I must admit that I feel uncomfortable with the way things appear to be, both in the world and in the church, even in Canada. At times I want to cry out, 'God where are you?', as life seems to go on without God being relevant or a reality. The evaluation about Moses was that by faith he could see the invisible God. So can we today also do that, or is God hiding His face from us? Recently 44 nations and representatives from the EU, UN, Quartet, Arab League, Organization of the Islamic Conference, IMF and World Bank gathered in Annapolis for a Middle East Peace Conference, but where was the Word of the Lord? In the flood of media opinion I was drawn to the prophet Ezekiel believing that whatever was written in the OT was written for our instruction that we might have hope, Romans 15:4. Perhaps we will be helped to pray for the Nations and Israel. |
VINDICATING THE HOLINESS OF HIS GREAT NAME - EZEKIEL 36:23Here are some timeless principles from Ezekiel, chapters 34 to 39, that seem to be relevant to our current world situation. Similarities are:
- God speaks concerning Israel returned from exile 34:13
- Surrounded by hostile nations 36:1-7
- The hostility is an ancient one, perpetual enmity 35:5
- The nations claim the land is theirs 35:10; 36:3,5
- The nations hold Israel in contempt 36:4,15
- Many nations plan to invade Israel 38:14-16
These points alone are enough to describe the contemporary situation in the Middle East but are there other scriptures that give us insight? Is the State of Israel a political accident and an eschatological 'red herring'? I am persuaded that anytime the Jewish people return from exile to the Land of Israel it is more than coincidence. I do not believe that the Lord is either helpless nor capricious to allow the formation of the State of Israel just to upset the Muslims and to raise the price of gas!
- Return to their own land 34:13
- Climate change, showers of blessing 34:26
- Abundant fruit, crops and plantations 34:27, 29; 36:30
- Increased livestock 36:11
- Population growth 36:10, 37
- Construction and development 36:10
- Desolate land beautifully cultivated 36:35
- One nation in the land 37:22
Again this is so true of Israel over the last sixty years and is consistent with the word of God. But Ezekiel reports that the reason for the blessing has nothing to do with any virtue inherent in them. Although God calls them His people, the sheep of His pasture, 34:30-31, He also makes it clear that they are not the reason for what God is doing in them, 36:22, there is a bigger purpose at stake. God, the Lord, is concerned to vindicate the Holiness of His Great Name which He will do through:
- The judgment of the nations in conflict 38:16
- A revelation to Israel of God's deliverance power 39:22
- A visitation of God to Israel by the Holy Spirit 39:29
- Jesus as the Root of David Rev 5:5
is received as Messiah, Shepherd and King 34:23-24 & 37:24
Ezekiel 39:21 says that God will set His glory among the nations! In all these chapters the Lord reveals Himself as one who is present, active and aware of all that is happening on the earth. But He is also the God who hides Himself when His people turn to:
- Impure lifestyle and defiling acts 36:17
- Bloodshed, murder & innocent blood 36:18
- Idolatry & detestable things 36:18 & 37:23
- Iniquities & abominable deeds 36:31
- Treachery against their God 39:23, 26
In the western nations we are ripe for judgment which will always begin at the household of God, 1 Peter 4:17. We seem to be trying everything: seeker sensitive, purpose driven, extreme, emerging, re-thinking etc, when multitudes, multitudes are in the Valley of Decision, including us! Joel 3:14. We need to be moving in great repentance and moral purity, walking in the fear of God and praying in the Spirit.
I have tried to share that for a very similar situation that the world finds itself in today, God does in fact have something to say in great detail in Ezekiel 34-39. It is tempting to try and solve things in our own strength and wisdom but when it comes to the future of something like Jerusalem it leads to disaster, Zechariah 12:1-3. It is very likely that in 2008 the nations and their leaders will fall into great confusion and difficulties as the Lord resists them. Is this is how we should pray?:
- That God would vindicate the Holiness of His Great Name
- Even so plead with God for His mercy
- That the nations would quickly repent of the division of the Land of Israel
- For the veil to be removed from Jewish and Arab hearts Ez 36:26
- For all Jews to make Aliya and return to Israel Ez 39:28
- For the population of Israel to be multiplied Ez 36:37
- Wisdom for Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, and our GovernmentOne last word:
- Behold, it is coming and it will be brought about, says the Lord God.
- That is the day of which I have spoken. Ez 39:8
This was the heading in the national Post recently following the unveiling of the Olympic Mascots for the Winter Olympics in 2010. The overwhelming majority of comments submitted were negative, criticizing the Pokemon look of the characters and highlighting confusion over what sort of creature they represented. But in terms of the pagan Olympic spirit they are predictably linked to native territorial spirits:
MIGA is a mythical sea bear that is part killer whale and part Kermode spirit bear, based on the legends of the Pacific Northwest First Nations of orca whales that transform into bears when they arrive on land. The bear is the leading territorial spirit on land.
QUATCHI is a Sasquatch, 'Wild Man of the Woods'. A transforming animal/shaman/spirit of the woods?
SUMI is an animal-guardian spirit who wears the hat of the orca whale, flies with the wings of the mighty Thunderbird and runs on the furry legs of the black bear.
Sumi’s name comes from the Salish word Sumesh which means 'guardian spirit'
We should be aware of the attempt to strengthen the spirits over BC.
If you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email toinfo@int4canada.com.