First of All - Prayer

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - January 2006


I recently felt impelled of the Lord to study 2 Timothy 3 in depth. Paul starts by stating bluntly (1), that in the last days very difficult (stressful, perilous) times will come. The deceived unbeliever will go from bad to worse (13) with a list of about 20 adverse qualities! In contrast the believer who desires to live a godly life (12), should factor in persecution and suffering for the name of Christ. But the word is clear - even in the most stressful times we are to continue in what we have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom we have learned it (14). The Scriptures are God's inspired gift to us (16), so that we can do His will under pressure. We are to be complete - ready for when He needs us to be, and equipped - trained and ready to succeed, for EVERY GOOD WORK! This is a call for biblical training and mentoring with accountability. I pray blessing on you in 2006 that no matter what pressures assail, you will do the good works that God has prepared for you to walk in (Eph 2:10). Let's believe God for good and great works for the Church of Canada!FIRST OF ALL - PRAYERAfter weeks of prayer and activism Canada has a new Prime Minister elect, Stephen Harper, with a minority Conservative government. Prime Minister Paul Martin will not lead his party into the next election. We have to trust that the Lord has allowed His sovereignty to guide the democratic process. It is a mixed result but one that allows the Lord to do the unexpected to release Canada's destiny. Pray:

1. That Stephen Harper would humble himself under the mighty hand of God 2. That he would have much wisdom in choosing his new cabinet and chief officers 3. That all four main party leaders would cooperate for the future welfare of Canada

See also and Canada's 12 Most Wanted #01 PRO-MARRIAGE

There has been much focus on the 12 candidates in Greater Vancouver likely to endorse a review of the same sex marriage debate. Of the four who were incumbents 3 were reelected. The 8 new candidates (7 CON, 1 IND) were swept away. At this stage it does not look as though a free vote in Parliament for a review on the issue would succeed. Pray for wisdom for Stephen Harper to know how to present this subject to his own party and then the Commons. NORTH AMERICA WAS NOT DESTROYED TODAY!

Over this last weekend there was a flurry of e-mails sincerely requesting urgent prayer for today, January 23rd. A red prayer alert went out concerning an attack on 7 cities: New York, Cincinnati, San Francisco, Atlanta, Dallas, Washington DC, and even Montreal! This was not about our Federal Election today but about catastrophic judgment on the world starting in North America. I groaned inwardly when I saw this as there seemed to be little or no discernment as to the accuracy of the prophecy. It is not good enough to say that Just in case it is true - prayer will not hurt! The so called confirmation to the originator that disaster would strike on January 23rd, came on October 23rd through a 12 year old boy, a seven year old girl, and another young girl all in the same church in Dover, Tennessee. This is totally inadequate in seeking confirmation of a word that affects a Continent!  These prophecies seem to have been posted on several web sites in recent months as warnings but with little discernment. Somebody came up with a list of 175 things that happened in history on January 23rd and asked if that made it significant? Answer no! The theme of 7 cities is not even original as it was the subject of a book last year concerning suitcase bombs. Where is the maturity to urge caution in giving prophecies like this that confuse the people of God and invite scorn from unbelievers? At least Chuck Colson's New Year's Dream/Nightmare was carefully described in non specific terms.

I mention this in the context of a visitor who shared at our Pastors' Prayer Fellowship last week in Vancouver, that he had been sent by God to declare that we were a 'Sodom & Gomorrah City' and that catastrophic judgment was coming this year to the West Coast. He said 'If 2005 was a year of grace, then 2006 was the year of man, subject to God's judgments.' What do we do with all of this? How do we validate the prophet?

May I suggest a few guidelines to aid in discernment of the apocalyptic prophet and the message.

  • Do they have letters of 'commendation', see 2 Cor 3:1. It is fair to ask who they are. Who can speak on their behalf to commend them for their character and gifting. Who are they accountable to?
  1. What is their history of being a prophet? Are they accurate? What is the maturity and measure of their gift.
  2. If a date specific prophecy does not come to pass then they should come under some sort of discipline   in humility. It is not good enough to say glibly that our prayers averted a disaster without some mature consideration of other factors.
  3. Was the prophecy based on numerology or Jewish festival dates and multiple coincidences? I fail to see how 2006 means it is the year of man and judgment. The real number is 2006 not 6, and in any case in the occult the integers are added up to form a number between 1-9, so 2006 = 8 ! We must   stop the drift into mystical methods that open a door to the elemental powers of the Universe.
  4. Was the prophecy recycling the obvious, or that which is already reported in the media?
  5. Was the dream or vision centered on a particular nation's destiny. There can be a form of replacement   theology where, in our enthusiasm for our own nation, it takes the place of Israel in terms of God's promises. Replacement theology however well intentioned will lead to error.


This weekend I am preparing to be part of a discussion panel at Missions Fest Vancouver on the churches' preparedness for a possible flu pandemic. I do not minimize how dangerous the world is and that 'in the last days perilous times will come'. The Lord Jesus warned about wars and rumours of wars in the last days, and there is abundant commentary on possible natural and military disasters. Some level of contingency planning is wise. In Acts 11: 27-230 there is a timely example of how a prophetic word of a regional disaster came to pass and how the saints prepared for it.

27 And in these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch. 28 And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit that there should be great dearth throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar. 29 Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea: 30 Which also they       did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.

I believe that God's judgments can be averted on occasion, they can also be downgraded in their intensity, or even the timing changed. (see Matthew 24:20-22 for the power of prayer). If a pandemic hit our nation for 12 - 18 months our church life would change beyond all recognition.


The nine Judges of the Supreme Court are very influential in their exercise of High Authority. Their decisions have recently been very controversial. It led the Globe and Mail to say in an editorial (January 3rd):

'The Supreme Court's recent decision on sex clubs raises an interesting question: Are there any social and moral norms in today's world?'

and at the end of the column:

            'Is there even such a thing as public morals in a modern society?

The Supreme Court, by a majority of 7-2, dismissed the traditional concept of a community having common values and standards and went for tolerance as long as nobody was coerced or injured! We have moved from tolerance of what people do in their own homes to an amazing tolerance of what people can now do in public places. The point that we cannot overlook is that illicit sexual activity: swinging, prostitution, orgies etc does have an effect on an area. The sexual rebellion against the Creator empowers the demonic influence both in individuals and over an area making it more resistant to the Gospel. Where will it go from here, what will our children inherit unless God intervenes with godly Judges? We need to pray hard for these Judges to rule in the fear of God. See list of names at Canada's 12 Most Wanted #01 January 2006


On the second Thursday of each month ( 11:00 am ET), there is a national prayer leaders' teleconference prayer meeting sponsored by a group of prayer leaders who committed themselves to a united prayer focus for 2006. Last week we had 28 people on the call and there was a great spirit of prayer for the nation. I believe that we will see remarkable prayer meetings springing up all over the country.


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