part of our great salvation is that we draw near to God, eagerly, carefully, in faith, knowing we are welcomed in Christ.

Andrew Murray wrote in 'The Holiest of All' chapter 66: "The veil of the flesh has been rent; Christ has entered once for all, having obtained everlasting redemption; the dwelling of God and man has been thrown into one; the Spirit of heaven has been given to signify to us, and to give us the living experience, that the way into the Holiest has been made manifest. Our entering in, our dwelling in God's presence in the light and nearness and holiness of the Most Holy, is a spiritual, a heavenly reality. It can only be apprehended by the tender, by the perfect, conscience that the Holy Spirit gives to him who is willing to give up all to be saved completely, by the perfect whose senses are exercised to discern good and evil. But to all who are willing to pass through the rent veil of Christ's flesh, to die with Him as he died and live with Him as He lived, the Holy Spirit will show it; the way into the Holiest is opened up."

Yours in Christ for Canada, Pastor David Carson Director, Intercessors For Canada

If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to




© Copyright 2008 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

National Fast Track - 40 Days of Prayer for Canada

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - July 2008



  • National Fast Track
  • More Than Gold
  • China Blessing
  • China hands over to Canada
  • Deception
  • Listening Prayer
  1. Water levels in Israel


This is a current call for the regions of Canada, by time zones, to fast and pray for 40 days each. It started on May 12th in Atlantic Canada and on June 21st moved to Quebec, Nunavut & Ontario. On July 30th it is the turn of Manitoba. See map below. It is encouraging that over 500 people have signed up for this initiative by logging on to  Please sign up now and plan to fast and pray for Canada for whatever the Lord gives you faith for. By November 27th there will have been 200 days of prayer across Canada!


A global day of prayer for China has been set aside for August 8th, the day the Olympics open in Beijing. Please see The church in China needs our prayers. China is in the spiritually difficult place of growing in pride through winning the most gold medals, or national loss of face through failing. Christ is the only answer.


" that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honour, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, " 1 Peter 1:7

'More Than Gold' is the theme for the Vancouver Whistler Games Network, a group of Christians that has been meeting for the last 7 years to utilize the 2010 Winter Games as a catalyst to make God's name distinguished and great in the Vancouver area and for Canada. Although an Olympic Gold Medal is wonderful thing, there is something even more precious! The Olympic VANOC committee has recognised MTG officially as a partner for the Games which opens up many opportunities to serve and connect with the Games. Currently MTG has 10 working groups, one of them is of course prayer which has a good number of local and national prayer leaders serving on it. Our goal is to mobilize prayer for the purposes of God for the 2010 Winter Olympics at the regional, national and global levels. If you would like to receive the MTG Prayer fuel please send a note to


On Sunday, August 24th in Beijing, China will pass the Olympic flag to Canada to prepare for the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver-Whistler. The dates are February 12-28, and the Paralympic Games are from March12-21. The More Than Gold Prayer Team are planning an open air prayer launch next month on August 24th, followed by a prayer walk around two of the event stadiums. To repeat, we are praying for the purposes of God to be fulfilled, there is more than gold medals at stake! Please join with us in your city on Sunday, 24th at 3:00 pm PST. May many people from all nations come to a saving faith in Christ during the Games.


What makes deception so deceptive? Jesus said (Mt 24:4), "Take heed that no one leads you astray". Jesus also said (Mt 24:24) "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect."

There is apparently a religious deception that can almost deceive the Elect, God's chosen ones. This must mean that this counterfeit christianity looks and feels so similar to the real thing but it is actually totally demonic! This makes you think, how can anyone stay faithful? Possibly by staying very close to the Lord - the mark of the Elect is that they 'cry out to Him day and night' (Lk 18:7). It does not sound easy but we do have the gift of discernment of spirits (1 Cor 12:10) to help us in the warfare. There are some clues from scripture that are worth considering:

2 Cor. 11:3

Deception tends to lead us away from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. This happens over time.

2 Cor. 11:20

False apostles have a control issue, are not servants and are abusive.

Jude 11

Walk in the way of Cain - way of soul not Spirit Abandoned to Balaam's error - issues with Money Perish in Korah's rebellion - problems with Authority

Rev. 2:6,15

Nicolaitans - Lit: People Destroyers, very dominant, controlling

Rev. 2:14,20

Balaam & Jezebel, idolatry creeps in and manifests in immorality. Behind the Jezebel spirit is witchcraft under the guise of prophecy

Rev. 12:11

They conquered satan by the blood of the Lamb. We could expect a deceiver to minimize the power of the Blood of Christ.

So keep your radar on! Miracles do not authenticate the counterfeit, so look out for money, control and character issues. Idolatry shifts our focus off Jesus and the finished work of Christ is not a favourite topic. One of the biggest temptations to fall away could be if many are following after the counterfeit and you have to try to resist huge peer pressure. As someone once said, 'A million lemmings can't be wrong'!


In recent weeks I have become aware of a widespread interest in 'Listening Prayer', that I had no idea about. When I investigated what this seemingly harmless subject was I found insights that really troubled me. Listening prayer is another name for Contemplative prayer, Centering prayer, even Meditation. The revelation received seems to be based on a foundation of imagination and visualization which can be anything from wishful thinking to spiritually deceptive. Next month I hope to publish a review of a book on Listening Prayer.


Israel is facing its most severe water crisis in 80 years. The water level in the sea of Galilee is only a few centimeters above the danger level, but even worse is the fact that the coastal and mountain underground reservoirs are also dangerously low. Israel is confronted by many serious issues that affect its future survival, the most serious issue being idolatry. Cry out to the Lord for national repentance and a turning to their Messiah, Jesus from Nazareth. Hear what Moses prophesied in Deuteronomy 11:

12 It (Israel) is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end. 13 So if you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today--to love the Lord your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul-- 14 then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil. 15 I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. 16 Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. 17 Then the Lord's anger will burn against you, and he will shut the heavens so that it will not rain and the ground will yield no produce, and you will soon perish from the good land the Lord is giving you.

Yours in Christ for Canada, Pastor David Carson Director, Intercessors For Canada

If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to




© Copyright 2008 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Government Prayer Sunday - June 29

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - June 2008



  1. Government Prayer Sunday
  2. Canada in Valley of Decision
  3. G8 in the Valley of Decisions
  4. China Blessing
  5. Global Superstition !!
  6. The Shack
  7. Personal Note


Once a year there is a special Sunday where individuals and churches can partner with the National House of Prayer to pray for Canada and the Government as well as support this national ministry. Its always the Sunday before Canada Day July 1st.

This year the day is Sunday June 29th. Churches across the nation have opportunity to set aside a time during their service to pray for our nation using the resources listed below and to bring a toonie gift for the ongoing work of the ministry here in Ottawa. NHOP have developed a number of downloadable resources in pdf and Word format that you can use to get your church involved.

Please see for more information.


So much is happening in this world and so quickly, it is a challenge to discern where things are at. The rising price of gas has caught our attention and reminds us again that our privileged Canadian lifestyle hangs in the balance. Yesterday it was reported that Israel was practicing a long range military exercise simulating a possible attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. These are serious days where armed conflict in the Middle East could result in our economy being devastated and the whole world in crisis. I do not believe that the formation of the state of Israel is a political accident of no lasting relevance. Ezekiel 34-39 has some clues to how the Lord might see things, but Joel 3:1-3 has the clearest of warnings to the Nations about their treatment of Israel, particularly concerning the dividing up of the Land. Everybody seems to want a slice of Jerusalem but it still remains the 'City of the Great King' (Matthew 5:35). God promises to enter into judgment with the nations, may we in Canada so pray that our leaders in Church and State heed the word of the Lord:

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. Joel 3:14

Even as our Government has softened their heart toward the First Nations recently, may they also keep a tender heart toward the Jewish people especially in the Land of Israel.


The Group of Eight (G8) Summit is an annual meeting attended by the leaders of the eight countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, and the President of the European Commission. World leaders will discuss the world economy, environmental concerns, African development and other pressing issues They will also be joined for part of the time by leaders from Algeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission. Also leaders of Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Australia, Indonesia, and Republic of Korea. The event is on the northern island of Hokkaido in a beautiful area with two active volcanoes! In the capital, Tokyo, there will be a time of prayer to cover this event, hosted by local church leaders, and including some intercessors from Canada. Pray for Stephen Harper for great wisdom and authority in dealing with complex issues. Visit for more information.


A global day of prayer for China has been set aside for August 8th, the day the Olympics open in Beijing. The church in China needs our prayers, please see


The Olympic Games will open in Beijing at 8 minutes past 8:00 pm on August 8th, 2008. This is very deliberate so as to act at the most propitious and lucky time to assure success. The number 8 is considered a lucky number in Asian culture because it sounds like the word "prosper" or "wealth". China is striving mightily to be the leader in gold medals at the games and build up their national pride and unity, and avoid loss of face. Curious that the message of the Gospel concerns a peasant who was executed but rose from the dead and calls us into his Kingdom to do his will free from all the elemental spirits of the Universe. We do not need luck anymore. Pray for a move of God in China.


I continue to be amazed at the number of leaders in North America that still propagate the teaching that 2008 is a year of new beginnings! This is always true in Christ who makes all things new, but certainly not because the year ends in an 8. As I shared in the IFC December 2007 notes, this teaching has its source in Hebrew Numerology not prophetic insight. Another apostolic leader has suggested that the 490 years from Daniel 9:24 when added onto an assumed start of the reformation, 1517 AD, brings us to 2007 which makes 2008 the start of a new age in the purposes of God. This seems very similar to a recent declaration that the 'Third Wave' has started this year with the 'Florida Outpouring'. As we search the scriptures the climatic events that could occur seem to be: apostasy, the man of lawlessness revealed, false signs and wonders, increased deception and delusion, and then the glorious personal return of Jesus Christ. ( 2 Thess 2:1-12) Are we eagerly expecting Him?

Be always on the watchand pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man." Luke 21:36 


I had no idea that this book was so popular, having sold a million copies! It is well written and challenging. God the Father initially appears in the Shack in the form of an Afro American woman! I found the following link helpful in its analysis of how some important subjects are represented. 


As you may know I had quintuple by-pass heart surgery on May 8th, just six weeks ago! Beth and I are so grateful to you all for your prayers and many assurances of your care and support during this difficult time. I am glad to say that last week my energy levels increased significantly and I have been able to resume driving and have a few outings. It would be wise of me not to do too much for another 4-6 weeks, but by the end of July I am hoping that my sternum will be fully healed and I can get back in the swing of things. I believe the Lord has been refining us and we want to be profitable servants in the years to come. Once again thank you for your love and prayers. With Every Blessing, Dave

Yours in Christ for Canada, Pastor David Carson Director, Intercessors For Canada

If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to




© Copyright 2008 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Lifting Our Voices Together

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - April 2008



The 40 DAY PRAYER RAMP starts next week and is all about crying out to God for boldness and power to tell others about the unique claims of Jesus Christ. A large coalition of prayer ministries have come together to align in 40 DAYS OF PRAYER for a mighty move of God in Canada. Alpha have a forty day prayer time for their widespread evangelistic ministry in Canada and we are joining them in Spirit. But the 40 days also includes the National Women's Prayer Wave, the Global day of Prayer, Celebration 2008, and the new initiative the National fast Track. There are also very significant special days of prayer later in the year for China, Jerusalem and the Persecuted Church. For your convenience they are detailed below with websites for more info.


And when they heard it, they lifted their voices together to God and said, "Sovereign Lord … And now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus." And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness. ACTS 4: 24-31


You are invited to join the teleconference prayer calls that will go out on Thursdays: April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 ….  at 8:00 am PST  =  11:00 am EST For details on how to join the call please click on this link to email us:

Prepare to start in praise and proclamation of scripture before we cry out to God for the salvation of a multitude across Canada. I (Dave) will be hosting the calls from the West Coast. For more information

HEAL OUR LAND - National Women’s Prayer Wave

Saturday, May 3rd From 1:00 pm in each time zone (East to West!)


Sunday, May 11th  Pentecost Sunday and Mothers Day!


Monday May 12th to Thursday, November 27th 200 days of Prayer and Fasting 40 Days in 5 time zones


Canada wide May 17th – June 1st


Prayer for China Olympics start  08.08.08 at 8.08 pm


Sunday, October 5th, 2008.


The Cry Canada - August 23rd The Cry Toronto - October 31st


Sunday, Nov 9th, 2008

Yours in Christ for Canada, Pastor David Carson Director, Intercessors For Canada

If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email




© Copyright 2008 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

2008 / 5768 A Year of New Beginnings?

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - January 2008



I believe in prophets and the gift of prophecy and following the scriptural exhortations 'not to despise prophesying' but rather to 'earnestly desire to prophesy'. We are also exhorted to test the spirits and to use the gift of discernment of spirits. Prophets and those who prophesy are accountable to others. I Corinthians 14:29 says:

'Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said.'

Below is my discernment of a current popular prophetic word and an expression of my concern of a drift toward numerology.


I feel constrained to weigh the spreading belief that by virtue of the new year, 2008, ending in an 8, we as Christians are in a special year of new beginnings. A well known prophet may have started it, Charisma e-mails popularized it and now the 'Apostolic Council of the Prophetic Elders' (ACPE) are reporting on it.

My concern is that the foundation for this prophetic insight seems to rest on a very questionable method of interpretation of Hebraic numerology. My spirit is troubled as I search my heart and the scriptures and ask, did the Lord Jesus or the Apostles use this method to prophesy?

I came across this insight at the start of 5768! The presentation was impressive, but I just did not get it! To quote:

"It has been a long time since in the history of the earth realm that we have been in a time like this … two seasons overlapping … In the new Hebraic year of 5768, a 7 year war season ends, and a new season starts"

I have since surfed the web and found that there is great interest in a supposed 7 year season of war ending, which means that the next number is a new beginning: 8! But this season ending coincides with the Hebraic year, 5768, that ends also in an 8. And it overlaps with 2008, ending in an 8. This is thought to be of great significance.

A 'prophetic' insight on 'Gates' is explained by referring to the Hebrew number system where numbers are linked to words, pictures and sounds. Again to quote from a recent flyer:

"Since the Hebraic alphabet is pictorial in origin, the number eight is actually depicted by the letter chet. This character pictures a wall, fence, gateway, door or gate, and shows us prophetically that in the midst of every wall or blockage that the Lord has a great opportunity for your new beginning".

So the prophetic inspiration for 'Possessing the Gates' comes from the shape of the letter chet and the association of 8 with new beginnings. The theme of beginnings then leads to Genesis as the book of beginnings, and teaching is extrapolated as prophetic emphases from the main themes of Genesis - creation, dominion, and creative miracles. This does not feel like real prophecy from the Spirit, more like creative human logic. Several have said that 8 is always associated with new beginnings but it takes artistic license to form a doctrine out of scattered passages.

In this teaching 2008 means new things and lots of change and there is a warning that, if we resist change, then we will be seven times worse off for the things that did not change. This is a very serious warning and I am alarmed as it has the implications of a curse. I would be interested in others' discernment on this matter. If I accept this insight but fail, will I really be in a demonic mess in 5769?

8 is special, so are all the other whole numbers! 7 was special last year and remember how great 12 was until we found the G12 did not work in Canada. But what about the Hebraic and Gregorian calendars? These are of course not absolute in their accuracy. Christ was almost certainly not born 2008 years ago. The Hebrew year 5768 is based on the calculations of a second century AD Rabbi, Yossi be Halafta, for the date of creation. The Hebrew date could be a long way out, both are approximate at best. My point is that using a date that is not precise is putting the power in the number itself rather than the significant exact date. Does this faith in the inherent power of whole numbers stray into the area of numerology? I think it does but please help me.

(Note Wikipedia description: Today, numerology is often associated with the occult, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts. The term can also be used for those who, in the view of some observers, place excess faith in numerical patterns, even if those people don't practice traditional numerology.)

It is so interesting that the ACPE claim in their report for '2008 and Beyond', that …

"This year the Holy Spirit keyed off of the number 8 to us."

Is the Holy Spirit really leading the nations Prophets to prophesy out of the sound and shape of the Hebraic numbers? Should we all organize our events on August 8th this year?

A well known prophet has also written:

"Heaven and Earth are aligning. New councils of rulership are being formed in the earth. The councils are developing strategies to bring in the Harvest. The councils will know how to decree a thing and watch it happen. That is why decrees about the transfer of wealth are so important… "

I could say more about the teaching on the transfer of wealth, but this statement above on the councils being formed feels more like the 'Externalization of the Hierarchy'. It quite frankly scares me to hear of councils forming that could decree a thing and watch it happen. What if they got it wrong? There has to be a balance between top down corporate consensus and the individual also hearing the voice of the Lord.

I discern that these prophetic insights and declarations are not prophetic in the true sense of the word, but empirical deductions from an association with the number 8. This method is clearly available to anyone and is not particularly spiritual in its discernment. It certainly does not mean a particular impartation to believers just because the year has an 8 in it! For example, it is always true, every year, that Elisha did twice as many miracles as Elijah, so why should this particular year be one of double power? A real red flag went up for me in September when it was said,

"You don't understand it with your mind. You declare it, you step into it."

Forgive me, but isn’t this a recipe for deception?

Another caution I have is when seasons are announced for various virtues that are actually available to us all the time (today) by repentance and faith and through the blood of Christ. See Hebrews 10: 19-21

Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way which he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith …

Canada needs the Prophets to stand up and declare the anointed word of the Lord. Since a major sign of the last days is deception, we should have our spiritual radar on all the time. If we subscribe to a deception we invite more deception until we have lost our discernment completely.

I must stop now. So how do we pray?

  • Let us draw near to the Lord Jesus in worship and adoration. Let us enter the Sanctuary by the power of His blood.
  • Let us repent for not desiring or using the gifts of the Spirit, in particular, the gift of discernment of spirits. 1 Corinthians 12: 10
  1. Let us seek the Lord for revelation of any deceptions or deceptive areas in our personal or church life.
If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email




© Copyright 2008 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Pastor Bob Birch 1907-2007

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - December 2007


I must admit that I feel uncomfortable with the way things appear to be, both in the world and in the church, even in Canada. At times I want to cry out, 'God where are you?', as life seems to go on without God being relevant or a reality. The evaluation about Moses was that by faith he could see the invisible God. So can we today also do that, or is God hiding His face from us? Recently 44 nations and representatives from the EU, UN, Quartet, Arab League, Organization of the Islamic Conference, IMF and World Bank gathered in Annapolis for a Middle East Peace Conference, but where was the Word of the Lord?  In the flood of media opinion I was drawn to the prophet Ezekiel believing that whatever was written in the OT was written for our instruction that we might have hope, Romans 15:4. Perhaps we will be helped to pray for the Nations and Israel.


Pastor Bob met personally with the Lord Jesus this afternoon (1:30 pm PST, December 4th) as he slipped away in his spirit from his Burnaby Hospital bed. Our prayers are with his wife Margaret and three sons, John, Paul, Alfred and their families. His 100th birthday was yet three weeks away but from the womb he had fulfilled all his days. Pastor Bob was truly a pastor to many individuals and an inspiration to many more. Beyond his congregations he was an Intercessor and a Prophet for Canada. As the founder of Watchmen For The Nations he brought a keen prophetic edge that was based on one of his life verses: ' He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.' His legacy will include the experience of being filled and guided by the Holy Spirit as a reality for every believer. There will be a public memorial in Vancouver on January 5th, 2:00 pm, at Harvest City Church.

VINDICATING THE HOLINESS OF HIS GREAT NAME - EZEKIEL 36:23Here are some timeless principles from Ezekiel, chapters 34 to 39, that seem to be relevant to our current world situation.  Similarities are:

  • God speaks concerning Israel returned from exile 34:13
  • Surrounded by hostile nations 36:1-7
  • The hostility is an ancient one, perpetual enmity 35:5
  • The nations claim the land is theirs 35:10; 36:3,5
  • The nations hold Israel in contempt 36:4,15
  • Many nations plan to invade Israel 38:14-16

These points alone are enough to describe the contemporary situation in the Middle East but are there other scriptures that give us insight? Is the State of Israel a political accident and an eschatological 'red herring'? I am persuaded that anytime the Jewish people return from exile to the Land of Israel it is more than coincidence. I do not believe that the Lord is either helpless nor capricious to allow the formation of the State of Israel just to upset the Muslims and to raise the price of gas!

  • Return to their own land 34:13
  • Climate change, showers of blessing 34:26
  • Abundant fruit, crops and plantations 34:27, 29; 36:30
  • Increased livestock 36:11
  • Population growth 36:10, 37
  • Construction and development 36:10
  • Desolate land beautifully cultivated 36:35
  • One nation in the land 37:22

Again this is so true of Israel over the last sixty years and is consistent with the word of God. But Ezekiel reports that the reason for the blessing has nothing to do with any virtue inherent in them.  Although God calls them His people, the sheep of His pasture, 34:30-31, He also makes it clear that they are not the reason for what God is doing in them, 36:22, there is a bigger purpose at stake. God, the Lord, is concerned to vindicate the Holiness of His Great Name which He will do through:

  • The judgment of the nations in conflict 38:16
  • A revelation to Israel of God's deliverance power 39:22
  • A visitation of God to Israel by the Holy Spirit 39:29
  • Jesus as the Root of David Rev 5:5 is received as Messiah, Shepherd and King 34:23-24 & 37:24

Ezekiel 39:21 says that God will set His glory among the nations! In all these chapters the Lord reveals Himself as one who is present, active and aware of all that is happening on the earth. But He is also the God who hides Himself when His people turn to:

  • Impure lifestyle and defiling acts 36:17
  • Bloodshed, murder & innocent blood 36:18
  • Idolatry & detestable things 36:18 & 37:23
  • Iniquities & abominable deeds 36:31
  • Treachery against their God 39:23, 26

In the western nations we are ripe for judgment which will always begin at the household of God, 1 Peter 4:17. We seem to be trying everything: seeker sensitive, purpose driven, extreme, emerging, re-thinking etc, when multitudes, multitudes are in the Valley of Decision, including us!  Joel 3:14. We need to be moving in great repentance and moral purity, walking in the fear of God and praying in the Spirit.

I have tried to share that for a very similar situation that the world finds itself in today, God does in fact have something to say in great detail in Ezekiel 34-39. It is tempting to try and solve things in our own strength and wisdom but when it comes to the future of something like Jerusalem it leads to disaster, Zechariah 12:1-3. It is very likely that in 2008 the nations and their leaders will fall into great confusion and difficulties as the Lord resists them. Is this is how we should pray?:

  • That God would vindicate the Holiness of His Great Name
  • Even so plead with God for His mercy
  • That the nations would quickly repent of the division of the Land of Israel
  • For the veil to be removed from Jewish and Arab hearts Ez 36:26
  • For all Jews to make Aliya and return to Israel Ez 39:28
  • For the population of Israel to be multiplied Ez 36:37
  • Wisdom for Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, and our GovernmentOne last word:
  • Behold, it is coming and it will be brought about, says the Lord God.
  • That is the day of which I have spoken. Ez 39:8


This was the heading in the national Post recently following the unveiling of the Olympic Mascots for the Winter Olympics in 2010. The overwhelming majority of comments submitted were negative, criticizing the Pokemon look of the characters and highlighting confusion over what sort of creature they represented. But in terms of the pagan Olympic spirit they are predictably linked to native territorial spirits:

MIGA is a mythical sea bear that is part killer whale and part Kermode spirit bear, based on the legends of the Pacific Northwest First Nations of orca whales that transform into bears when they arrive on land. The bear is the leading territorial spirit on land.

QUATCHI is a Sasquatch, 'Wild Man of the Woods'. A transforming animal/shaman/spirit of the woods?

SUMI is an animal-guardian spirit who wears the hat of the orca whale, flies with the wings of the mighty Thunderbird and runs on the furry legs of the black bear.

Sumi’s name comes from the Salish word Sumesh which means 'guardian spirit'

We should be aware of the attempt to strengthen the spirits over BC.

If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email




© Copyright 2007 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Pastor Bob Birch

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - October 2007


I am pleased to write about Pastor Bob who, God willing, will be 100 years young at the end of December! His prayer life has helped to shape a generation across Canada. I can't resist commenting once more about Harry Potter as I am still amazed at the endorsement of the books by many Christians. And if Harry P is linked with the Deathly Hallows, it is a reminder that the pagan festival of All Hallows Eve is nearly upon us. A seasonal, Halloween, advert for Guinness (a thick, black beer) boasted 'Darkness Reigns'. Sure its about the beer but it still seemed like a demonic boast. 


Pastor Robert H. Birch, of Vancouver, will be 100 years old in December, and to mark this there will be a special celebration to which all are welcome, on Saturday, December 1st, 2:00 pm at Harvest City Church in Vancouver, 7416 Victoria Drive.

Pastor Bob is a man who wanted his life to count. Still an icon and inspiration, the legendary Pastor Bob has lived against the backdrop of the dynamically growing city of Vancouver through most of the twentieth century.

In his thirties, Pastor Bob surfaced miraculously from a deadly disease, alive but burnt-out as a pastor. and turned to fruit growing in the Okanagan. In time, God brought him back to Vancouver and cornered him into pastoring at St Margaret’s, where his clear gospel preaching grew eternal fruit in people’s lives. But he prayed for more until, fifteen years later, out of his depth, out of his comfort zone, with problems at home and conflict in his church, this serious 60-year-old was being loosened up by the Holy Spirit and ambushed by a hippy invasion. Through extreme prayer, he led thousands of (mostly young) people to lead lives full of meaning. In his seventies he pioneered Burnaby Christian Fellowship, another cutting edge church, and in his eighties he confronted Vancouver like an Old Testament prophet and established a nationwide group of prayer warriors committed to extreme obedience to the Holy Spirit for the sake of the destiny of Canada. He was married to Dorothy for 47 years until her death in 1979 and then married Margaret in 1991.Pastor Bob and Margaret are pleased to invite all to a 'Celebration of the Faithfulness of God' on Saturday, December 1st. Refreshments will be served from 2:00 pm and the Celebration will start at 3:00 pm. They request that there be no personal cards or gifts presented. Instead there will be an opportunity to make a donation to the Canadian Bible Society for Bibles and there will be some wonderfully designed large cards for guests to sign their names and give a greeting. Please come if you possibly can.

HARRY POTTER O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you …?

Our English word 'fascinate' is linked to the Greek word 'baskaino', translated in the RSV as 'bewitched'.  It literally means an occult charm that misleads, deceives and brings evil on a person. It is a strong power that operated with effect 2000 years ago to remove the believers from the Spirit filled life of faith to rely on their own works, ignoring the Cross of Christ. Paul did not mince his words, and neither should we, as this sort of influence is most certainly still active in the church today. (see Galatians 3:1-5). Paul continues:

So with us; when we were children, we were slaves to the elemental spirits of the universe. But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" (Galatians 4:3-6).

Formerly, when you did not know God, you were in bondage to beings that by nature are no gods; but now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly elemental spirits, whose slaves you want to be once more? (Galatians 4:8-9)  (RSV)

So there it is! What fellowship do we have with something that does not have its source in the Living God, the Cross of Christ and the poured out life of the Holy Spirit in the believer? An ex high-level adept has said that Harry Potter is written to look like a fantasy when, in truth, it is a carefully written description of the training and work of an initiate in an occult order. He continues:

"...everything Harry does is an extension of his belief system. His foundation is in magic through will. The concept that magic is an extension of will is a foundational occult truth and is diametrically opposed to the Christian concept of will where every born again believer’s individual will is brought into submission under Christ."

See: Harry Potter article on Crossroads Website

I urge a discernment that comes from the Spirit of God on these matters. I am not against great literature but the spiritual reality demands a strong prayer life.


“Trick or treat? October 31st is a night for the kids (and their dentists!) when adults put their hands in their pockets to fill the sacks of little gremlins, ghosts and witches doing their rounds on Halloween.” So started a light-hearted article in a local newspaper describing the origin and customs of this very ancient festival. To many, Halloween is just harmless childish fun, especially as the Harry Potter books have recently made witchcraft and the occult user friendly. But what is the real reason for this season of horror and fear and how should Christians respond?

A Witch in BC was quoted as saying “This is probably our most holy night. All witches will celebrate, and sing and chant to bring the god forth to thank him and to feast with our ancestors”. So beyond the superstition there is also an adult dedication to the spiritual world to restore the powers of darkness, the same powers that Jesus made a public humiliation of when He died on the cross for the sins of the world. Christians have had their minds opened to turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God (Acts 26:17). Why then should we want to have anything to do with a festival with a bad spirit behind it?!

History is very clear, Halloween goes back thousands of years to the days of the ancient Celts in Europe. For them October 31st was the start of Winter and also the start of their New Year. It was thought to be the night when the Lord of the Dead, Samhain, called forth the spirits of the dead to seek the warmth and affection of the homes they once inhabited. They were attended by other darker, hideous creatures: witches on broomsticks, demons, fairies and hobgoblins. This gave the villagers two problems:

What if the spirits were bad tempered when they arrived? And what if they liked it in the village and wanted to stay? They resorted to appeasing and soothing the spirits with offerings and gifts to stop them making mischief and making life miserable - hence the origin of trick or treat - a sort of protection money to ghostly blackmailers! And to discourage the spirits from staying they would dress up in disguise as the creatures and in a magical way take on their powers and drive them away. Even the turnip (or pumpkin today) carved with a fearful demonic face was designed to discourage the spirits from feeling comfortable. As a centre piece a huge bonfire was lit to attract the evil spirits away from the fires of home. Now, should we really be involved in this, even if its popular? I think not.

To sum up, Halloween, the cult of death, is a blatant demonstration of the occult and the ongoing spiritual battle we all face. Let us separate ourselves from the defilement of this season. We are being transformed by the renewing of our minds and we will not be conformed to the world. We will separate ourselves to pleasing God and walking in holiness, filled with the Spirit and ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about spiritual issues. Let us be careful what we watch on TV. The build up in October intentionally fosters fear and horror. (see Galatians 5:16 - 25)

We can pray with confidence for protection over our families and property, but there needs to be great caution when deciding to pray against high places or principalities over our cities. We have to be clear on the level of our authority in aggressive prayer to avoid a damaging backlash from the enemy. Please take counsel with established leadership before taking on the ‘strong man’. You may want to develop a regular prayer walking strategy for your neighbourhood that would weaken the occult and enhance the power of the Gospel. (see Ephesians 5:13-18)

Now with all the ‘armour of God’ in place, and in an atmosphere of praise and worship, pray:

  • With confession and repentance from sin
  • Proclaim the power of the Cross and the shed blood
  • Pray for a mighty move of God in the City
  • Pray against the activity of Satan on Halloween
  • Pray for the powers of darkness to be broken and confused
  • Pray that many  involved in the occult would come to know Christ
  • Mention by name people that you know are in bondage

If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email




© Copyright 2007 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Prayer for Prime the Minister and the Presidents

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - August 2007


Last month I mentioned the possibility of praying 10,000 words in a tongue. Below you will find a further note on the value of the corporate sound in prayer. Next week, August 20-21, in Quebec, there is a very important summit of North American leaders. The 'SPP' is a very surprising initiative that is worthy of more research and prayer. When it comes to Harry Potter and his popularity amongst Christian youth I recently wondered if I was over reacting and whether I should just put a banana in my mouth! Please read on.


On Monday, August 20th, Prime Minister Harper needs our prayers as he hosts President George Bush and President Felipe Calderon of Mexico, at Montebello, Quebec for a two day Summit. This is obviously a very important meeting as a 25 k security perimeter has been drawn around this little town on the river east of Ottawa. This is a summit for the little known ' Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America', abbreviated to 'SPP'. It was formed in March 2005 by the 3 Heads of State at a meeting in Cancun and is not an official treaty, but seems to be wide ranging in its planned effect. In June 2006 the North American Competiveness Council (NACC) was formed with business leaders who could advise government leaders, and so the CEO's of the following Canadian companies also need prayer as they help direct the process of the SPP:

  • Home Depot; Scotiabank; Bell Canada Enterprises; Manulife Financial; Power Corporation of Canada; Ganong Bros. Limited; Suncor Energy Inc; CN; Linamar Corporation; Canfor Corporation;

This is a serious business commitment of very important leaders. It is a challenge in these days to know how to pray for a sovereign Canada when there is a common trend toward globalization and continental unions (NAFTA; Free Trade Area of the Americas - FTAA; European Union; African Union, ASEAN). May our leaders have great wisdom as they look at 5 main issues:


  1. How to make N. America more competitive and prosperous
  2. Avian Flu Pandemic preparedness
  3. Emergency Management
  4. Energy Security
  5. Border Security



A few months ago I personally experienced a prayer meeting in a Chinese church that humbled me immensely. I traveled with a fellow pastor to visit friends in China and we were invited to attend a morning service that started at 8:30 am. Being keeners we decided to arrive at 7:00 am while their pre-service prayer took place. On a beautiful sunny morning imagine our surprise to walk into the building and find 450 adults on their knees praying, facing the backs of their chairs. They had been their from 6:00 am and would pray until 7:30 am.  Nobody seemed to drift in late! The prayers were led by a team of women from the platform, and such an intensity of prayer we had not heard for a long time. A leader would cry out to God with a passion and fervency in a spirit of prayer that commanded attention in the congregation and a response in the Heavenlies. What made me very thoughtful was how the people moved together in alignment to agree with the prayers. When the leader came to the end of a prayer statement, everybody said 'AMEN'! in a loud voice. They said it together with forcefulness so that it went up like a shout, like a missile again piercing the Heavens. It was a sound that had power. In the last 15 years this church has grown from a group of  about 20 older people, ages seventy plus, to where they are now affecting about 2000 people. The Pastor told us that the church has grown and developed on the basis of prayer and worship alone.

After the prayer time, the church spent an hour in pre-service Bible study and hymn practice. At 8:30 am they had a worship service and then baptized 40 people! By 10:00 am they had had church! I suspect we have much to learn about the power of agreement and the spirit of prayer.

In I Corinthians 14:11, the literal Greek is 'the power of the sound', which is generally translated as the 'meaning of the language'. Part of our privilege from being made in the image of God is the ability to create and the ability to speak words. Genesis chapter one states that 'God said …' and things were created. The power of the spoken word is still the divine method for people to be saved - the foolishness of preaching (1 Cor. 1:21), faith still comes by hearing the sound of the Word of God (Romans 10:17). I can always remember how years ago, a truck driver uttered a four letter word expletive at me with such power that I immediately felt defiled. Possibly swearing is the pagan equivalent of speaking in tongues, but in a different spirit, as it has the ability to create a very negative effect. Praise God that on the Day of Pentecost He reversed the judgment of the tower of Babel and brought the tongues of men under the spirit led government of God. Acts 12 teaches us that when those called of God to pray, actually come together to pray with fervency and no time constraint, then things happen. Let us go deeper in the Spirit to bring forth the Sound that will please the Father.


Recently I was having a very pleasant lunch with four other Christians, when one asked another if they had bought the latest Harry Potter book, and then enthused about it. When I enquired why they devoted time and money to reading Harry Potter, they countered by saying that it represented the story of the victory of good over evil. What amazed me was that two other mature Christians agreed with him. Was I missing something? Over the years I have found that the Occult has been something for people to repent of and be cast out in the name of Jesus. Demonic influence (demonization), even in believers lives, has had such terrible effects that I find it a very serious matter. I believe that Jesus died on the Cross to set us free from the elemental spirits of the universe (Colossians 2:20), so why would we encourage our children in occult teaching and fantasy? It is breathtaking how the World has experienced a Witchcraft revival with millions dressing up as witches to buy the book at the witching hour. This must increase the power of the demonic in communities. The Gospel is irrelevant to many. My concerns:

  1. The Harry Potter series develops a sympathetic identification with Harry as an advanced occult adept.
  2. The purchase of product and paraphernalia can invite demonic impartation. Such things should be cleansed from the house.
  3. A person, especially a child, could open their spirit to the occult as they dwell on the themes.
  4. It creates another stronghold in peoples minds to make them more resistant to the Gospel, both in coming to Christ and obeying Christ.

"There shall not be found among you anyone who... practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out..." Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

Is this part of a strong delusion coming upon the world and infiltrating the church in the last days? I believe that we must intercede for Canada with zeal. If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to


© Copyright 2007 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

10,000 Words In A Tongue

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - July 2007


Our nation is at war in Afghanistan and also the target of radical threats and yet we still enjoy the most pleasant lifestyle and a very high standard of living. Do we take this for granted and imagine it will always be like this? I believe that Canada and all the nations are in a Joel 3:2 situation where God is entering into judgment with us. Multitudes are in the valley of decision, but do we discern it? I offer two things for the subject of prayer: Praying in the Spirit to depths of powerful intercession, and a sober warning that a conflict in the Middle East is a real possibility in the near future. Our way of life that is based on oil and oil derivatives could come to an end overnight! Then what will we do?

 10,000 WORDS IN A TONGUE … 1 Corinthians 14:19

This note is about the private use of the gift of tongues for personal intercession. I believe that it is an extremely powerful gift and one that is largely undeveloped by most believers. In an age when we are not too sure what to pray, the Spirit supplicates for us and the Father understands (Romans 8:26-27).

This is what Paul says about the gift of tongues in 1 Corinthians 14: 14: 1     earnestly desire the spiritual gifts 14: 2     now I want you all to speak in tongues 14:18    I thank God I speak in tongues more than you all 14:39    do not forbid speaking in tongues

When a believer prays in tongues: 14:2      he speaks to God, for no one understands him 14:2      but he utters mysteries in the spirit 14:14    my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful 14:4      the believer is built up 14:15    I will pray with the spirit 14:15    I will sing with the spirit 14:16    if you bless (eulogia) with the spirit 14:17   you may give thanks (eucharisteo) well enough 14:28    and let him speak to himself and to God

Paul offers up in 14:19 the suggestion that he could pray 10,000 words in a tongue! By God's grace I received the gift of tongues at the Full Gospel Assembly Manse, Queen's Square, Saint John, NB, on Monday night, August 24th, 1964. For a young chemistry student from London University, used to rational expression, this was a profound encounter. On most days in the last 43 years I have used the gift to pray, sing, bless and utter mysteries to God. When I relax into the spirit I tend to pray words quite quickly, they just pour out of me much quicker than I could think them up! So I felt provoked recently about 10,000 words in a tongue, and for one minute read a page of scripture at the same rate, and found I had read 250 words!  10,000 words would take only 40 minutes, probably not more than an hour, when in the spirit. I have felt persuaded that 40 minutes in the spirit is not unreasonable considering the spiritual battle that is going on around us. As part of the whole armour of God Paul says:

…by means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit …Ephesians 6:18

When we run out of things to pray in our first language we can tune into the prayer meeting that is going on in with our spirit. My experience of prolonged praying in the spirit is that there is usually an introductory level with familiar tongues, that after a few minutes develops into a deeper level of intensity with new tongues. With persistence, by faith, there can be another even deeper level where one is conscious of just being like an instrument for the Spirit to use. This can only be entered by faith as the sounds may seem ridiculous, thus requiring humility and yieldedness before the Lord. This often feels very powerful and that the will of God is being prayed, something is happening! On occasion I have experienced yet a deeper level where the groanings of the spirit are very physical and demanding, so intense and emotional I am almost afraid to go there.

By following the scripture with the Greek interlinear text I was surprised to read in 14: 11, that the phrase 'meaning of the language' (RSV) translated the Greek 'the power (dunamis) of the sound (phone). In 1 Corinthians the word 'dunamis' appears 15 times and in 14 cases is translated with the usual word - power!. Why hide the word for power under such a bland word as 'meaning'? Perhaps a scholar can correct me, but I understand from this verse that sounds (languages?) have power! Paul says there are doubtless many sounds (14:10), even the tongues of men and angels (14:1).

So here is the bottom line, the gift of tongues bypasses our mind to utter powerful sounds in the spirit, as we yield ourselves to the Spirit. We have to do this by faith and release control to the Spirit. We have to be out of control in a way that wounds our intellect! May we be delivered from fear and trust the Living God. I would suggest that these are desperate times and desperate solutions are needed. Why not take an hour and try 10,000 words.

Note: there are no capitals in Greek denoting clearly 'Spirit' from 'spirit'. The context at times can clearly mean one or the other, but references to 'praying with my spirit' also seem to involve the Holy Spirit. My spirit was dead, but now is alive to God, and the Holy Spirit bears witness with my spirit when I cry out to the Father (Romans 8:15-16).


"The Middle East today is like Europe on the eve of the Great War of 1914-18.

It needs only a spark to set the whole region on fire." The above comment was made to Patrick Seale, a leading British writer on the Middle East.

(please see June 22nd 2007)

The following has been reported recently. I have listed some facts so that we can pray for Canada and the Nations with insight: (Please see the Debka Report at

AMERICA Has two aircraft carrier strike groups already in the Persian Gulf with a third one on its way. A forth carrier force is on its way to the Red Sea to back up the other three and protect Israel and the Suez Canal.

IRAN Amazingly Iran recently invaded Iraq, north of Basra, with suicide fighters in anticipation of an American invasion. At the same time they are rationing motorists to 100 litres of gas a month also in anticipation of the needs of the army in war time. Some of their leaders believe that the Mahdi will come in a time of chaos to bring victory.

TURKEY Has massed 140,000 soldiers at Iraq’s northern border poised to invade northern Iraq’s Kurdistan.

SYRIA Syria has asked its citizens to leave Lebanon to avoid an imminent 'eruption'. Syria is prepared for war on the Golan heights. Recently Syria crossed into Lebanon opposite the Bekaa Valley and dug many trenches in preparation for war. It was reported that Syria's important historical artifacts were recently moved out of the city to an undisclosed destination.

ISRAEL Israel is also ready for war with Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel recently also invaded part of Gaza.

GAZA Russia has moved out its citizens recently expecting a conflict. Hamas are looking to Iran for direction.

IRAQ The volatile insurgency and civil war may lead to partition and the formation of smaller nations more subject to their neighbours. The US has been busy over the last few years building several huge military bases in different parts of Iraq to ensure an ongoing strategic presence in the region with about 50 k soldiers.


I find myself praying Isaiah 19 where there is hope for Jew and Arab gentiles alike. May there be a mighty move of God in that area and peace between neighbouring nations. Praying in the spirit is one way of making sure our prayers are on target, that we are praying in the way Jesus wants us to pray.

If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to


© Copyright 2007 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Arrow Prayers

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - December 2006


CONTENT SUMMARY Arrow Prayers Pastor Bob 99! Centennial Flame National Prayer Gathering 2007 National Teleconference Prayer Meeting Powder Keg Waiting For A Spark The Nation Within The Nation Definition of Marriage


In our church we need God! We are desperate for more of the Holy Spirit bringing the reality of the Kingdom of God into our city. One thing we are doing that has caught on is a programme to:

Keep on praying, All the time, Together, For more of the Holy Spirit through Arrow Prayers.

Like Nehemiah before Cyrus, these are quick prayers during our normal daily activities. Each arrow is small, but a shower of them will win a battle.

The king said to me, "What is it you want?" Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king, "If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my fathers are buried so that I can rebuild it." (Nehemiah 2:1-5)

People have chosen these times when they will remember to send daily arrow prayers:

5 am, 5:30 am, 7:30 am, 8 am, 8:30 am (or as soon as I wake up), 2:22 pm, 4 pm, 11 pm.

while cleaning my teeth (3 people) with my first cup of coffee before reading the daily paper when logging on to my computer on the way to school on the way to work with every cup of tea or coffee on my way home in the afternoon whenever I'm on the bus

We are encouraged to know what a shower of  arrows our simple plan is creating. This is just part of our daily conversation with Jesus, talking to Him in all life's circumstances. Then we can spend special longer times with Him - seek His face, worship, read the Bible, listen… hang out and talk.

Beth Carson, First Century Church, Metrotown


Our prayers and thankfulness to God are with Pastor Bob and Margaret Birch, as Pastor Bob reaches his 99th birthday at the end of the month. Then he will be in his 100th year all next year. Pastor Bob has rightly been called an 'Apostle of Prayer' and I believe that God has preserved him as a sign of His faithfulness as the prayer hearing and prayer answering God. Beth Carson who wrote the above article has also written the biography of Pastor Bob, an account of a man who lived in every decade of last century and did remarkable things even in old age! Beth would be glad to tell you how you can obtain a copy:


All are invited to join with others who love the Lord to pray as we begin a new year asking the Lord’s blessings, direction and protection for our nation.

Saturday, January 13, 2006 - Ottawa

5:00 – 6:00 pm. Gathering near the Centennial Flame, Parliament Hill, Ottawa (Possibly on the Parliament steps) 7:00 – 8:30 pm  Celebratory Worship, Prayer & Inspiration at the National House of Prayer, 17 Myrand Avenue, Ottawa Pastors, intercessors, lay workers and key national prayer leaders have all been invited. Your presence will make a difference. Please let us know (EFC/NHOP/IFC) that you are coming and how many others you will invite to come with you. RSVP to


The working group for the Prayer Ramp are sponsoring a national prayer call on the Third Thursday of each month at 11:00 am PT / 2:00 pm ET to begin on Thursday, January 18th. I will be facilitating the call on behalf of the team and the first 100 people to log on will be part of the call. We hope to prepare the call with advanced e-mails and pray together for our nation in a disciplined and exciting way. Please reply to me  if you would like to be sent details of this call.


How do we pray for Canada and the Nations when it seems that another major conflict could erupt very soon. David Dolan in his latest Israel report for World Net Daily concluded by saying: "For whatever happens in Iraq, it is now becoming abundantly clear that the entire Middle East is on the brink of a massive eruption that could ultimately make World War II look like a mere warm up exercise."

Saudi King Abdullah opened the annual summit of Gulf leaders on Saturday, December 10th,  and said:

"Our Arab region is besieged by a number of dangers, as if it was a powder keg waiting for a spark to explode"

These are very serious warnings and a major conflict would quickly affect the economies of many nations, especially if the oil supply was disrupted for any reason. How should we position ourselves on the Wall?

I believe we need to carefully study the scriptures concerning the Last days. Paul makes it clear in 1 Thessalonians 5:4 that the Day of the Lord should not take us by surprise, even if the rest of the world is shocked. All of world history is moving toward the most climatic event ever, the return of King Jesus.

It is a command to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the Jewish people to find Christ as their Lord and Messiah.

Great hope for the whole of the Middle East is in Isaiah 19. There might yet be time for a mighty move of God amongst the Muslims. Isaiah saw prophetically that Assyria is the work of God's hands, Egypt His people and Israel his inheritance. (Isaiah 19:25)

Pray for mercy on the Canadian Government that they will not be party to dividing up the land of Israel. Joel 3:2 says:

I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will enter into judgment with them there, on account of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations, and have divided up my land .


I wondered at the Liberal Party leadership election recently. Michael Ignatieff seemed to be the chosen one, but lost some steam perhaps in part due to his controversial comments about Quebecers as a separate people who should be recognized as a nation under the constitution. Remarkably the Government recently introduced a resolution: 'That this House recognize that the Quebecois form a nation within a united Canada'. This caused immense debate, and other cultural groups postured to also be called a nation. It came to me that there is already one true nation within a united Canada and that is the holy nation of God's own people!

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9

It is God's amazing and eternal purpose to demonstrate the rich variety of His wisdom through the church (Ephesians 3:8-10). God calls the believers in Christ in Canada, to be a special and distinct people (Exodus 33:16), separated to doing His will which is glorious. Our challenge is to believe in our own calling and destiny and live a quality of life in Christ that is a true intercession for Canada, prolonging the mercy of God and bringing transformation in every aspect of society.


Earlier this month a Government motion to reopen the debate on the definition of marriage was clearly defeated by 175 to 123 votes. A nationwide process of analysis and discussion would have been good but still would not have changed anything. A Government must use the 'not withstanding clause' to reverse Supreme Court decisions concerning the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But this course of action is regarded generally as so extreme and intolerant that people are scared of voting for a party that would be bold enough to do this. So what is going on in this nation where recently nearly two thirds of the people did not want to see the definition change? The United Church of Canada even wrote to the Prime Minister, Paul Martin, congratulating him on the occasion of the redefinition last year. A few years ago who would have even dreamt of such a thing? I believe that this vote is a sign of God's judgment on Canada, as God the Restrainer removes himself to give more room to lawlessness, and to give the leaders and people what they want:      Please see the literal Greek translation of 2 Thessalonians 2:7:

'For the mystery of lawlessness already operates, only there is the one restraining until it comes out of the midst'.

In this chapter lawlessness operates powerfully with deception on those who reject the truth of the Gospel, and God even sends strong delusion that they should believe a lie. In days like these we dare not look to Parliament to save us. We need a move of God in the church, we need a revival from coast to coast! In 2 Thess 2:8 we see the Lawless One is overcome by Jesus through the spirit of His mouth and the glory of His presence. Intercessors, we can pray now, before the Day of the Lord, that in the Church there will similarly be Spirit anointed preaching of the Word and the manifest presence of Jesus in the midst of His people. In our own communities lawlessness will then be severely weakened and many will turn to Christ in this generation. Is there another option?

If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to


© Copyright 2006 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Praying for Those in Authority

Intercessors for Canada

Canada's Twelve Most Wanted Answers to Prayer #1 - January 2006


I have been pondering for some time what it would take to see a profound change in the fabric of Canada that was clearly noticeable. Below is an outline of some themes which I am going to pursue in 2006. This month it is very timely to look at who is in 'high authority' in Canada and how we can pray for them.

FEBRUARY THE CHURCH (A) A Call to Repentance 1
MAY THE CHURCH (B) A Fresh Pentecost and National Revival
DECEMBER THE CHURCH (C) Repent of False Teachers and Deception


Paul writes to Timothy giving him instruction on important priorities:

1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. 3 This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all...     1Timothy 2:1-6

'High positions' translates the Greek word, huperoche, which can also be translated as high responsibility, or authority with a sense of pre-eminence or superiority. The context refers to 'Kings and all...' and must include those who have the ability to shape the culture and laws of a land and maintain peace and security.

The Lord wants us to have a peaceful lifestyle but especially to have the freedom to preach the Gospel. Paul in verse 3 calls God, 'God our Saviour', the urgent priority being His desire for all men and women to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the divine truth: only one God and only one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus who ransomed his life for all people. Our prayers must align with the revealed desire of the heart of God ... our saviour! CANADA’S SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT

So who is in high authority over us in Canada? The type of government is a constitutional monarchy that is also a parliamentary democracy and a federation of provinces. This is also expressed as three branches:

1.  Executive Branch:  The chief of state is Queen Elizabeth ll, represented by the Governor General Michaelle Jean (appointed by the Monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister for a five year term). The head of the government is the Prime Minister, who governs the various Federal Ministries through a cabinet usually selected from the ruling party.

2.  Legislative Branch:   Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Commons. The 105 Senators are appointed by the Governor General with the advice of the Prime Minister and can serve until 75 years of age. The 308 members of the Commons are elected by direct, popular vote to serve for terms of up to five years.

3.  Judicial Branch:   There are a number of levels of Courts that can rule: Provincial Courts, Federal Court of Appeal, Federal Court of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada. In the latter Court the judges are appointed by the Prime Minister through the Governor General. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which was added to the Constitution in 1982, has been a tool for social change in the hand of governments and interpreted and enforced by the Supreme Courts.


First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men...

SUPPLICATIONS (requests or petitions)     This is where we make specific requests of the Lord for others. We confess that are totally dependent on God and nothing is too large or small to take to Him in prayer for others. Key concept is dependency.

PRAYERS     The emphasis is on coming to God as father, on a regular basis, knowing that He really does want to be with me. It involves talking to God, praising Him and also listening to Him on behalf of others. Key concept is that we gain authority in prayer for others as we cultivate intimacy.

INTERCESSIONS     Intercession is a technical term for approaching a King and asking for mercy on behalf of others (inter = between, cedere = to go). Most people can't pray for themselves. So God raises up the intercessor to plead with Him for the lost. The Lord really does want all men and women to be saved. Praying this way makes us partners with God, in what He is doing in Canada. Key concept is that intercession is a passion not a pastime!

THANKSGIVINGS     As we move in prayer in dependency on God alone, with intimacy and passion, a gratefulness rises up in our hearts. It's not easy being in leadership at any level and our blessing for others is more positive than our complaining or criticism. We thank God for those who serve us in authority over us. Key thought is that praying this way reinforces our total reliance on a sovereign and all powerful God.

1.  Executive Branch:

Clearly the Prime Minister of the day has remarkable direct influence to appoint Senators, pass new laws and appoint Supreme Court Judges that could influence Canada for a generation or more. In a curious way we have also found that the Prime Minister's 'kitchen cabinet' of close advisors and administrators also, on his behalf, exercises remarkable influence with MPs and Ministers.

We need to pray fervently now for these following four leaders and their parties especially as one of them will be the People's choice under the hand of a sovereign God.

Paul Martin - Liberal Party Leader Stephen Harper - Conservative Party Leader Gilles Duceppe - Bloc Québécois Party Leader Jack Layton - New Democratic Party Leader

2.   Legislative Branch:

For general guidance on how to pray for the upcoming election please see   

Example: That this election will serve God's purposes for Canada, as a nation which demonstrates righteousness, justice, compassion and generosity.  That Canada will be a country whose elected leaders are individuals of: integrity, discernment, grace, courage and conviction; willing servants; people of vision, perseverance and character. That the Holy Spirit will guide electors in examining issues and candidates, and in voting. That all Christians would be mobilized to vote their moral conscience, so godly leaders are chosen!

3.   Judicial Branch:

The nine Judges of the Supreme Court are very influential in their exercise of High Authority. Their decisions have recently been very controversial. It led the Globe and Mail to say in an editorial (January 3rd):

'The Supreme Court's recent decision on sex clubs raises an interesting question: Are there any social and moral norms in today's world?' and at the end of the column:

'Is there even such a thing as public morals in a modern society?'

The Supreme Court, by a majority of 7-2, dismissed the traditional concept of a community having common values and standards and went for tolerance as long as nobody was coerced or injured! We have moved from tolerance of what people do in their own homes to an amazing tolerance of what people can now do in public places. Where will it go from here, what will our children inherit unless God intervenes with godly Judges? We need to pray hard for these Judges to rule in the fear of God:

The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, P.C. Chief Justice of Canada The Honourable Mr. Justice John C. Major The Honourable Mr. Justice William Ian Corneil Binnie The Honourable Madam Justice Marie Deschamps The Honourable Mr. Justice Morris J. Fish The Honourable Madam Justice Rosalie Silberman Abella The Honourable Madam Justice Louise Charron The Honourable Mr. Justice Michel Bastarache The Honourable Mr. Justice Louis LeBel

4.  Provinces

Canada was originally a Federation of four Provinces back in 1867. There are now ten provinces and three territories. Provincial Premiers, Cabinets and Mayors of cities all need our prayers. Over the last 30 years we must commend Arne Bryan and Prayer Canada for pioneering Prayer Posts all across the nation in homes, City Halls and Provincial legislatures. They have helped us with information on how to pray for the Federal Cabinet, Provincial Cabinets, and City Mayors and Councilors. Please have a look at

Other Useful Links:

Prayer Canada                                        Nation At Prayer                                     Canada In Prayer                                    National House Of Prayer                        The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada      Government of Canada                            Intercessors For Canada                         

© Copyright 2006 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.