First of All - Prayer

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - January 2006


I recently felt impelled of the Lord to study 2 Timothy 3 in depth. Paul starts by stating bluntly (1), that in the last days very difficult (stressful, perilous) times will come. The deceived unbeliever will go from bad to worse (13) with a list of about 20 adverse qualities! In contrast the believer who desires to live a godly life (12), should factor in persecution and suffering for the name of Christ. But the word is clear - even in the most stressful times we are to continue in what we have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom we have learned it (14). The Scriptures are God's inspired gift to us (16), so that we can do His will under pressure. We are to be complete - ready for when He needs us to be, and equipped - trained and ready to succeed, for EVERY GOOD WORK! This is a call for biblical training and mentoring with accountability. I pray blessing on you in 2006 that no matter what pressures assail, you will do the good works that God has prepared for you to walk in (Eph 2:10). Let's believe God for good and great works for the Church of Canada!FIRST OF ALL - PRAYERAfter weeks of prayer and activism Canada has a new Prime Minister elect, Stephen Harper, with a minority Conservative government. Prime Minister Paul Martin will not lead his party into the next election. We have to trust that the Lord has allowed His sovereignty to guide the democratic process. It is a mixed result but one that allows the Lord to do the unexpected to release Canada's destiny. Pray:

1. That Stephen Harper would humble himself under the mighty hand of God 2. That he would have much wisdom in choosing his new cabinet and chief officers 3. That all four main party leaders would cooperate for the future welfare of Canada

See also and Canada's 12 Most Wanted #01 PRO-MARRIAGE

There has been much focus on the 12 candidates in Greater Vancouver likely to endorse a review of the same sex marriage debate. Of the four who were incumbents 3 were reelected. The 8 new candidates (7 CON, 1 IND) were swept away. At this stage it does not look as though a free vote in Parliament for a review on the issue would succeed. Pray for wisdom for Stephen Harper to know how to present this subject to his own party and then the Commons. NORTH AMERICA WAS NOT DESTROYED TODAY!

Over this last weekend there was a flurry of e-mails sincerely requesting urgent prayer for today, January 23rd. A red prayer alert went out concerning an attack on 7 cities: New York, Cincinnati, San Francisco, Atlanta, Dallas, Washington DC, and even Montreal! This was not about our Federal Election today but about catastrophic judgment on the world starting in North America. I groaned inwardly when I saw this as there seemed to be little or no discernment as to the accuracy of the prophecy. It is not good enough to say that Just in case it is true - prayer will not hurt! The so called confirmation to the originator that disaster would strike on January 23rd, came on October 23rd through a 12 year old boy, a seven year old girl, and another young girl all in the same church in Dover, Tennessee. This is totally inadequate in seeking confirmation of a word that affects a Continent!  These prophecies seem to have been posted on several web sites in recent months as warnings but with little discernment. Somebody came up with a list of 175 things that happened in history on January 23rd and asked if that made it significant? Answer no! The theme of 7 cities is not even original as it was the subject of a book last year concerning suitcase bombs. Where is the maturity to urge caution in giving prophecies like this that confuse the people of God and invite scorn from unbelievers? At least Chuck Colson's New Year's Dream/Nightmare was carefully described in non specific terms.

I mention this in the context of a visitor who shared at our Pastors' Prayer Fellowship last week in Vancouver, that he had been sent by God to declare that we were a 'Sodom & Gomorrah City' and that catastrophic judgment was coming this year to the West Coast. He said 'If 2005 was a year of grace, then 2006 was the year of man, subject to God's judgments.' What do we do with all of this? How do we validate the prophet?

May I suggest a few guidelines to aid in discernment of the apocalyptic prophet and the message.

  • Do they have letters of 'commendation', see 2 Cor 3:1. It is fair to ask who they are. Who can speak on their behalf to commend them for their character and gifting. Who are they accountable to?
  1. What is their history of being a prophet? Are they accurate? What is the maturity and measure of their gift.
  2. If a date specific prophecy does not come to pass then they should come under some sort of discipline   in humility. It is not good enough to say glibly that our prayers averted a disaster without some mature consideration of other factors.
  3. Was the prophecy based on numerology or Jewish festival dates and multiple coincidences? I fail to see how 2006 means it is the year of man and judgment. The real number is 2006 not 6, and in any case in the occult the integers are added up to form a number between 1-9, so 2006 = 8 ! We must   stop the drift into mystical methods that open a door to the elemental powers of the Universe.
  4. Was the prophecy recycling the obvious, or that which is already reported in the media?
  5. Was the dream or vision centered on a particular nation's destiny. There can be a form of replacement   theology where, in our enthusiasm for our own nation, it takes the place of Israel in terms of God's promises. Replacement theology however well intentioned will lead to error.


This weekend I am preparing to be part of a discussion panel at Missions Fest Vancouver on the churches' preparedness for a possible flu pandemic. I do not minimize how dangerous the world is and that 'in the last days perilous times will come'. The Lord Jesus warned about wars and rumours of wars in the last days, and there is abundant commentary on possible natural and military disasters. Some level of contingency planning is wise. In Acts 11: 27-230 there is a timely example of how a prophetic word of a regional disaster came to pass and how the saints prepared for it.

27 And in these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch. 28 And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar. 29 Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea: 30 Which also they       did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.

I believe that God's judgments can be averted on occasion, they can also be downgraded in their intensity, or even the timing changed. (see Matthew 24:20-22 for the power of prayer). If a pandemic hit our nation for 12 - 18 months our church life would change beyond all recognition.


The nine Judges of the Supreme Court are very influential in their exercise of High Authority. Their decisions have recently been very controversial. It led the Globe and Mail to say in an editorial (January 3rd):

'The Supreme Court's recent decision on sex clubs raises an interesting question: Are there any social and moral norms in today's world?'

and at the end of the column:

            'Is there even such a thing as public morals in a modern society?

The Supreme Court, by a majority of 7-2, dismissed the traditional concept of a community having common values and standards and went for tolerance as long as nobody was coerced or injured! We have moved from tolerance of what people do in their own homes to an amazing tolerance of what people can now do in public places. The point that we cannot overlook is that illicit sexual activity: swinging, prostitution, orgies etc does have an effect on an area. The sexual rebellion against the Creator empowers the demonic influence both in individuals and over an area making it more resistant to the Gospel. Where will it go from here, what will our children inherit unless God intervenes with godly Judges? We need to pray hard for these Judges to rule in the fear of God. See list of names at Canada's 12 Most Wanted #01 January 2006


On the second Thursday of each month ( 11:00 am ET), there is a national prayer leaders' teleconference prayer meeting sponsored by a group of prayer leaders who committed themselves to a united prayer focus for 2006. Last week we had 28 people on the call and there was a great spirit of prayer for the nation. I believe that we will see remarkable prayer meetings springing up all over the country.


© Copyright 2006 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Vision for 2006

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - December 2005



As the year turns we are all naturally beginning to focus on 2006 and the upcoming Federal Election on January 23rd. There is however life beyond the election and there are many new plans and initiatives that hopefully the Lord Himself has inspired for our good. We come to Him in weakness and humiliation knowing that unless the Lord watches over the nation everything we do is in vain (Psalm 127:1). Of course we pray for those in high authority who are to rule over us but we do not look to them to do what God has called His Bride to do. May God give us the sort of politicians who will give us the peace and the freedom to preach the Gospel which alone can bring about personal and national transformation.


I have been pondering what it would take to see a profound change in the fabric of Canada that was clearly noticeable. Below is an outline of some themes which I am going to pursue in 2006 and will also send to you in more detail in a separate e-mail. The prayers for the Church are in 3 parts as we need to cover a lot of bases through the year. More to come!

FEBRUARY THE CHURCH (A) A Call to Repentance 1
MAY THE CHURCH (B) A Fresh Pentecost and National Revival
DECEMBER THE CHURCH (C) Repent of False Teachers and Deception


Canada is in need of prayer as we enter the New Year! The elections plus other significant national, regional and local challenges at so many levels, need our focus in prayer as Christian leaders in this nation. As a concerned believer in Jesus you are invited to join others who love the Lord to pray as we begin a new year asking the Lord’s blessings, direction and protection for our nation.

Saturday, January 14, 2006 - Ottawa

5:00 – 6:00 pm. Gathering at the Eternal Flame, Parliament Hill, Ottawa 7:00 – 8:30 pm  Celebratory Worship, Prayer & Inspiration at the Metropolitan Bible Church (453 Bank Street)

Pastors, intercessors, lay workers and key national prayer leaders have all been invited. Your presence will make a difference. Please let us know that you are coming and how many others you will invite to come with you.

RSVP to This gathering is being sponsored by the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and the National House of Prayer for the 'pdf' version.


On Wednesday, December 14th, I attended a leadership meeting in Richmond with MP, Pat O'Brien (Liberal), former MP and Deputy Leader, Grant Hill, (PC), to discuss how the Christian community can mobilize to see a pro-marriage government elected in the 39th Parliament. This event was part of a cross-Canada, non-partisan, tour by ‘Vote Marriage Canada’, to rally strategic support for pro-marriage candidates. It was interesting that in the first election debate the Conservative Leader said that, while he would put the issue of gay marriage to the House of Commons for a vote, he would not try to get around any future court decisions by using the constitutional notwithstanding clause. This issue needs much prayer. Please see and consider being a volunteer to pray.

AZUSA STREET CENTENNIAL - April 25-29 - Los Angeles, CA

I am planning to attend this centennial celebration not because of a morbid nostalgia but because I know deep down that I need a fresh coal from the fire of Azusa Street to touch my soul. There is still no substitute for the power of the Holy Spirit. Many have never known this power while for most of us we have got used to powerlessness! But I can remember what it felt like in the summer of 1964, in Saint John, to have a pastor who as a young woman had been impacted by the anointing in 1910 and spent her life in obedience to the Spirit. I want to be provoked to humble myself under the mighty hand of God. Have a look at their web What about Canada?


This was not just another conference, it was a first ever for Canada, a ground breaking time, a kairos moment, standing on holy ground! Such were the sentiments expressed at this very timely get together of over 80 leaders from 35 towns and cities from Vancouver to Halifax. Three days in a hotel with a beautiful spirit of worship and prayer that led us to adore Jesus and to be more effective in reaching and discipling our cities for Christ. We were provoked by transformational teachers and fellowshipped over break-out groups and meals. God was glorified and most of us seemed to buy about six inspiring books for the journey home! We were extremely grateful to the city leadership groups of Mission GTA and Mission Ottawa/Outaouais that convened the Consultation - represented by Richard Long, Barry Boucher, Ken Hall and Mark Peterkins. For a more detailed report please see our IFC web site (Dave visited Ottawa – November 21-23, 2005)


Rob and Fran Parker are now living their dream! The Lord has given them a mansion, with many rooms, in Ottawa for a National House Of Prayer. Note that this is not the Ottawa House Of Prayer but something that belongs to the whole Church in Canada. On October 14th, 2005, they were given the keys to a very impressive building, built in 1935, that was once a home to praying nuns, and also for 2 years – the Chinese Embassy. It is a place where cities can send a team (Monday – Friday) of up to twenty people to pray for the nation and also visit parliament to pray over the government. In a spirit of prayer, teams would also learn much about prayer through Rob and Fran’s ministry. This is a tremendous project, so new and so fresh for Canada, and it carries a commanded blessing when cities come together in unity for our nation. They have had one financial miracle in obtaining the building for half price at only $900k, but now they need another miracle to see it mortgage free. Let us pray that this national treasure will grow in credibility and influence both in Ottawa and from coast to coast. Be blessed at (Dave visited the NHOP on November 24th with a group from the City Impact Consultation)

PRAYER RAMP - 'HELPING CANADA TAKE OFF FOR EVANGELISM' National prayer focus for evangelism:  May 3 – June 11, 2006

At the end of August about two dozen national and city prayer leaders came together in Mississauga to seek God for a united prayer focus in 2006. It became very clear both in prayer and from the Bible, that prayer and evangelism were strongly linked in the purposes of God, and we coined the phrase ‘Christ Driven Prayer and Evangelism’! Our prayer focus was then seen to be vitally linked to national outreach initiatives like Alpha Canada and Celebration 2006. Drawing from the inspiration of Alpha to have a 40 – Day Prayer Blitz, we found that it naturally included a number of significant initiatives from May 3rd to June 11th

Wednesday     May     3           40 Days of Prayer Starts - Daily Prayer calendar available Saturday         May     6            Heal Our Land – Wave of Prayer from Coast to Coast Friday             May   26           10 days of 24/7 prayer and fasting Saturday         May   27            Start of Celebration 2006 national, community based evangelism Sunday           June     4            Pentecost Sunday and the Global Day of Prayer Sunday           June   11            Final Day of the 40 days of Prayer and for Celebration 2006


The working group for the Prayer Ramp are sponsoring a national prayer call on the second Thursday of each month at 8:00am PT/11:00am ET to begin on Thursday, January 12th. I will be facilitating the call on behalf of the team and the first 100 people to log on will be part of the call. We hope to prepare the call with advanced e-mails and pray together for our nation in a disciplined and exciting way. Please reply to me  if you would like to be sent details of this call. Main qualification is that you are already a prayer leader in your church or city.

© Copyright 2005 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


Canadian City Impact Consultation - Ottawa - November 21-23, 2005

Canadian City Impact Consultation

Ottawa - November 21-23, 2005

This was not just another conference, it was a first ever for Canada, a ground breaking time, a kairos moment, standing on holy ground! Such were the sentiments expressed at this very timely get together of over 80 leaders from 35 towns and cities from Vancouver to Halifax. Three days in a hotel with a beautiful spirit of worship and prayer that led us to adore Jesus and to be more effective in reaching and discipling our cities for Christ. We were provoked by transformational teachers and fellowshipped over break-out groups and meals. God was glorified and most of us seemed to buy about six inspiring books for the journey home! We were extremely grateful to the city leadership groups of Mission GTA and Mission Ottawa/Outaouais that convened the Consultation - represented by Richard Long, Barry Boucher, Ken Hall and Mark Peterkins. Here are a few nuggets from each of the main speakers to inspire you to get the tapes!

TOM WHITE – Frontline Ministries – Oregon, USA

Tom has international experience with city-wide prayer movements. His desire is to help groups of leaders consolidate their unity to catalyze vision for more effectively reaching their communities:

‘Transformation: The emergence of viable models of Kingdom expression that are sustainable, that make impact on social structures.’ ‘Where the Kingdom of God has infiltrated every area of society bringing the life of Jesus to many in that community with an expression of justice and welfare for all.’ ‘The one body in a city is responsible to disciple the souls in that city.’ ‘Make one new friend in your community in 2006 – deal with loneliness.’ ‘Anointed activism – cities that move have a leader or a core group of leaders with apostolic gifting that is authoritative.’ ‘A wise leader learns to read the season, avoiding the miseries of panic, discouragement.’ ‘In Boise Idaho, the churches made an impact on the city by writing $17,000 in cheques to pay outstanding traffic/parking fines!’ ‘Gatekeepers can usually recognize other gatekeepers.’ ‘Evangelicals need to release charismatics to be charismatics!’

MARTIN SCOTT – Sowing Seeds For Revival Team – Leatherhead, UK

Martin is one of the UK’s leading city-reachers and the author of a couple of books that went like hot-cakes! His overall desire is to see a generation rise up who know the Lord and are strong in Him.

Martin started by defining where he thought we were at – just like the blind man who was sent by Jesus to the pool of Siloam to receive his sight there. He was sent but still blind and stumbling on the journey to being healed.! (John 9:1-7)

These are the days of Elijah? No, Amos! Inward righteousness will express itself in outward looking justice.

Question: What is at the very heart of city-reaching? If it is my church then that is not enough. Focus on changed lives in the community. Question: If finance was not an issue I would want to help the body of Christ to find the people who can recapture the dream!

Things that we have hope in have to die, but we must not lose heart. God is already preparing us for the next phase. Isaiah 43 – the new thing is always difficult to see because it is just springing up. A bigger reformation is to take place.

  • There is no map for our journey
  • Be careful of those who want to sell you maps!
  • Determine who you want to journey with -
  • You will never convince the 10 spies to take the land,
  • Walk with the two!

GLEN SMITH – Direction Chrétienne/Christian Direction - Montreal

Glen has a burden to minister on following Jesus in all of life:

We are apprentices to Jesus committed to transformation. At the heart of our mission we are incarnating reconciliation 24/7 in the community. We announce good news…and clean up the streets. The enlarged aspect of the Kingdom is obedience to Jesus into every area of society. There is no fit all theology! Theology is always contextual. Christendom is over! There are brave new ways of what church looks like. The privatization of orthodoxy is an evil! Invite people to follow Jesus into the public world and all of life.

12 Key Indicators of a Transformed City

Glen gave an impassioned talk on 12 indicators that inspired vision for a transformed city.

1.         Increasing number of churches actively involved in spiritual transformation. 2.         Concrete acts of reconciliation and justice for the welfare of the city. 3.         Leaders leading a demonstration of the Gospel in all aspects of the city. 4.         Equity in all aspects of the city. 5.         Children and youth welfare and wellness. 6.         Decline in Suicides. 7.         Marriage & Family health 8.         Most vulnerable reconnecting through multiple opportunities. 9.         Decline in violence. 10.       Decline in sexual abuse against women and children. 11.       Artistic expression and Heritage valued 12.       Environmental improvement.

W. CLAYTON ROWE – World Vision Canada – St. James Town, Toronto

'Transformation and Justice’

Clayton has a passion to see that the ‘least and the last’ are not left out of our thinking as we consider the transformation of our Canadian cities. He instructed us to end child poverty and injustice in our own communities. The vision for every child was ‘life in all its fullness’. This was not a comfortable session. The break-out groups struggled to respond to what he shared.

Poverty was referred to as brokenness in four key elements: mental, spiritual, physical and social. But he also mentioned another powerful definition:

‘Poverty is the belief you are powerless to move beyond your brokenness.’

His statistics were scary and got our attention

1.1 million children living in poverty in Canada. 57,000 Moms and children experience hunger on a regular basis 778,000 use a food bank regularly 250,000 homeless in Canada Poverty is becoming concentrated in fewer larger cities In Greater Vancouver 20.8% of people are on low income = 413,289 people! Many nations act against poverty better than Canada.

Question: How is the evangelical church going to reclaim our cities if they flee to the suburbs for cheaper land and more parking?! Jim Wallis was quoted as saying, ‘there were 2000 scriptures that linked care for the poor to a desire to be rightly related with God!’ Key scripture passage was Isaiah 65:17-24 (Message version is powerful)

Near the end of the Consultation Galatians 2:10 was declared where James, Cephas and John exhorted Paul and Barnabas to remember the poor in their mission to the Gentiles.

******************************************* Links to various groups and leaders mentioned above:

Mission Ottawa/Outaouais Mission GTA Tom White Martin Scott Glen Smith Clayton Rowe

© Copyright 2005 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.



Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - October 2004


DEAR READERS Many thanks to those who enquired about the lack of Mid Month Notes for the last three months. The truth is I needed a rest, everything was so intense and I needed to unstring my bow! I will also admit that after Bill C-250 and the Election I almost did not know how to pray for Canada! Disappointment and exhaustion is a potent mixture that has to be carefully administrated and so I spent many sunny hours on my patio reading my Bible and a history of the Byzantine Empire and watched my flowers grow. Here are some insights on how to pray and what to pray for that I have patiently gleaned.


In Acts 12 I believe that there is a model for high level prayer for a City that will release the apostolic purposes of God and speak to Governments in a powerful way. The Apostle Peter, the key leader in the church, was arrested and kept under heavy guard in a fortified prison. He could have been executed by Herod the next day but 12:5 says:

So Peter was kept in prison; but fervent prayer for him was made to God by the church

What was so special about the prayer that it released angelic ministry to bring about a stunning deliverance in the face of overwhelming opposition? Let me suggest several necessary dynamics:

STRETCHED OUT PRAYER The quality of the prayer was ‘fervent’. This translates a Greek word whose root meaning is ‘stretch out the hand’. It was literally stretched out prayer, the passionate supplication of someone who is totally involved in their body, mind and spirit in crying out to God for an answer. It is prayer that reaches up to God and touches the throne.

If it is stretched upward I would also like to think that it was stretched outward, with no human limits. Peter was asleep, it was late, but they were still praying. A fervent prayer meeting gathers momentum and transcends time keeping. There was a clear sense that they were available to the Holy Spirit for whatever He wanted to do, especially as the church was in possible crisis with the imminent loss of their leader.

When Peter was delivered from the prison he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where many were gathered together and were praying.

CRITICAL MASS - MANY! The house must have been full as Peter’s dilemma would have attracted a lot of attention. I believe that what is needed is both quality and quantity in prayer. Most versions say that ‘many’ were gathered but interestingly enough ‘many’ means: 'sufficient, enough, sufficient in ability'. In other words they had critical mass, enough people to get the job of intercession done, not just 2 or 3 but possibly 120 gathered in His Name!

THEY WERE GATHERED This is easy to miss as it seems so obvious, but the verb ‘gathered’ is in the passive voice which means they just did not gather themselves but an external force gathered them as well. This is so crucial for high level answers to prayer. The Spirit of God is active in constraining people to prioritise in prayer for intentional answers to prayer. Praying Christians should not just be guided by their soulish needs but by a dynamic sense of the call of God to meet with Him in the place of prayer.


Let us be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit calling us to specific times of prayer where answers to prayer are to be expected. These may be in addition to the regular ‘hour of prayer’, as they may need to be extended times of prayer lasting several hours or longer. We should ask God for the right number of people to come in agreement to see the Heavens opened. We should be prepared for ‘stretched out prayer’ that expresses passion and emotion.

From Acts 12 there are two other results of this sort of prayer mentioned that we need to press through on:


       Acts 12:6            ‘Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains’

We can pray that whatever is oppressing the leaders of our Cities be broken off them in Jesus name. We come against that spirit of slumber that inhibits their destiny and we break off the chains that bind them. We ask for leadership teams to emerge that will extend the Kingdom of God in a fearless way.


Acts 12:10          ‘they came to the iron gate leading into the city. It opened to them of its own accord’

At times it seems that between us and a breakthrough in the City there is a barrier made of iron 

                                    'by making the skies above as unyielding as iron and the earth beneath as hard as bronze.'        Lev 26: 19

I believe that the time is now for the transformation of our cities and for the opposition to the Gospel to give way to a great harvest especially amongst the younger generation.

'For he broke down their prison gates of bronze; he cut apart their bars of iron'.      Psalm 107:16

Let us rise up in faith for something new beyond our past experience in prayer!

******************* CELEBRATION 2005

I am focused on the three weeks in 2005 that could change the lives of thousands of people all across Canada!  CELEBRATION 2005, an initiative developed by the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC), is encouraging believers in churches and ministries from coast to coast to put their faith into action from May 21st to June 12th of 2005. Prayer has to be the foundation for a great move of God. Christians will come together as never before to demonstrate Christ’s love in practical ways in every community across Canada. Please join with Christians all across Canada in praying for this 'festival of joy' and the proclamation of the love of God. Check out the prayer page at

Please note that the upcoming Prayer Mobilization Convocation (Oct 22-23) has been postponed to January 8-9 TBA.


This is a little known concern that could have world wide consequences. Ramadan starts on Friday, October 15th, and on the Fridays of the 28 day fast, tens of thousands of Muslims usually assemble in Jerusalem on the top of the Temple Mount. This could bring a huge extra weight onto a structure that is showing some danger signals of collapse due to large excavations. Imagine the disaster if thousands were buried in a collapse and if the Dome of the Rock was also damaged. World Islam would be scandalised with Israel and there could be the most profound consequences. Let us pray that wisdom and caution prevails and that men do not lose their lives.


As Thanksgiving weekend is upon us I reflected on the constant stream of bad news that is afflicting us. The powers of darkness would like nothing better for us followers of Christ to be afraid and walking in fear. Fear paralyses the Christian and displays a massive lack of faith in the Supreme Majesty who created the Heavens and the Earth. The antidote is to know the signs of the times and to realise that world history is relentlessly marching toward the last days' harvest amongst the Gentiles and a mighty move of God in the Middle East. We will trust and not be afraid. We will lift up our heads as our redemption draws nearer. We will overflow with thanksgiving with the life of the risen Christ who says: "Behold I am coming soon'!

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to live in obedience to him. Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all he has done.             Col 2: 6-7

And always be thankful. Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise. Use his words to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father.                                                                                            Col 3:15-17

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.                                           Col 3:2

© Copyright 2004 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


My Heart Exults and My Eyes Flash!

Intercessors for Canada

Canada Day Notes - July 1, 2004


DEAR READERS This Canada Day sees us all with a minority government and the same Prime Minister. The system of democracy in this country is not perfect but it seems to express regional preferences that combine together for a national consensus. No matter what our private political persuasion we are called to pray for Mr. Martin and for those that have just been elected from all parties. Below is a prayer that I first heard at the end of May, when 1200 people came for the BC Leadership Breakfast at the Hotel Vancouver. This prayer is slightly modified to apply to the nation rather than just the province. It is well balanced and comprehensive without being flakey!

About 20 years ago I was in the house of my antiquarian friend inspecting his piles of old books, when quite by chance (or with the help of the Spirit), I came upon this remarkable quote by the 'prince of preachers,' and immediately wrote it down in longhand with pencil and paper. Over the years it has been a constant encouragement to me that Spurgeon saw something that would be so different from the status quo of tedious religion. He got quite excited about it! Let us pray for the politicians but never lose sight of the church as the Bride, filled with the Spirit, and proclaiming Jesus as being the real answer for Canada. This quote is valuable as it gives the true marks of a true awakening.


Another great work of the Holy Spirit which is not accomplished is the bringing on of the latter-day glory. In a few more years - I know not when, I know not how - the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a far different style from the present. There are diversities of operations; and during the last few years it has been the case that the diversified operations have consisted in very little pouring out of the Spirit. Ministers have gone on in dull routine, continually preaching - preaching - preaching and little good has been done. I do hope that perhaps a fresh era has dawned upon us, and that there is a better pouring out of the Spirit even now. For the hour is coming, and it may be even now, when the Holy Ghost shall be poured out again in such a wonderful manner that many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased - the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the surface of the great deep; when his Kingdom shall come and his will shall be done on earth even as it is in heaven. We are not going to be dragging on for ever like Pharaoh with the wheels off his chariot. My heart exults and my eyes flash with the thought that very likely I shall live to see the out-pouring of the Spirit; when "the sons and the daughters of God again shall prophesy, and the young men shall see visions, and the old men shall dream dreams". Perhaps there shall be no miraculous gifts - for they will not be required; but yet there shall be such a miraculous amount of holiness, such an extraordinary fervour of prayer, such a real communion with God and so much vital religion, and such a spread of the doctrines of the cross, that every one will see verily the Spirit is poured out like water, and the rains are descending from above. For that let us pray: let us continually labour for it, and seek it of God.

C. H. Spurgeon     New Park Street Chapel, June 17th, 1855       Romans 15:13 - The Power of the Holy Ghost



Almighty God, we come to you in prayer for the leadership of Canada. We declare our need of  you and pause this day to give you thanks.

We thank you for blessing us with a free country, a rich diversity of people, abundant natural resources and a beautiful environment. We pray that we will be wise managers and good stewards of all that your hands have provided.

We pray for our nation and our world. Lord where there is division, conflict, bitterness and hatred, both in this country and abroad, may you bring your wisdom, justice and healing.

We pray that you might bless all those who govern and administer our country, our provinces and our towns and cities. Bless also those who are in Opposition. We pray that all may be men and women who themselves are led by you; who do not seek prestige but service, and set the good of the community above the good of any individual or group.

We pray for all people who work, study or volunteer in this nation. We pray you might bless the relationships upon which all productive enterprise is built, and might grant safety throughout.

Help us to be worthy of the inheritance that we have received from you through our ancestors. May we protect all that we share, so that we may pass on an even finer nation to those who will inherit it from us.

May we lay aside all private interests and prejudices. Unite us, we pray, in all our diversity under your sovereign rule. May all who are called to serve as leaders throughout the nation have the courage to lead us in truth and peace. Strengthen us all, we pray in the name of our Blessed Creator, Provider, and Sustainer. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


(BC Leadership Breakfast 2004)

© Copyright 2004 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Two Big Election Issues

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - June 2004


DEAR READERS In ten days time Canadians will elect a new government. The result of the election will be the combined choice of the electorate in picking out representatives  from 308 ridings across the country. One man will then be chosen to be the national leader of the new government. We do not know who that will be, but do we know how to pray for the choice of that man?


I feel no special pleading for any party, but that is not because I don't care. I feel passionately about many issues and have often felt that if I had not gone into the 'ministry' I would have inevitably found my way into local politics. I love the sense of polemic in debating an issue, but perhaps I have seen too many elections and hoped for too much. There was a day when I feared that if the wrong government was elected then the sky would fall and we would all be doomed. Similarly I thought that the Kingdom of God would surely come if the party of my choice would sweep in with a convincing majority. The reality is that we cannot expect the politicians to do what we the church should be doing through good news and good works - the preaching of a non-negotiable gospel that changes people's hearts, and the good works that adorn a gospel of grace. Recently I felt a need to investigate God's election from the scriptures.

The King James Version translates the greek word,  'ekloge', 6 times as 'election' and once as 'chosen'. It is the act of picking out or choosing. It is also understood as the act of God's free will by which, before the foundation of the world, he decreed his blessings to certain persons, the decree made from choice by which he determined to bless certain persons through Christ by grace alone. Or to put it another way, God makes choices according to his genius to promote his eternal plan to unite all things in Christ! This puts our upcoming general election in a bigger context that should be of interest to the Christian in prayer. Here are some scriptures - my additions in italics.

  • Acts 9:15 - But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he (Paul) is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:
  • 1Th 1:4 - Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.
  • Rom  9:11 - For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth.
  • Rom  11:7 - What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election  (believing Jews), hath obtained it and the rest were blinded
  • Rom 11:28 - As concerning the gospel, they (unbelieving Jews) are enemies for your sakes but as touching theelection, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.

The two big election (or choice of God) issues are: a)   the move of God to bring about a fulness of believers amongst the gentile nations in the last days and,

b)   more amazingly, a mighty move of God amongst the Jews. It will be so profound it can only be described (Rom 11:26) as : 'and so all Israel shall be saved'! Paul makes it clear that when the Jews rejected Christ it resulted in riches for the nations, and their being cast away resulted in the reconciliation of the world. How much more then that their fulness, or full inclusion back into Christ, will again have a world wide effect, like life from the dead! (Romans 11:12, 15)

On the basis of Canada wanting 'Life from the Dead', we should pray for a Canadian government of God's election, that will result in the purposes of God for Canada; for a Prime Minister who will be God's choice; and a government that will not hinder the Church in carrying out its mission to the nations. We need a government that will have understanding of the Jewish people in Canada and the unique place of the nation of Israel. One day our nation could be even be judged by God in terms of our attitude to the Jewish people (see Matt 25:31-46). We need a Prime Minister with great sensitivity to the Middle East as we the Church pray for Isaiah 19 to be fulfilled. Here Egypt is called 'my people' and Iraq with Syria 'God's handiwork'. I believe we should all vote on Monday 28th, June, having waited to hear from the God who has a very good choice for us to make.

A prayer:


© Copyright 2004 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


Prayer Guide for G8 Summit - June 8-10, 2004

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - May 2004


This has been a very busy month for the Canadian intercessor! A very big thank you in the Lord for all those in other nations who prayed for Canada during the visit of the DL. The growing international networks of prayer are very powerful as we agree together in Christ according to the will of God. We were also on a roller-coaster of hope and expectation over Bill C-250, (sexual orientation in hate crime law), but after three years of trying it finally became law. How could this be unless strong backing at the highest level from Chrétien and Martin supported it. The Government like Pharaoh of old has hardened its heart against the Word of God but this is from the Lord! One day a sovereign God will show His glory in a pure spotless Bride from the Canadian Church. Everything in history is relentlessly building toward the return of Christ for the Church and world events must be seen in the light of His strategic genius as the powers of darkness fail. The intercessor can take authority in prayer through the Word of God. The Lord holds the whip handle!

Psalm 46:6         The nations are in an uproar, and kingdoms crumble! God thunders and the earth melts! Psalm 113:4       For the LORD is high above the nations; his glory is far greater than the heavens. Isaiah 10:5-7   "Destruction is certain for Assyria, the whip of my anger. Its military power is a club in my hand. Assyria will enslave my people, who are a godless nation. It will plunder them, trampling them like dirt beneath its feet. But the king of Assyria will not know that it is I who sent him. He will merely think he is attacking my people as part of his plan to conquer the world."

The following is a strategic prayer guide for the upcoming G8 Summit in the States next month. It was produced by Peter and Pip Gardner who head up the Institute for Global Affairs and were instrumental in directing prayer for the Summit two years ago in Canada at Kananaskis. We would like to encourage Canadians and other Nations to stand alongside our American brothers and sisters as they host the G8 meetings.  For further information on the G8, please visit the website of the local group in Atlanta at for additional information on the G8 itself.


What is the Group of Eight

The Group of Eight was first held in France in 1975. A European idea launched by President Giscard of France and Chancellor Schmidt of Germany. They saw the summits as occasional, freestanding events, very much the personal instrument of the leaders. But the Americans, President Ford and Henry Kissinger his Secretary of State, always saw the summit as an institution for systematic co-operation on economic policy among the participating countries and for influencing the wider world. By calling the second summit in June 1976, President Ford started that a regular series of summits should be held each year in the summer.

Although originally established to overview global economic developments it has extended itself to also cover almost all aspects of global affairs. The group of 8 forms the most powerful annual gathering of Heads of State. Between them they form the majority of the Security Council. They are the main financial givers to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. They control 95% of the world’s nuclear arsenal and can dominate all the other global governmental organizations. The group of eight consists of the Heads of State from the USA, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, United Kingdom and Japan. It is anticipated that in the next 2-3 years China will be the next nation state to join the group of eight as a full member particularly as it is now received membership of the World Trade Organization. Also attending annual summits is the President of the European Commission and also the Head of State from the Nation that currently holds the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the European Union. Sometimes the President of the World Bank and IMF and the Secretary General of the UN also attend. They have freedom to invite other Heads of State as they wish.

Prior to the annual summit several other mini summits are held in the host country. These are normally held in the nation’s capital but can be held in other cities of the host nation. There is normally a summit for the Foreign ministers, another for the finance ministers and any other group of top ministers it is considered appropriate to gather.

2004 Annual Summit - Georgia, USA,  June 8-10th

This year 40 other heads of state have been invited to attend the G8 summit for side meetings. So altogether there will be 49 Heads of State in attendance along with approximately 10 others who lead other global governmental organizations and regional country organizations. A list of who the extra 40 Heads of State will be will be sent to you when the information is made available.

The following points are provided to help in understanding this year’s annual summit.

  1. It is clear from observation and also statements made by those who work in the global governmental sphere that at the global level there is a crisis and a shaking of confidence regarding the management and leadership of the global community. This is reflected in the strained relationships between the G8 leaders themselves, and strong disagreement concerning the direction to be adopted to bring resolution to the many aspects of global crisis.
  2. From what has been made known regarding the agenda of this year’s annual summit, ‘Global Security’ will be at the top of the list. 

    It has been stated that a plan will be unveiled regarding changes to be pursued to radically change the governments of the Middle East and governments within the region of South East Asia. This reflects the US’s conviction that to democratise these areas of the world will significantly deal with the issues that give rise to particularly Islamic terrorist activity.

  3. Other agenda items will revolve around this theme of ‘global security’ and will include continuing plans to strengthen global co-operation against terrorist activity throughout the world.  
  4. The global economy will also figure within the agenda of the G8 and some other regular matters. 

What perspective can we hold to help understand the significance of these summits and the advance of the gospel worldwide?

All the issues within the agenda of global governmental organizations relate to the shape of the world, how it is governed, and what is considered to be acceptable and unacceptable. All of this affects the spiritual climate that reigns across the nations of the world which directly affects the completion of the great commission. The decisions made by global governmental organizations and their leaders serve to form global gateways into the heavens. Our prayers regarding these global governmental gateway summits allows the governmental hand of God to come upon global decisions. Change at the global level means change for all nations.

What attitude should we have toward World Leaders

God loves these world leaders. We want their decision to be a blessing to the world. They cannot be a blessing unless they are blessed. Our prayers for them personally is that God will release wisdom and understanding and courage to do what is right in God’s sight. Our aggressiveness in prayer comes against the spiritual demonic forces who desire to blind and manipulate these leaders for destructive purposes.

The Scene on the Ground

Power Attracts Power. When the G8 is held it always draws other power groups to its doorstep. Normally 100,000 protesters from throughout the world come to make their voice heard. 5500 media personnel converge to broadcast the event. International occultic groups converge around the summit site to activate their powers. 20,000 security personal along with all the modern protective military equipment and strategies are deployed. Hospitals and emergency services receive further training to deal with tragedies from nuclear and biological bombs. The food eaten by the security services is poison tested. All of this points to both the high level of tension and significance of these global summits.


  1. Pray for each Head of State and their advisors. Pray that God will intervene in their opinions and the positions they form over the major issues that will be on their agenda. A prayer diary that you can follow with others is posted on the following website  
  2. Pray for the summit of church leaders who will be meeting one week prior to the G8 summit and then again during the summit dates. Pray for clear revelation and direction in prayer so that God can rule in the midst of the decisions of these Kings of the Earth.  
  3. Begin to pray for the Spirit of God to come upon the Sea Island area - to dispel the powers of darkness and fill it with His Angelic forces.  
  4. Set aside the days of June 8 - 10th. There will be at least 3 major worship/prayer summits in 3 different cities within the USA specifically gathering to worship and pray over these dates. There will also be several international prayer movements who will be joining together in prayer over these days.  
  5. Pray for the Core team based in Atlanta as they prepare the body in the region and in the US for the G8 summit. Pray for wisdom and understanding as they see what to undo spiritually in Georgia that will aid the enemy in how he wants to use the G8 summit for destruction.  
  6. Pray that the authorities will discover any terrorist plots against the Heads of State.

Further more specific prayer points will be released closer to the time of the summit.

© Copyright 2004 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


Two Men and A God!

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - April 2004



Three men are newsworthy and prayer-worthy today, April 15th: Svend Robinson, Nicky Gumbel and the reincarnated 'Ocean of Wisdom'. At 7:45 am Nicky Gumbel addressed 1200 people in Broadway Church, Vancouver, and asked the question: Can Canada be transformed?. Answer: Yes! At 8:00 am it was rumoured that the Burnaby MP Svend Robinson was going to announce his resignation which then happened at 11:00 am in a tearful press conference. Later today, or possibly tomorrow the D.... L... will arrive in Vancouver for the first stage of a three week visit to Canada. Many people have asked me how should they pray about Bill C-250, the visit of the DL and other issues in here goes:


FACT: 650,000 Canadians have been on an Alpha course and 130,000 have given their lives to Christ!

Nicky Gumbel received a huge welcome from about 1200 people in Vancouver at a breakfast meeting today. This Anglican lawyer, turned clergyman, and the pioneer of the ALPHA course, said it was important to ask the right questions. The important question was: 'Can a nation be changed? Can Canada be transformed?' He shared from Luke 5:1-11 where a huge catch of fish was taken up in nets that nearly broke after Jesus spoke a word, and said it was a visual aid for how a nation can be transformed. Basically nothing is impossible for Jesus and we should expect many to come to Christ as we share the Gospel. Since two notorious criminals came to Christ in 1994, 138 out of 160 UK prisons now have thriving Alpha groups. We also had to be prepared for change as God did wonderful things. Alpha in Canada is still growing and there could be 3000 Alpha groups across our nation this year. This was an incredibly encouraging time.

And so we pray: that Alpha and many other evangelistic initiatives will bear much fruit and that millions will turn to Christ and be sincere disciples. That's transformation!


At 11:00 am PT this popular but radical MP announced a sudden leave from federal politics. In a tearful press conference he confessed he was totally stressed out and had unimaginably stolen jewellery (allegedly worth $50k)  from an auction last Friday. Many have previously  pleaded with the Lord in prayer to either transform this man or remove him. He is a very good constituency MP but his radical ideas have challenged God's name in our Charter and the moral teaching of scripture. His bill C-250 is seen as a danger to religious freedom in this country. So he is stepping down, but I feel this is not a time for gloating. We are all objects of God's mercy and who could stand if we were publicly judged. A few months ago at a vigil outside his office I had the privilege of praying for Svend Robinson with him standing next to me. I prayed for his salvation following the example of Phyllis Trafford, his English teacher of 40 years ago. She recently died having faithfully prayed for him for decades. It is not unusual for highly intelligent but highly stressed people to shop lift, it is often a cry for help. Svend is burnt out and his human condition demands our prayers and our sympathy. When people come to an end of themselves it is an opportunity for them to find God in a new way. In Psalm 83 scripture reveals that disgrace, shame and failure are tools in the hand of God to cause powerful people to recognize the sovereignty and power of the living God:

14 As a fire roars through a forest and as a flame sets mountains ablaze, 15 chase them with your fierce storms; terrify them with your tempests. 16 Utterly disgrace them until they submit to your name, O LORD. 17 Let them be ashamed and terrified forever. Make them failures in everything they do, 18 until they learn that you alone are called the LORD, that you alone are the Most High, supreme over all the earth. (NLT)

Perhaps Svend is under the chastising but merciful hand of God to bring him to repentance. Pray that the possible public sympathy will not be a soulish remedy to inhibit the deeper work.

So we pray: Father we ask you to draw near to Svend Robinson and his friends at this difficult time and cause them to know you personally that they would turn and know the power of God in their lives. Please transform this man and make him a great witness for Jesus Christ. Remove him from Parliament until he knows that you have dominion over Canada. Heal him in every way and cause righteousness to prevail in the investigation. Nothing is impossible with you as you work mightily across the nation. We yield the future of Bill C-250 to you knowing that all things and all Senators are in your hands, turn their hearts to you O Lord. In the mighty name of Jesus .... Amen.


As Nicky Gumbel said... 'Nothing is impossible with Jesus'. Let us pray for the conversion of the DL, that in his meditation times in Canada he will have a personal revelation of Jesus Christ. The powers of darkness have to give way to the Kingdom of God, so we pray that the false gospel will have no power of deception in Canada and that he will have no resting place here. Our prayer strategy is largely worship to Jesus, exalting him as Lord over our cities and nation. Please Pray for Vancouver, Ottawa and Toronto especially.

  1. Proclaim Isaiah 34: 8-12 to declare that the Kal...a event will not take place and that for the DL - 'there will be no kingdom there'! Also declare that for the 722 spirit princes they will be nothing!
  2. Pray for the salvation of the DL and for the initiates to have a revelation of the real Time Lord - Jesus Christ.
  3. For the salvation of Tibetan Buddhist people in North America.
  4. For the unity and protection of all those involved in prayer in our cities.
  5. For our own repentance according to 2 Chron 7:14.
  6. Consider joining in with one of the prayer and fasting initiatives.

Vancouver  (April 17 - 20)

Strategic prayer and worship will have the focus on the Lord Jesus. On Monday, April 19th, a worship service is planned in the city to lift high the name of Jesus during the time when the DL is at the Orpheum Theatre. Peace Choirs across the country will be coordinating their simultaneous praises for the DL, so other cities are invited to worship Jesus at that time! Vancouver has proclaimed a 21 day partial (Daniel) fast from April 1-21.

  • April 17 - Multifaith Meditation Retreat at Shaughnessy Heights United Church & Beth Israel Synagogue in Vancouver, lead by Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Moslem, Sufi, Sikh, Yoga teachers. One-hour talk/meditation by the Dalai Lama
  • April 18 - Public talks at Pacific Coliseum at 10:00am & 4:00pm
  • April 19 - Keynote Address at Academic Conference at UBC at 9:00am Musical Tribute at the Orpheum Theatre at 6:30 pm with Goldie Hawn Simultaneous Sister Peace Choir events across Canada (Celebration worship event - King of Glory 7-10 pm for City-wide Church)
  • April 20 - Ceremony at the Cathedral and reception of Honorary Law Degree 9:00 am Interfaith Roundtable Dialogue at UBC at 12:30 pm. Chaired by Bishop Michael Ingham

Ottawa (April 21 - 24)

The 'Stand in the Gap' prayer team have planned prayer walks, prayer and fasting days, and open houses of prayer. Pray that government will not be seduced with deceptive words, especially the Prime Minister.

It is also possible that Chief Phil Fontaine may welcome the DL on behalf of the Assembly of First Nations.

More info at

Toronto (April 25 - May 5th)

The local team in Toronto have formulated a response with three primary streams, under the title "The House of the King". Please check out the website for many details at

  1. 24/12 Worship: Starting a day earlier than the other ceremony, there will be a continuous stream of worship ascending from a central location in Toronto, which will use local and visiting worship teams.
  2. Intercessory Prayer will be deployed out of the worship environment, using different types of intercessory prayer, both on location and out in the streets. Training is ongoing, and there will also be an orientation session at the start of the effort and at different times during the 12 days for those arriving from other parts of the nation and the globe.
  3. Outreach Ministry is also being developed to reach out in love to the many followers of the DL who will be visiting the city at that time. Training sessions will be happening before and during the event.


1.    Contact     for a CD PowerPoint presentation that gives a greater understanding. 2.    Contact     for more info about Toronto prayer and registration. 3.    Check out 4.    Details of a call to fast for April 1-30: 5.    Useful web site:  (German web site in English and German)

© Copyright 2004 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

North American Prayer Resource

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - March 2004


The following resource is for informed intercession all over North America.  From April 13th to May 5th, the Dalai Lama is visiting North America for a strategic mission to extend the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. He first comes to Pasadena, Los Angeles, to teach, April 13-15, then stays on the west coast in Vancouver, BC, April 17 - 20, visits Canada's capital city, Ottawa/Hull, April 21-24, and then Toronto, April 25 - May 5th. In Toronto he will conduct a ritual called the 'Kalachakra' (see below), which is a most powerful occult ritual to release 722 spirit princes upon the land. This ritual has been performed four times previously in the USA: 1981 Madison, Wisconsin; 1989 Santa Monica, Los Angeles; 1991 Tower One, New York City; 1999 Bloomington, Indiana. Santa Monica and Pasadena are both near Hollywood where many stars and media heads have been influenced.  This is a serious call to prayer with much heart searching for our  own repentance for our own hearts and the state of the church.NORTH AMERICAN PRAYER RESOURCE - APRIL 13 - MAY 5TH


  1. Proclaim Isaiah 34: 8-12 to declare that the Kalachakra event will not take place and that for the DL - 'there will be no kingdom there'! Also declare that for the 722 spirit princes they will be nothing!
  2. Pray for the salvation of the Dalai Lama and for the initiates to have a revelation of the real Time Lord - Jesus Christ.
  3. For the salvation of Tibetan Buddhist people in North America.
  4. For the unity and protection of all those involved in prayer in our cities.
  5. For our own repentance according to 2 Chron 7:14.
  6. Consider joining in with one of the prayer and fasting initiatives.


The Kalachakra tantra ritual is the key initiation rite into tantric or Tibetan Buddhism. In the first phase of the ceremony, the Dalai Lama asks the local spirits for permission to use their home. Because the spirits typically do not want to cooperate initially, the assisting monks use shamanistic prayers, music and dance to subdue them.  After this, the Dalai Lama receives permission to proceed with the ceremony from Tenma, the earth spirit, on behalf of all the local spirits. These spirits are invited to take up residence in the mandala, or spiritual house, which has been built for them. This is an intricate two-dimensional sand drawing that through meditation appears as a 3-D dwelling - a door into the spirit world. The goal of mandala visualization is to enter into and become one with the spirit at the centre of the mandala. The initiate thus yields control of himself to a spirit. The mandala contains a central ruling spirit (Kalachakra) which is surrounded by 4 or 8 more spirits, which are in turn surrounded by others totaling 722.  After the ritual destruction of the mandala at the end of the initiation rite, these spirits, with their prince, Kalachakra, are released over the surrounding territory. The initiation event is completed when the Dalai Lama ritually destroys the mandala after all meditation and initiatory rites have been completed. The spirits are thereby released over the land while the initiates retain the spiritual connection to Kalachakra and his world, having internalized them through meditation. The sand from the mandala is poured into a nearby body of water and the spirits dispersed into the adjacent lands. This has the following spiritual dangers that will be averted through prayer:

Increased resistance to the Gospel Increased territorial power of Buddhism over Canada Reinforcement of anti-Christian sentiment Pastors, congregations and ministries under more spiritual pressure


Many cities across the nation are mobilizing their city wide prayer networks to be fully alert during the same time period.  Some are mounting round the clock "prayer walls", others are making sure that at least one church building is open each day on a rotating basis, so that prayer and worship meetings can be held.

Pasadena  (April 13 - 15)

Pray for the Body of Christ to mobilize to hold up Los Angeles in prayer and for much wisdom for First Nations leaders to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.

Vancouver  (April 17 - 20

Strategic prayer and worship will have the focus on the Lord Jesus. On Monday, April 19th, a worship service is planned in the city to lift high the name of Jesus during the time when the DL is at the Orpheum Theatre. Peace Choirs across the country will be coordinating their simultaneous praises for the DL, so other cities are invited to worship Jesus at that time! Vancouver is proclaiming a 21 day partial (Daniel) fast from April 1-21.

Ottawa  (April 21 - 24)

Please pray for the 'Stand In The Gap' team to finalize their prayer strategy. Other factors: Pressure on the Prime Minister to meet with the DL. It is also possible that Chief Phil Fontaine may welcome the DL on behalf of the Assembly of First Nations.

Toronto  (April 25 - May 5th)

The local team in Toronto have formulated a response with three primary streams, under the title "The House of the King". Please check out the website for many details at 1. 24/12 Worship: Starting a day earlier than the other ceremony, there will be a continuous stream of worship ascending from a central location in Toronto, which will use local and visiting worship teams. 2. Intercessory Prayer will be deployed out of the worship environment, using different types of intercessory prayer, both on location and out in the streets.  Training is ongoing, and there will also be an orientation session at the start of the effort and at different times during the 12 days for those arriving from other parts of the nation and the globe. 3. Outreach Ministry is also being developed to reach out in love to the many followers of the Dalai Lama who will be visiting the city at that time. Training sessions will be happening before and during the event.


1.    Contact     for a CD PowerPoint presentation that gives a greater understanding. 2.    Contact     for more info about Toronto prayer and registration. 3.    Check out 4.    Details of a call to fast for April 1-30: 5.    Useful web site:  (German web site in English and German)

© Copyright 2004 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

The Secret Place of Thunder

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - February 2004


Here are some notes of things I have personally been involved with recently, followed by a teaching on 'The Secret Place of Thunder', a call to develop power in prayer. It is our privilege to live in such a wonderful country where Vancouver (#1 tied), Montreal (#6 tied), Toronto (#13 tied) and Calgary (#16 tied) were in the top 16 out of 150 cities rated by measuring 12 factors grouped into the categories of health and safety, culture and environment, and infrastructure. Infrastructure is so important and is built in a nation through trust, but can be destroyed quickly through corruption. How we need to pray for our Prime Minister and Government at a time when a huge federal 'sponsorship' scandal has surfaced in Quebec. Let truth prevail and all corruption be revealed.

THE PASSION film by Mel Gibson is about to be released all across Canada on February 25th. It could have a dramatic effect on all who watch it, as Christ and His suffering on the cross is made all too real. In Greater Vancouver, 21 churches have booked theatres in 3 locations for a week of showings in cooperation with Campus Crusade. Our own church is sharing with another church at Silver City, Metropolis. This is a pilot scheme to encourage Christians to take their pre-Christian friends to see a vivid presentation of the Gospel story, and could result in a more widespread initiative with the film near Easter. Hundreds of thousands may watch the film across Canada so let's pray that multitudes are saved and the church returns to first love!

THE MARKETPLACE was the focus of a three day conference this last weekend in downtown Vancouver. The ICCC (International Christian Chamber of Commerce) held its first Canadian Conference to share the vision for Canadians in business, the professions, education and government to seek the call and purpose of Jesus in the Marketplace. ICCC started in 1985 and is now in over 90 nations. Canada's first Chamber recently opened in Fort St. John, 800 miles north of Vancouver, where a group meets for prayer every Tuesday morning at 6:30 am. The teaching was excellent! Dr. Paul Stevens gave a masterful talk on the difference between calling and vocation and Dr. Ed Silvoso said that in Argentina they were on the threshold of reaching a whole nation. He defined the Marketplace as a combination of business, education and government and said that a revival in a church was like a parade, but revival in the marketplace was a beachhead for taking a nation for Christ. Pray that the emerging truths on Transformation find clear expression.

IMPACT CITIES INFLUENCE NATIONS (ICIN)    I am planning to attend this annual conference in Red Deer, March 1-3. The theme is 'Going where you have never gone before' and is designed to help equip us for the future in a rapidly changing culture. The convening pastors, Mel and Heather Mullen, have a vision to build churches and ministries that will transform cities and nations. There are several important tracks planned including the Marketplace with Rich Marshall who will teach on rebuilding the biblical walls of commerce. Let's pray for this conference to be truly effective in the very necessary transformation of our nation.

THE SECRET PLACE OF THUNDER I continue to seek God for levels of intercession that will result in change. Scripture has some powerful examples of prayers that shook whole regions, look at Samuel in 1Samuel 7: "And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the LORD our God for us, that he will save us out of the hand of the Philistines. And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered it for a burnt offering wholly unto the LORD: and Samuel cried unto the LORD for Israel; and the LORD heard him. And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel: but the LORD thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them; and they were smitten before Israel."

Thunder and rain were very rare at wheat harvest in Israel. Look again in 1 Samuel 12: "Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the LORD will do before your eyes.  Is it not wheat harvest to day? I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking for a king. So Samuel called unto the LORD; and the LORD sent thunder and rain that day: and all the people greatly feared the LORD and Samuel."

When Samuel prayed it thundered! Even Hannah praying in 1 Samuel 2:10 knew the available power of God: "The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed. "

But remarkably God says in Psalm 81:7 "Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder.

Now the immediate context for that seems to be the deliverance of Israel at the Red Sea and the confusion that came upon the Egyptians from the pillar of cloud, the awesome presence of God. But what if there remains a secret place of thunder for us today, we certainly need it! When Jesus called His Twelve (Mark 3:17) He renamed James and John ‘Boanerges’ or ‘Sons of Thunder’. What is necessary for Canadian Christians to become ‘Sons of Thunder’ in our prayer lives? I believe we are in great need of divine intervention in our nation but how will it come? Here are four suggestions:

1.  CHRIST CRUCIFIED  In 1 Samuel 12:10, the enemy advanced as Samuel was offering up a burnt sacrifice of a young helpless lamb... But God answered with thunder. Samuel came through the blood of an efficacious sacrifice and that is still the way today. The Lord will honour the name of the Lamb of God who shed His blood and poured out His life for us. I believe that intimacy with the Lord Jesus and identification with Him will have profound results. Do we really know the power of Christ crucified?

2. DISCIPLESHIP THAT WORKS Samuel grew into this level of authority. It did not come overnight and that is our problem. We want things to happen now but God is still committed to us becoming more like Christ. What do our characters have to be like to be trusted with great power, influence or wealth? 1 Samuel 12:23 teaches that we need mature people who will pray for us and teach us the ‘good and the right way’.

3. REPENTANCE The fear of the Lord produces a deep repentance from past wickedness and a desire to forsake useless things that do not count for eternity - 1 Samuel 12:21 "Do not turn aside after vain things which cannot profit or save, for they are vain."

4. LIFESTYLE  Does our privileged Canadian lifestyle result in a loss of power with God? We have so much stuff and things to distract but Samuel said: "Only fear the LORD, and serve him faithfully with all your heart; for consider what great things he has done for you."

© Copyright 2004 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Setting Our Hope On God

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - January 2004


Our biggest challenge is: 'To hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches'. In all the information and opinion that has crossed my desk and brain recently, the following article from Spokane stands out as the voice of God. The Spokane Marketplace Prayer Leadership has begun to set before the Church and Marketplace Leaders in Spokane a call to repentance for the first half of 2004. Let us take to heart what they have to say and apply it to our hearts in Canada. The team has outlined some very helpful practical steps on their website at


This scripture has certainly got my attention as it concerns continuous intercession - 1Timothy 5:3,5. But how do we relate to such a command?

Honour widows who are real widows ... She who is a real widow, and is left all alone, has set her hope on God and continues in supplications and prayers night and day; whereas she who is self-indulgent is dead even while she lives. Command this, so that they may be without reproach.

Does this seem extreme or unreasonable to our way of Christian life? Surely we can be allowed some self-indulgence! What about existing alone without all the stuff! Is the Lord enough to satisfy the longing of our hearts without some worldly distractions? A real widow, Paul says, seems to have the opportunity to set her hope on God and seek Him by day and by night. Imagine the power and the blessing that a poor disadvantaged widow would generate in this manner and the effect that her prayer life would have on her church and city! Is there a sense in which the church in Canada is spiritually like a widow? Our spouse, lover and husband - Jesus, seems so far away, and we have been left behind to live our life without Him. In His absence do we move into creative self indulgence or seek Him like never before. What would it feel like to pray day and night?  The next article might be helpful.

REPENTANCE AND THE LOST HEART OF THE CHURCH The Spokane Market Place Prayer Initiative Repentance has become the "lost heart" of the Church today. One seldom hears messages on the need for personal or corporate repentance from sin. And yet, when we look at the New Testament there are some 58 references to the need to repent. "Repent" is the most frequent instruction given by the risen Christ to the 7 Churches of Asia in Revelation chapters 2 & 3 (occurring 6 times). Repentance is a matter close to God’s heart. I believe God is about to make repentance from sin as important to us as it is to Him. I believe that God is calling His Church, particularly in Spokane, into a season of prayer, fasting and repentance in preparation for revival.

When you and I stand before God on judgment day He will not ask you to give an account for anyone’s sin but your own. That sin or issue in your neighbor’s life that you thought was so terrible and which you believed cried out for repentance on their part will not even come up in the conversation. But God will ask you to explain the log in your own eye which you steadfastly denied was there and which you refused to repent over. Repentance isn’t about any one else. It is about you and me. It isn’t about anyone else’s sin. It’s about yours and mine. It isn’t about what you might think God wants to do in anyone else’s life. It’s about what God wants to do in your life and in my life. It isn’t about the Church calling the world to repent of it’s sin. It’s about the Church wanting to be holy before God and living out a life of humility and repentance before a watching world that has yet to see a genuine role model of repentance and forgiveness. Perhaps the world will consider the claims of Christ more seriously when it sees the professing Church living out a life of humility, forgiveness and holiness more fully.

I believe God wants to send Spiritual Revival and Transformation to our community, and at this current point in time, particularly in the first six months of 2004, He is calling His available church to seek Him in humility, in fasting, in prayer and in genuine personal and corporate repentance, asking God to have mercy upon us and to pour out His Spirit upon us, our churches and our community. This isn’t about a program, a crusade, or a festival. It isn’t even about particular pastors or churches or ministries. It’s about the heart and desire of God to visit our city, to pour out spiritual revival and transformation, and its about the role He wants each of us to play.

The Church in Spokane and Eastern Washington now stands at a spiritual crossroads. After many years of prayer for revival, and many prophetic words promising a season of revival, we now stand at a critical crossroads where we must choose. We can choose to continue on in more man-made structures, activities, programs and coalitions which will do nothing but mask spiritual poverty with activity while perpetuating the status quo, or we can choose to lay aside all other considerations and enter into a season of prayer, fasting and repentance which will lead to genuine revival. In this season, God is not looking for empty, ritualized and formalized repentance events. Rather, He is looking to raise up men (and women) like Ezra who are genuinely appalled at the condition of God's people and who are willing to weep the prayers of the broken hearted over the sin of God's people and the failure of the Church.

© Copyright 2004 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


Shariah Law - Ontario

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - December 2003

Next Article


I recently had the privilege of attending the Aglow International Conference in Indianapolis, the crossroads of America. Aglow International, led by Jane Hansen, is in 156 nations, has 10,000 women in leadership and can mobilize one million women in their Global House of Prayer! As a prayer leader I was so encouraged to see the nations gathering to worship Jesus and to hear from anointed ministries. The Spirit of God moved powerfully in their midst and breathed new life and purpose into the delegates from all over the world. Aglow is undergoing change to adapt to the purposes of God, including reaching out to the women of Islam, and standing in the gap for Israel and the Jewish people as an Esther company - 'for such a time as this'. The Heart For Zion Conference in Bellingham, two weeks ago, was also a sobering and informative time concerning events in the Middle East. We can both pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for Isaiah 19:24-25 to come to pass. 'Blessed be Egypt my people and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.'
Alarm bells have been ringing in a flurry of e-mails from across the world by concerned intercessors. Has Canada gone Muslim? Not quite. Under Ontario's Arbitration Act the provincial courts are now required to uphold agreements negotiated through an arbitrator as long as they are not 'unreasonable' or in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.The newly formed Islamic Institute of Civil Justice will appoint and train arbitrators to resolve civil disputes according to Shariah law for Muslims. Shariah is a complex body of law based on Islamic principles and Muslims should resolve all their commercial and personal disputes according to its tenets. The number of Muslims in Canada more than doubled from 253,300 in 1991 to 579,600 in 2001, representing 2% of the total population. So what is the spiritual significance for Canadian Christians (and Jews)?
This is the latest step in a long struggle to have Islamic law recognized in Canada. We have learnt recently that what is legalized in one province can soon become law in another province. As Muslims increase in a nation so their lifestyle-religion grows in influence through Islamic schools and political influence. Anti-semitism can also grow in intensity as we have recently seen in France with 6 million Muslims. Across North America Jewish students are intimidated in the colleges. Significantly this could also positively affect increased 'Aliyah'. The growing influence of Islam in the UK has led Church leaders there to warn that it is inevitable that Islam will control the UK if God does not intervene. We need to pray and repent as this feels like more judgment upon the Church. We have failed to stop the slaughter of one million babies in the last 10 years in Canada. Islam would not permit abortion, the blood of the innocents cries out. Have mercy Lord!
At the International Conference for Aglow, in Indianapolis, the retiring President for Canada, Zee Jones, was honoured for her 15 years of service to the women of Canada. She has passed the baton to Sheryl Lindberg from Bowmanville, Ontario. For the last five years Sheryl has been the national prayer coordinator for Aglow and now assumes the leadership with a passion for the women of Canada to be walking in victory in Christ. Lift Sheryl and her husband Larry up to the Lord as they adapt to this huge change in their family life.
So help me God! Those were the words with which our new Prime Minister completed the oath of office yesterday (Friday) A few moments earlier they had sung O Canada but also included a traditional Aboriginal Cleansing ceremony! Why was this? Paul Martin needs our prayers. He is 65 years old and no stranger to Canadian government. His father, another Paul Martin, was also a Liberal cabinet minister who served four Prime Ministers. Today, (Saturday), Mr. Martin held his first cabinet meeting. Next week, the new ministers will receive a crash course in the inner workings of government and take seminars with former cabinet minister Brian Tobin and others. The full cabinet is listed below for those who may want to pray over them individually, but real political power also rests with the hidden cabinet - his closest advisors. These are Chief of Staff  - Tim Murphy, and Principal Secretary - Francis Fox, and the Clerk of the Privy Council - Alex Himelfarb. These three need to come under strong intercession for their influence in the nation.

  • Prime Minister:  Paul Martin
  • Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness:  Anne McLellan
  • Minister of Finance:   Ralph Goodale
  • Minister of Health, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister responsible for Official Languages:  Pierre Pettigrew
  • Minister of National Defence:   David Pratt
  • Minister of Transport:   Tony Valeri
  • Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development:   Joe Volpe
  • Minister of International Trade:   Jim Peterson
  • Minister of Industry and Minister responsible for the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec:   Lucienne Robillard
  • Minister of the Environment:   David Anderson
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs:   Bill Graham
  • Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food:   Bob Speller
  • Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada:   Irwin Cotler
  • Minister of Public Works and Government Services:   Stephen Owen
  • Minister of Citizenship and Immigration:   Judy Sgro
  • Minister of National Revenue and Minister of State (Sport):  Stan Keyes
  • Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development:  Andy Mitchell
  • Leader of the Government in the Senate:   Jacob Austin
  • Minister of Labour and Minister responsible for Homelessness:   Claudette Bradshaw
  • President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, Minister responsible for La Francophonie, and Minister responsible for the Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution:   Denis Coderre
  • Minister of Western Economic Diversification:   Rey D. Pagtakhan
  • Minister of Veterans Affairs:   John McCallum
  • President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Boards:   Reginald Alcock
  • Minister of Fisheries and Oceans:   Geoff Regan
  • Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister responsible for Democratic Reform:   Jacques Saada
  • Minister of Social Development:   Liza Frulla
  • Minister of Canadian Heritage:   Hélène Chalifour Scherrer
  • Minister of Natural Resources:   John Efford
  • Minister of State (Children and Youth):   Ethel Blondin-Andrew
  • Minister of State (Infrastructure):   Andy Scott
  • Minister of State (New and Emerging Markets):   Gar Knutson
  • Minister of State (Financial Institutions):   Denis Paradis
  • Minister of State (Multiculturalism and Status of Women):   Jean Augustine
  • Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario):   Joe Comuzzi
  • Associate Minister of National Defence and Minister of State (Civil Preparedness):   Albina Guarnieri
  • Minister of Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency:   Joseph McGuire
  • Minister of State (Public Health):   Carolyn Bennett
  • Minister for International Cooperation:   Aileen Carroll
  • Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons  Mauril Bélanger

© Copyright 2003 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

En-Hakkore: The Spring of the Caller

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - October 2003



I remember being in a meeting in Cloverdale, BC, a few years ago when the preacher shared on the verse from Psalm 11:3: "if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?". Her answer to the question was very simple, the righteous just need to rebuild the foundations! Amen, we may be discouraged with many things including the Government and the Supreme Court for instance, but "Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph (2 Cor 2:14). This month I want to share some teaching on powerful prayer.
I have this growing feeling that we do not need more prayer so much as more authorative prayer. We seem to need more answers to prayer and there may be a frustration at the low power level in our churches and prayer rooms. When Samuel called unto the Lord it thundered! May the Lord lead us to pray such prayers in His name and in the power of His Spirit that He tears the sky apart and comes down over our nation. Have a look at Judges 15 and the story of Samson recently captured by 3000 men of Judah and about to be handed over to the gloating Philistines.
14 As Samson arrived at Lehi, the Philistines came shouting in triumph.
But the Spirit of the LORD powerfully took control of Samson,
and he snapped the ropes on his arms as if they were burnt strands of flax,
and they fell from his wrists.
15 Then he picked up a donkey's jawbone
that was lying on the ground and killed a thousand Philistines with it.
16 And Samson said, "With the jawbone of a donkey, I've made heaps on heaps!
With the jawbone of a donkey, I've killed a thousand men!"
17 When he finished speaking, he threw away the jawbone; and the place was named Jawbone Hill.
18 Now Samson was very thirsty, and he cried out to the LORD,
"You have accomplished this great victory by the strength of your servant.
Must I now die of thirst and fall into the hands of these pagan people?"
19 So God caused water to gush out of a hollow in the ground at Lehi, and Samson was revived as he drank.
Then he named that place, En-hakkore, "The Spring of the One Who Cried Out," and it is still in Lehi to this day.
A few thoughts:
Although hopelessly outnumbered 3000 - 1, and with Samson facing humiliation from an expectant enemy, the Lord entered the situation with a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God and took control. The new ropes that were holding him back instantly fell away and a great victory was wrought with something ordinary that was to hand. The battle though was long and hard and left him exhausted looking at 'Jawbone Hill'. Then something remarkable happened that has been recorded for us in scripture. He called out to the Lord for drink of water in such a way, in the power of the anointing that was upon him, that the Lord instantly split open the hollow and made water gush out so he could drink and be revived. Samson called the place En-hakkore, 'The Spring of the One who Cried Out'.
Now may the Lord Himself help us to apply this to our own prayer lives. The Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. These impossibly tight new ropes must break under the power of the Holy Spirit as we admit that we are not in control and yield control to Him. Control might even be the main issue for us in 2003. If God can do it with the most despised jawbone of a dead ass, He can most certainly use you or me! Is this the time when the rivers of living water must spring forth from our innermost beings all over Canada? Should we not drink from the fountain of living waters and be revived from coast to coast!
Samson cried out to the Lord, he called on the Lord and the Lord answered. I believe that that was no ordinary prayer, it was a Holy Ghost prayer and it was a necessary prayer, for which God wanted to release provision. God was not helping Samson to do his thing, God was mightily doing His thing to prophetically lead the people of God out from under an enemy that both despised Israel and the glory of His name. May we be so discipled by the Lord that life springs forth as we cry to the Living God. En-Hakkore is the spring of the Caller, will you be a caller, will you cry out to God like never before from the depths of your own being as the Spirit takes control? Let us see wondrous answers to powerful prayers. A prayer:

© Copyright 2003 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


Hurricane Jezebel

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - September 2003


In the midst of many difficulties and crises it is good to remind ourselves that the Gospel is bearing fruit around the world and that we have a victorious eschatology! This is the foundation for prevailing prayer to see the purposes of God come to pass in our nation. The sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross was a total success. Look at John 12:31

"Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.
But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself."
Let us pray, proclaim and see the powers of darkness driven out (cast out, thrown out, in the name of Jesus) from our families, churches, institutions, structures and governments! Jesus will be glorified.
This Tuesday morning a very large hurricane with winds of 105 mph is moving at 8 mph toward the coast of North Carolina and may be over Toronto by Friday evening with destructive intensity. But Isabel is the Spanish version of JEZEBEL! This largest hurricane for 5 years has an ominous name for those acquainted with spiritual principalities and world rulers (Eph 6:12). Jezebel is a very powerful spirit that is not to be tolerated by the church because it has an occult root and operates through sexual perversion to intimidate and control church leaders, shut down the prayer meetings and silence the clear proclamation of the word of God ( see Revelation 2:18-24 and 1 Kings 17-21 Jezebel and Elijah). Do you see any evidence of this where you are? The hurricane is a picture of how defenseless we are when we disobey the living God and He lifts His hand of protection. Where Jezebel is already in a place of influence it is now crisis time to repent and drive this spirit out in the power of fervent and effectual prayer. (James 5:16-18 Elijah).
In the attachment you will find a copy of the letter sent to our Justice Minister, The Honourable Martin Cauchon, from the EFC, lead partner of the Interfaith Coalition on Marriage and the Family. They are dismayed, and we are too, that the government is actually seeking to quash the application of the Interfaith Coalition for leave to appeal Halpern v. City of Toronto to the Supreme Court of CanadaIn addition the government is asking for costs for their motion to quash the application of the Interfaith Coalition. The implication is that this case is frivolous and a waste of the government's and the court’s time. On the contrary, this issue is of deep concern to Canadians and directly concerns religious communities. Many Canadians believe the government should have appealed this case and it is an affront to argue not only that the case should be thrown out but also that they deserve compensation for their efforts to have it thrown out! This is so arrogant. We can only pray:
ALPHA - A CANADIAN PHENOMENON! This week in more than 2400 neighbourhoods all over Canada, the nation is being invited to an Alpha supper. It is estimated that 75,000 - 100,000 new people will attend Alpha this Fall. Even in my own church in Metrotown we are expecting 100 local people to sit down for supper tomorrow night. This is remarkable, but only logical in view of the grace of God to save sinners in answer to prayer that He has already inspired. May we pray for a mighty move of God across Canada this Fall. Let us join with the Alpha Team in prayer:

© Copyright 2003 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


La Danse - A Victory for the Gospel!

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - August 2003


DEAR READERS When praying for Canada I am often guided by what I see on the CBC news or by what I read in the Globe and Mail, but I do prefer to see these events in the context of a sovereign God who watches over the nations and knows the heart motives of all men and women. I also believe that Jerusalem is the city of the great King (Matthew 5:35) and that despite the apparent chaos of the Middle East it will result in Jesus being glorified both as Lord and Messiah. Claim the truth of Isaiah 19:24-25 and Romans 11:11-12 ; 25-28

LA DANSE - A VICTORY FOR THE GOSPEL! This was a remarkable national pilgrimage of about 300 French and English speaking Canadians that started in Montreal and ended a week ago in Vancouver and Victoria. We hosted the team here in Vancouver for two days and tried to express tokens of our love and affection especially toward the Francophones from Quebec. We wanted them to know our love, however imperfectly, and that they were welcome in Western Canada. The profound thought is that the Lord actually wants the French and English speaking Canadians to love one another - so praise God that through the Gospel this is possible. May the power of God continue to break down the dividing walls right across this country through a Gospel of reconciliation. Pray that God would continue to do a remarkable thing in this Nation.

HAS THE RESTRAINER MOVED AWAY? We are living in a time of accelerated change. The power of national and international networking means that good things and bad things can happen so much faster. Something happening in one part of the world or a nation can now cause a cascade effect that is unexpected in its intensity. A recent natural example was the black out of the electrical grid in Ontario and the NE States affecting fifty million people. Another recent breathtaking moral example is the rapid development of the acceptance of the homosexual agenda. In Canada what happened with a group of three judges in Ontario has influenced the Federal Government to change the law concerning marriage itself. This in turn could affect other nations’ attitudes. In the States over sixty percent of the Episcopal Bishops recently voted in an openly gay Bishop. But what about the scriptures? In biblical terms this is equivalent to apostasy and I have been studying Thessalonians in depth to consider how apostasy (the rebellion, the falling away etc) manifests.

In 2 Thess 2:7, Paul uniquely describes the Lord as ‘The Restrainer’, the one who restrains lawlessness until He removes Himself from the midst of it, thus giving evil the freedom it craves. God’s judgment on a people who resist the truth of the Gospel is to give them what they want, the operation of error or the strong delusion, and I am chastened to consider that God’s righteous judgments may be in our midst. If the restraining hand of God is being lifted away from Canada, then we could expect other things to happen very quickly that challenge the Word of God. This is a very serious time, and the time may be shorter than we think before the Lord’s glorious return. Romans 13 in the Message says: "The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and awake to what God is doing! ... Get out of  bed and get dressed!

MERCY SAILS INTO VANCOUVER At about the same time as the Premier of BC was declaring a province wide state of emergency due to the terrible forest fires, the US Navy Hospital Ship 'Mercy' sailed into Vancouver’s harbour. We thank God that according to James 2:13, mercy triumphs over judgment. Despite our national rejection of the Living God and the blood guilt of a million children aborted in the last 10 years, the mercy of God is still patiently calling us to repentance. Should we not seek Him with all our hearts before the voice of the innocents is heeded? Canada is a nation in the valley of decision. Intercede powerfully that we will not despise His mercy.

© Copyright 2003 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


Pastor Bob - A Statesman of Prayer for Canada

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - July 2003


"There was a man sent from God whose name was ... Bob!" In fact on December 30th, 1907, God sent Robert Hood Birch to be born in Rounthwaite, just south of Brandon, Manitoba. The future Pastor Bob was actually born in the middle of a snow storm on the best wheat land in Canada. Pastor Bob is now 95 years old and still living with his second wife Margaret in East Vancouver not far from old Saint Margaret's Church (now West Coast Christian Fellowship). Pastor Bob has become a legend all over Canada for his prayer life, his pioneering acts and for his prophetic stand for righteousness. His long anticipated authorized biography, "PASTOR BOB - A STATESMAN OF PRAYER FOR CANADA" by Beth Carson, has just been published and is available by mail order, see below. This is a Canadian book for Canadian Christians about a real Canadian! I have watched my wife, Beth, patiently research this remarkable life for five years. No small job as Pastor Bob was alive in every decade of last century, and many people had at least one anecdote about his godly influence in their lives. At a time when the Church in Canada is coming under intense pressure we can take courage and inspiration from a life that proves that Jesus Christ is "the same yesterday, today and forever". We need that same spirit of prayer to descend on the church of Canada now.


This is a story of calling, disaster, rebirth and astounding influence, lived against the backdrop of the dynamically growing city of Vancouver through most of the twentieth century. In his thirties, Pastor Bob surfaced miraculously from a deadly disease, alive but burnt-out as a pastor. Thirty years later, reluctantly pastoring at St Margaret’s Church, out of his depth, out of his comfort zone, with problems at home and conflict in his church, this serious 60-year-old was being loosened up by the Holy Spirit and ambushed by a hippy invasion. Through extreme prayer, he led thousands of (mostly young) people to lead lives full of meaning. In his seventies he pioneered Burnaby Christian Fellowship, another cutting edge church, and in his eighties he confronted Vancouver like an Old Testament prophet and established Watchmen for the Nations, a nationwide group of prayer warriors committed to extreme obedience to the Holy Spirit for the sake of the destiny of Canada.

What can we, as intercessors, learn from the life of Robert Birch? These quotes from the book give some answers.


One of young Robert's jobs was to deliver a bucket of milk to a neighbour before school. One morning, carrying the milk, Rob decided to experiment by walking with his eyes shut. Being a thorough child, he didn't cheat. Result: he fell off the sidewalk and spilled most of the milk. He then filled the bucket up with water from the ditch and the neighbour kindly kept the secret.

In his University days, Rob was known as thorough, serious and hard working - lazy friends would copy his notes. He played grass hockey and Canadian rugby, turning out doggedly on frosty mornings wearing clothes that had frozen overnight in the gymnasium.

From a letter telling of his conversion, August 1928: "I wish to forget self entirely and to be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit that I may do His will in every smallest thing."

Sermon 1973: "Lord, make me alarmed and make me amazed if I find my love, my zeal, my faith, God's Spirit in me declining."


1965: "Shouldn't we see, in our time, the sort of things we read of in the book of Acts?"

1969: During Sunday services, the hippies would wander in and sit anywhere, not nicely at the back as he had hoped. "How long do I have to put up with this?" he asked. "Until it stops bothering you," was the Holy Spirit's answer.

1970: "Liturgical or extempore prayers - one can be as dead as the other or as living as the other."

1970: "I want you, even as I am speaking, to be receiving this now... Even as the preacher talks, there should be healing; even as we sing, there should be salvation. Something should be happening while we are talking; something is happening while we are praying; something is happening while we are worshiping: it did with Jesus."

Sermon: "If you don't hear from God in the company of God's people, then we are hypocrites; we are a shame and a disgrace."

1996: "I believe it's very serious to preach if you don't have any message from God."


Praying in tongues: "this very sacred gift, of intimate spiritual communion with God."

1967: "Those who most honour the Spirit are given the greatest love for the Son."

It was known that if Pastor Bob didn't hear from God, he wouldn't leave his office... He always wanted to have God's word for anyone who came to speak to him. He didn't speak lightly. People were aware that he was praying as he spoke, listening to God, and they felt he gave them the mind of God.

Sermon: "Don't grieve the Holy Spirit; for if you grieve Him, who will lead you?"

Sermon 1996: I don't think we fully understand how radical it is to be born again. And because we don't understand the radical nature of it, we don't continue to give priority to our spirits. We tend to give more emphasis to our emotions and to our mind."


1967: "It may be for us to choose between the fire of the Holy Spirit in revival, or the fires of Judgement."

1970: "What do you sleep in in the morning for? We haven't long!"

1971: "You say, 'Isn't it awful what goes on downtown?' Have you ever been downtown sharing Christ? You say, 'Isn't it awful what goes on in my neighbour's house?' Well, have you been in your neighbour's house sharing Christ?"

1989 (quoted in the Vancouver Sun during his opposition of the "Gay Games"): "I'm not a young upstart with a fanatical idea. I'm one who realizes the dangers of sin and rebellion against God."


1970: People, young and old, who joined him for prayer in the quiet morning hours, learned how to be still in the presence of God - as one described it, "... learned that God's first language is silence and that listening is foundational to knowing the Lord."

There was a long line of younger people mentored by Pastor Bob, those who walked and talked with him, prayed with him at all hours and learned from him how to hear the Spirit's voice. But it was tough to be mentored by Pastor Bob... On one trip in the mid 1970's, he wore out his young companion with his walking, praying and witnessing, first in Athens and then Jerusalem. As his young companion collapsed into bed, Bob said, "I think I'll tarry a while in prayer." At 4:00 am there he was, still praying next to an unruffled bed.


1970: "What have we done to bring all these people? We were praying in secret; that is all."

1980's & 90's: Pastor Bob traveled in order to pray wherever God led him, to see first hand what the Spirit of God was doing around the world and to encourage other ministries. Like Paul visiting the young men he had left in various cities around the Mediterranean, Pastor Bob was eager to bless and pray for the servants of God.

1991: Just before his wedding, Pastor Bob's young Watchmen friends asked him to a "prayer meeting". When he arrived he found all sorts of old friends there, with refreshments and a gift. He chuckled when he realized he was having a stag party. But the high point of the evening was prayer.

PASTOR BOB - A STATESMAN OF PRAYER FOR CANADA 340 pages, many photographs. To request mail order information, please email

© Copyright 2003 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


Strong Delusion & Great Deception

Intercessors for Canada

Canada Day Notes - July 1, 2003


It's the night before Canada Day and I have been sitting on my patio enjoying the evening sun and being quiet before the Lord.  At long last summer is here and the clematis is in full bloom on the bower. As I look around I am so grateful to be living in such a beautiful and privileged country. Several people have wished me to have a ‘Happy Canada Day’, and I really do want to be happy, but my spirit is not at peace. These last few weeks have been a clarion call to warn that the souls of men and women in Canada are under tremendous attack.  We have to be wise and pray like never before. Let's make the fire work instead of watching the fireworks!

STRONG DELUSION & GREAT DECEPTION Are we living in the days that the apostles prophesied about? The US Supreme Court strikes down laws against sodomy and the Canadian Govt. promises to bring in laws to ratify same sex marriage. And in the UK the new Bishop of Reading is gay and our local Bishop of New Westminster has instituted the rite to bless same sex relationships. Who would have believed such a report a few years ago!

"For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in  their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and  receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. "  Romans 1:26-27

"And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie" 2 Thess 2:11

"They are from the world; therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. " 1 John 4:6

Yes, the Greek for error in Romans 1, is emphatically the same word as delusion in 2 Thessalonians, and comes in 1 John with the energy of a demonic spirit of error (or deception, deceitful, delusion). The frightful thing is that God allows the strong delusion on those who do not believe the truth but who find consistent pleasure in the things that are blatantly not of God. There is much useful information being circulated on how to contact our MP's and I sense a righteous indignation rising up whereby we realize that both in Church and State a line has been crossed that demands action. There could be a Federal Election early in 2004 and we should act and pray for the righteous to be elected. But the intercessor must stand in the gap and plead for mercy. Tear the sky apart O Lord, and come down!

A REAL CANADIAN REVIVAL In my hunger for the Living God to be manifest in everything I am doing, I have finally inquired into the Prairie revival that started in Saskatoon in October, 1971, with evangelists Ralph and Lou Soutera. The congregation at Ebenezer Baptist had been praying for the crusade for two years. A spark was lit that started a fire in many hearts and the meetings carried on to Christmas affecting Regina and then the West in 1972. To quote a report:

“The evangelistic team, Ralph and Lou Soutera, have been greatly used of God here. There are more testimonies and restitution going on here than you can imagine. Christians are publicly getting right with God and with others in a very remarkable way. After-glow meetings are held which sometimes run as late as six in the morning and it seems that in these meetings that perhaps the greatest work is done. People come under conviction of sin very suddenly and powerfully and sometimes the agony is very excruciating until release is found in Christ. [Normally] the shyest people in the congregation will not stand before a thousand people and give a ringing testimony. It is a tremendous work of the Holy Spirit of God"

Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will come in quickening power to convict of sin, righteousness and judgment. Until the fear of God is in the Church, little will change in the world! God is able.

2010: AN OLYMPIC ODYSSEY! Yes Lord, please send the Winter Olympics to Vancouver in 2010. We your church in Vancouver will seek your face over the next 7 years to prepare the City to receive the Nations in the power of God.  In that day may our City be called by the name - ‘The Lord is There’ Ezekiel  48:35

© Copyright 2003 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


A Fundamental Shift In Consciousness

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - June 2003


It is easy to get gloomy about all the things that are happening in the world but God is still vitally active in the lives of men and women. This week we honour the birth of John Wesley who was born in Epworth Rectory on June 17th, 1703, and became one of the greatest evangelists in the history of the church. What was his secret? He had a clear conversion experience from religion to Christ and a power encounter with the Holy Spirit near the start of his ministry. He believed that the Bible was the Word of God and, as he preached, so God confirmed the word with signs following. We cry out to a Saviour who is the 'same yesterday, today and forever'.  Please Lord raise up more Wesleys and Whifields in our generation for the glory of Jesus. Wesley's last words as he was dying were, "The best of all is, God is with us".

A FUNDAMENTAL SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS It’s been an important month for same sex. The Ontario Court of Appeal immediately gave permission for two gay couples to have a civil marriage. In the Justice Committee, Svend Robinson wisely kept his words short so that the vote could be taken quickly before an MP in favour of traditional marriage could get back in the room for the vote. Instead of  9-7 for appealing the Ontario Appeal Court ruling, it became 9-8 against as Derek Lee was replaced with a liberal activist MP. The liberal government Justice Minister, Martin Cauchon, has until June 30th to appeal the matter to the Supreme Court. Please pray for wisdom for him in the next two days as he consults with other ministers on a Cabinet retreat.

Svend’s C-250 bill, amending the hate crime law to include sexual orientation, has now been referred back to after September 15th when Parliament resumes. It is a remarkable feat for it to have got this far where it could soon become law. Then there is the appointment of a declared homosexual Bishop in New Hampshire. How can these things be?

From talk radio and opinion polls it seems a slim majority of Canadians don’t seem to mind gays marrying. A survey of 2939 people (Globe/Mail, June 12th) showed about 56% were in favour across Canada, with the exception of Alberta 44% and Saskatchewan 40%.  But wake up church! Another poll showed that young people aged 18 to 34 were far more likely to support the concept, with 71% in favour. Only 36% of Canadians over the age of 55 were supportive. This paragraph on the new Canada gives insight:

“Now that many of the thorny political battles waged by the first gay activists of the 1960s and 1970s have been won, the new generation has the time to refine what it means to be gay. Tossing out stereotypes, they are crossing from the margins to the mainstream, treading on heterosexual turf as though they own it. Couples are exchanging vows at commitment ceremonies with all the pomp and circumstance of a traditional wedding. They are turning to fertility clinics and open-minded adoption agencies to start alternative families that their parents never imagined possible. "There has been a fundamental shift in consciousness," said Marcia, who lives mostly in the closet with her partner in a farmhouse in a small town near Pembroke, Ont.”

Our traditional Christian values are having to confront a fundamental shift in consciousness and the church seems to be losing the battle for the minds of people, especially the younger generation. We are becoming increasingly irrelevant to the law makers and the trend is not optimistic unless God helps us. What is the real problem? I believe that we, the church, are the problem not Svend or the liberal activists.  Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday, but where is the power of God and a fervent spirit of prayer in the thousands of churches across Canada? Here in Vancouver there seems to be little fear of God in the churches, and grieving over sin and division is not apparent. How can we disciple this nation without the power, passion and wisdom that God promises to give.  I believe that the Lord will use these provocations to stir us up to seek Him like never before. Pray for the fire of God to deal with our lukewarm-ness and replace it with boldness to preach the Gospel which is still the power of God unto salvation to transform lives.


And Now For Some Good News! Just three weeks ago in a large ornate ballroom in the Hotel Vancouver, 1000 people gathered for the annual BC Leadership Prayer Breakfast, and they really prayed! It was an amazing time with government, business, labour and professional leaders concerned to pray for a wider spiritual awakening. Premier Gordon Campbell, read from the Old Testament the passage about how God looks at the heart, and the Leader of the Opposition, Joy MacPhail, read the passage where Jesus taught to forgive your brother seventy times seven if necessary. A previous NDP Premier, Mike Harcourt, stood up to pray for the Province and received rapturous applause when he said how glad he was just to be there. A few months previously he had fallen from a cliff and suffered serious injuries and he implied that God had spared his life and healed him. He declared “that if you do not believe in guardian angels you should now”, then giving thanks for living in BC he closed his prayer in the name of Jesus! God had worked deeply in his heart. Rev. Dale Lang from Tabor, Alberta, then gave a stunning address for forty minutes on the power of forgiveness through Jesus to transform an individual and a city.  Everybody was affected because this man had paid the price through the tragic death of his son through a fatal shooting at school. I attended as an intercessor to learn of the grace of God in an important section of society and I came away in awe of His mercy and grace in the lives of individuals and a city. Let’s agree with Paul to Timothy (1 Tim 2:1-2) to pray for leaders regularly because the Spirit of God is moving among them.


For everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under heaven ...

a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. (Eccl 3:1,4)

David Demian of Watchmen For the Nations recently declared:                       “The time has come for the release of hope throughout our nation. The time has come for the healing of French and English Canada. The time has come to dance.” These bold words have come from a deep vision of reconciliation to occur in Canada between the French and the English. Next month, starting in Montreal on July 25th, ‘La Danse Celebration Tour’ will conduct a courtship across the nation of Canada. A team of about 250 French and English speaking Canadians of all ages, races and denominations, will travel from Montreal to Victoria stopping in 10 other cities along the way. This will be a declaration that the walls of separation between English and French Canada are about to fall down. Like Joshua at Jericho the team will blow the trumpets in each city, and together with other believers celebrate what the Lord is about to do. Each celebration will be as unique as the city and region in which it is hosted. At the Bouchart Gardens near Victoria on Saturday, August 9th, there will be a declaration of an intended ‘marriage’ at some future date. This is a precious initiative. Please pray that the courtship across the nation will overflow with creativity, intimacy and humility from city to city. May God continue to pour His love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us (Rom 5:5).   See

© Copyright 2003 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.


The Separation of Commonsense and State

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - May 2003


As I launch out with IFC I am trying to understand some of the issues that are important to Canada and how we should pray into them. This month I am commenting on the definition of marriage, children at risk, and megacentres. I want to be clear and provoking without being too subtle. I want to communicate an urgency and a spirit of prayer. Your feedback would be very helpful.

THE SEPARATION OF COMMONSENSE AND STATE I am shocked, but should I be? Last week the BC Court of Appeal ruled that Canada’s legal definition of marriage violated the equality rights of homosexual couples wishing to marry. They want to replace the existing definition, ‘the lawful union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others’ with ‘the lawful union of two persons to the exclusion of all others’. Parliament has been given until July 12th, 2004, to make the necessary changes to the Marriage Act.

But having just read an article in the Globe and Mail by William Johnson I am no longer surprised. He made the logic so clear. I quote him: “ But in a country that, in principle, separates church and state, the state has a secular objective in legislating marriage.  Its concern is to promote public order and general welfare, not religious doctrine. Religions can continue to promote their respective  views of marriage. The state will ensure religious freedom, while pursuing other values, including the equality of citizens, the dignity of all individuals, and the better public health that comes from encouraging more stable sexual relationships.”

That’s it in a nutshell! I see it now. Religions can be tolerated if they do not interfere in the secular, pragmatic process. MP Elsie Wayne can go red in the face appealing for commonsense and the status quo re marriage:  (Quote from House of Commons Debate) “There is not any need for this nonsense whatsoever and we should not have to tolerate it inCanada”

Sorry Elsie, but we do have to tolerate it, as the state has already decided, in principle. You and your views have been separated from the state! So where does this leave the praying Christian? There is another separation we need to consider - the separation of soul and spirit. see Hebrews 4:12-13: “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And before him no creature is hidden, but all are open and laid bare to the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”

The intercessors of Canada are aware that there is a God, ‘with whom we have to do,’ and that nothing is hidden from His sight.  The soul life is concerned with what I feel, what I think and what I know without reference to God.  It is the energy of  the world system; but the life lived in the spirit is devoted to what God feels, what God thinks and what God knows. I believe that the struggle with secularism can only be answered by a church that is filled with the Spirit, that walks in the Spirit and proclaims the living and active word of God.  Hebrews 4:14  says that: ‘we have ... Jesus, the Son of God’. We need to be separated unto Him more and more in these challenging days. Pray for a greater intimacy with the Saviour and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our Land.

PRAYING FOR THE PEACE, (SHALOM) OF OUR CITIES - JEREMIAH 29:7 Shalom is a gloriously inclusive word that means prosperity, health, success in every area of life. The Hebrew sages did not know that the church could be separated from the state! Shalom reaches everywhere - even to our health. The older I get I realize that good health boils down to about four things:  plenty of walking, drink lots of water, eat fruits and vegetables daily, and do not smoke! This is very simple and yet so difficult to be sensible particularly if you are young.

A report just out identifies Canadian children as ‘Generation H’, the H being for heart attack! This is an alarming trend as our children are developing major risk factors for heart disease at such a young age. In 1999, 37% of children between the ages of 2-11were overweight and 18% were obese. Children must change their lifestyle or one day join the 80,000 Canadians who die every year from cardiovascular diseases. What does the intercessor do with this? Separate it off to the state to deal with? We must pray 'shalom' upon our children and encourage those around us by example to have healthy lifestyles.  Generation H and X etc need the power of God in their lives. Pray for a mighty awakening amongst the children and youth of Canada.

O’ METROPOLITAN CANADA, WE STAND ON GUARD FOR THEE ! Paul Martin promised last week, that when elected as the Liberal Leader and Prime Minister he would dramatically increase immigration levels each year to 1% of the total population of Canada, about 300,000 new arrivals. Now the majority of immigrants move to one of the big cities, increasing a huge trend that is about to influence Canada in a major way. One in every two Canadians already live in one of four metropolitan centres. More and more are living in this emerging metropolitan Canada that is so different from the rest of small town Canada. The megacentres are:   

        Greater Montreal Greater Toronto Area BC’s Lower Mainland The Edmonton - Calgary ‘corridor’

Smaller provinces, territories or towns could easily find themselves eclipsed in the years to come by these fast growing and powerful centres. This calls for great wisdom at the national level to find the right balance of flexibility in government. But what a challenge to live in and pray for the transformation of our megacentres! The Gospel is successful and the transforming power of Jesus Christ must be felt at every area and level of society. What a challenge to cry out to God for the new type of Christian leadership that is needed in these complex cities. We need leaders of stature to be raised up for such a time as this who have both the power of convocation and the ability to confront secularism with the word of God and be listened to. Please pray for this fervently. Our nation is still very young and formative. Will the Canadian prayer movement adapt to keep pace, or can we actually be ahead of the trend in the Spirit of Christ? God give us a hunger for this and much wisdom.

© Copyright 2003 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.

Iraq Etc. - The Challenge for the Intercessor!

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - April 2003


Millions of Christians all across Canada celebrated today that Christ is risen from the dead, is seated at the right hand of the Majesty on High as the perfect Intercessor, and will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him. He has asked the Father for the Nations, including the Middle East! This has got to be the best news ever!


As a patriot there is a natural tendency to support our own nation and it's allies in a time of conflict especially where young North American lives are at risk. But for the intercessor, demanding results from the Almighty, there has to be another natural tendency - to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church and to the Nations. It is easy to react with a snapshot opinion of a situation but a time of listening prayer and careful Bible study are essential to find out what is really happening. In a fallen world we cannot assume that our political leaders are automatically serving the interests of the Kingdom of God. To discern the unshakeable Kingdom we must know that we are part of a new holy nation that has a higher calling on our lives: see 1 Peter 2:9

"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation (ethnos), His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light ..."

So how do we pray? First of all we pray according to 1 Timothy 2:1-4 :-  for all in authority in the Nations, for wisdom and mercy on national leaders in their decision making, but supremely for the spread of the Gospel. To pray for the Body of Christ in these Muslim countries, for their preservation and multiplication. Pray through Isaiah 19:16-25 where Assyria (Iraq and Syria) are described as the 'work of God's hands', with the promise of Israel, Egypt and Assyria worshiping together. But above all pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the conversion of the Jewish people! For me the Holy Spirit is highlighting the book of Zechariah. In the day of the Lord (Zech 14:1-2), Jerusalem is the last days' focus of the Nations. I pray for mercy on any leader, (or Quartet), who decides to plan the future of Jerusalem without reference to the Almighty (Zech 12:2-3). This is the Biblical challenge for the Nations and calls us higher above politics and posturing to seek God for mercy on Canada and America.


The critical issue of the definition of marriage continues to make its way through the parliamentary process and across the country. The Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights has recently been in Vancouver, Edmonton, Moose Jaw, Steinbach, Halifax, Sussex, Sudbury and Toronto. They resume soon in Rimouski and Montreal in Quebec, April 28-29, and conclude in Iqaluit, Nunavut, on April 30th. They are researching the views of Canadians regarding changes to the definition of marriage including the recognition of same-sex couples. An excellent defense of the traditional view of marriage was presented in Vancouver by the Rev Ed Hird of St. Simon's Anglican. Ed can be contacted at for a copy of his presentation. It seems incredible that we should even have to think about praying for the definition of marriage, but pray we must! Pray for the Standing Committee in Quebec and Nunavut and for those who will make godly representation.


This has become very serious as the 14th person in Canada died yesterday as a result of SARS. Toronto is especially hard hit with distress, precautions and significant economic effects. St. Michael's Cathedral even announced that "Until the SARS outbreak is over, confessions will not be held in the confessionals".  Here is a breakdown across the nation: Ontario: 128 probable and 123 suspect cases. British Columbia: 4 probable and 39 suspect. Alberta: 5 suspect. Prince Edward Island: 4 suspect. New Brunswick: 2 suspect. Saskatchewan: 1 suspect

David Demian summed up our necessary response very clearly in the Watchmen Update for March 31st:

"I also feel an urgency in my spirit that we as the church of Canada must come in humility to the Lord at this time about the crisis in Ontario.  According to the current news reports, Ontario has the highest number of SARS cases of anywhere in the world outside of Asia. Let us cry out for mercy for Ontario even as we are crying out with Hong Kong.  Let us ask the Lord to give wisdom to the Ontario health officials, to comfort those who have have lost loved ones and to give His peace to the anxious hearts of the thousands of men, women and children that are now in self-imposed quarantine.  And let us pray that in this time of need our nation may come to a deeper realization than ever that our only hope and our only safety lie in Him"

© Copyright 2003 Intercessors for Canada. All rights reserved.