Launch of National Prayer Network in Mexico

Intercessors for Canada

Mid-Month Notes - December 2010


Note:This coming year is a very critical one for Mexico, and in desperation Christian leaders are finding each other to declare 40 days of prayer and fasting from January 1st, 2011. We were privileged to observe and bless the birth of a new National Prayer Network. The International team was invited by John Robb, chair of the International Prayer Council, and included prayer leaders from Canada, USA, UK, & Sri Lanka, about 20 in all. We had a team meeting to prepare on Sunday, 14th, and a visit to the main square, the Zocalo, to observe the very centre of Mexico and the previous empires.
 Monday November 15th

Monday was a national holiday for the Centenary of the Revolution in 1910 which allowed many to come to the launch. The theatre style hall was packed with delegates, probably about 500, and you can imagine both the passion and the volume of the worship. John Robb gave a very good account of how prayer has changed nations at critical times and challenged us to change the history of Mexico through prayer. Psalm 113:4-6 - God is so great He actually looks down on His magnificent Universe. There was encouragement from Colombia about how the drug lords had been taken down in the nineties as the churches prayed. Rob Parker & Sara Maynard led the Canadian team in setting the stage for reconciliation and repentance among the delegates. This was God's time for Mexico and some deep work was done. A leading Mexico City pastor repented publicly on behalf of the City Churches for any offense to the provincial States. Another pastor spoke on Nehemiah and how they were to rally together at the sound of the trumpet, Nehemiah 4:20. Then there was a powerful time of sharing from all the States about their problems and the reasons for the problems. This led to a fervent time of prayer and it was what the Lord required. The evening closed out with prayers for Mexico to be a missionary sending nation to the ends of the Earth.

Tuesday 16th

Our team of about 20 people met for breakfast at 7:00 am followed by a time of prayer. There were several highlights of the prayer ministry during the day:

  1. A powerful time of reconciliation where the American team asked for forgiveness from the Mexicans gathered. This was quickly given and much prayer went up. It was wonderful how Americans on the team from border states were able to form a bridge together with Mexicans also from opposite parts of the same border. It was proclaimed that the fire of God would go from coast to coast along the border. Powerful!
  2. After lunch, the international team met with the Mexican executive team, led by Dr. Carlos Quiroa. We anointed them with oil and prayed and prophesied.
  3. It was then the turn of the Canada team to share some prayer needs with the congregation which resulted in the executive praying over us with fervency as we knelt before them on the stage.
  4. We then prepared ourselves for a precious moment when about 6:00 pm we were visited by Margarita Zavala, wife of Mexico's President, Felipe Calderon. She is a committed Christian and came not just to greet us but to request prayer. Two young adults and two children prayed over her and she was very moved. The teams from Canada and America presented her with gifts. Rob Parker, from NHOP in Ottawa, gave her a beautiful hand-made vase on behalf of Canada. The First Lady was very tender as she thanked us for ongoing prayer for her husband and their young children at this very challenging time for Mexico.

There was a united realization that this had been a very significant day of prayer for the Nation in a spirit of unity. It was a good foundation to birth the prayer network and with wisdom to see it grow. Some prophesied a tidal wave of the Holy Spirit coming, while another said it would come up from the south from the border with Guatemala! John Robb ministered on 2 Chronicles 20 and the importance of waiting on the Lord to bring the victory while the people of God worshipped and trusted Him.

Wednesday 17th 

On a bright sunny morning we arrived in the Zocalo shortly after 8:00 am to find a group of Pastors and Intercessors praying loudly in front of the Presidential Palace. Armed security guards, some in facemasks, were all around the Square, as security was high in advance of the Revolution Centenary Celebrations. A very large map of Mexico had been placed on the ground and all the states were clearly named. Representatives from the 32 States had a large copy of their State flag and emblem to take back home and return with it when called together again. For an hour there was fervent prayer for every area of Mexico with some standing in their socks on the map! So from the very centre of Mexico the new national Prayer Network was proclaimed. On December 2nd about 800 Pastors gathered to learn of the vision which includes 40 days of prayer and fasting from January 1st, 2011, and 32 Marches For Jesus in all the State Capitals on June 11th, 2011. The time for Mexico is now!

Yours in Christ for Canada, Pastor David Carson Director, Intercessors For CanadaIf you wish to comment on any of this or communicate with us please send an email to




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