My Heart Exults and My Eyes Flash!
/Intercessors for Canada |
Canada Day Notes - July 1, 2004 |
This Canada Day sees us all with a minority government and the same Prime Minister. The system of democracy in this country is not perfect but it seems to express regional preferences that combine together for a national consensus. No matter what our private political persuasion we are called to pray for Mr. Martin and for those that have just been elected from all parties. Below is a prayer that I first heard at the end of May, when 1200 people came for the BC Leadership Breakfast at the Hotel Vancouver. This prayer is slightly modified to apply to the nation rather than just the province. It is well balanced and comprehensive without being flakey!
About 20 years ago I was in the house of my antiquarian friend inspecting his piles of old books, when quite by chance (or with the help of the Spirit), I came upon this remarkable quote by the 'prince of preachers,' and immediately wrote it down in longhand with pencil and paper. Over the years it has been a constant encouragement to me that Spurgeon saw something that would be so different from the status quo of tedious religion. He got quite excited about it! Let us pray for the politicians but never lose sight of the church as the Bride, filled with the Spirit, and proclaiming Jesus as being the real answer for Canada. This quote is valuable as it gives the true marks of a true awakening. MY HEART EXULTS AND MY EYES FLASH! Another great work of the Holy Spirit which is not accomplished is the bringing on of the latter-day glory. In a few more years - I know not when, I know not how - the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a far different style from the present. There are diversities of operations; and during the last few years it has been the case that the diversified operations have consisted in very little pouring out of the Spirit. Ministers have gone on in dull routine, continually preaching - preaching - preaching and little good has been done. I do hope that perhaps a fresh era has dawned upon us, and that there is a better pouring out of the Spirit even now. For the hour is coming, and it may be even now, when the Holy Ghost shall be poured out again in such a wonderful manner that many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased - the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the surface of the great deep; when his Kingdom shall come and his will shall be done on earth even as it is in heaven. We are not going to be dragging on for ever like Pharaoh with the wheels off his chariot. My heart exults and my eyes flash with the thought that very likely I shall live to see the out-pouring of the Spirit; when "the sons and the daughters of God again shall prophesy, and the young men shall see visions, and the old men shall dream dreams". Perhaps there shall be no miraculous gifts - for they will not be required; but yet there shall be such a miraculous amount of holiness, such an extraordinary fervour of prayer, such a real communion with God and so much vital religion, and such a spread of the doctrines of the cross, that every one will see verily the Spirit is poured out like water, and the rains are descending from above. For that let us pray: let us continually labour for it, and seek it of God.C. H. Spurgeon New Park Street Chapel, June 17th, 1855 Romans 15:13 - The Power of the Holy Ghost *************************** A PRAYER FOR THE NATION Almighty God, we come to you in prayer for the leadership of Canada. We declare our need of you and pause this day to give you thanks. We thank you for blessing us with a free country, a rich diversity of people, abundant natural resources and a beautiful environment. We pray that we will be wise managers and good stewards of all that your hands have provided. We pray for our nation and our world. Lord where there is division, conflict, bitterness and hatred, both in this country and abroad, may you bring your wisdom, justice and healing. We pray that you might bless all those who govern and administer our country, our provinces and our towns and cities. Bless also those who are in Opposition. We pray that all may be men and women who themselves are led by you; who do not seek prestige but service, and set the good of the community above the good of any individual or group. We pray for all people who work, study or volunteer in this nation. We pray you might bless the relationships upon which all productive enterprise is built, and might grant safety throughout. Help us to be worthy of the inheritance that we have received from you through our ancestors. May we protect all that we share, so that we may pass on an even finer nation to those who will inherit it from us. May we lay aside all private interests and prejudices. Unite us, we pray, in all our diversity under your sovereign rule. May all who are called to serve as leaders throughout the nation have the courage to lead us in truth and peace. Strengthen us all, we pray in the name of our Blessed Creator, Provider, and Sustainer. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN (BC Leadership Breakfast 2004) |
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